Michael Rebell, Professor of Law and Educational Practice
Please tune in to MetroFocus, the multi-platform PBS news magazine focusing on the New York region, on August 20 as Michael Rebell, Executive Director of Teachers College's Center for Educational Equity and Professor of Law and Educational Practice, talks with journalist Jack Ford about his new book, Flunking Democracy: Schools, Courts and Civic Participation. Rebell and his students from TC and Columbia Law School are preparing a lawsuit, which they hope to ultimately bring before the U.S. Supreme Court, which will argue that children have a constitutional right to an education that prepares them for citizenship.
Barring breaking news or other developments, the segment will air on New York-area PBS channels on August 20 at the following times:
WNET – 6 p.m. – Channel 13
NJTV – 5:30 p.m. – see website for channel
WLIW – 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. – Channel 21