Jacqui Getz (M.A. ’85) (Photo Credit: Alyson Walsh)
As Principal of, M.S. 297 (75 Morton Street) in Manhattan, Jacqui Getz (M.A. ’85) is best known for her leadership style, which is premised on a philosophy of engaging all school community members in dialogue. Now, after spotting her at an event, fashion journalist Alyson Walsh is blogging about her sartorial sophistication at That’s Not My Age, Some sleuthing by Walsh about “the gorgeous mystery woman” drew this response from Getz’s husband, David (M.A. ’84), another TC alum who is principal at East Side Middle School: “That’s my stylish wife! Actually, that’s my only wife. And she loves your blog! And she’s the smartest school principal in NYC.”
Read a story about the Getzes on TC’s site.