Dear Colleagues:
I’m pleased to report that Heidi Franz joined the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration (OVPFA) as our first Director of Strategy and Project Management. Reporting directly to me, Heidi joins our leadership team as we prepare to develop and implement strategic initiatives that will require collaboration across multiple working groups within the OVPFA and across the College.
We created this new role as part of our commitment to fostering a culture of greater transparency, more open communication, and best practices, where our collaborative efforts bring maximum value to the College. Heidi brings to our team extensive academic and industry experience along with a very strong background in analytics and financial and data modeling. In her role, she will partner with TC teams to advance, monitor and ensure the execution of projects on time and within budget. She looks forward to engaging with all stakeholders and established committees in an inclusive and collaborative way.

Heidi Franz (Photo: TC Archives)
While at Rutgers University, where I was fortunate to have her as a member of my team, Heidi worked on small and large initiatives that often engaged people from many diverse areas including third party consultants and vendors, auxiliary unit project teams, academic department administrators, tenured and non-tenured faculty, department chairs, deans, students, and colleagues from central administration groups in the finance, information technology, human resources and facilities organizations.
Her communication and change management skills will be an asset to the OVPFA and serve Teachers College well. Please feel free to stop by the OVPFA office – upstairs next to the conference room – to welcome Heidi, or send her a note at
JoAnne Williams
Vice President for Finance and Administration