Longtime TC Professor of Education Stephen Silverman has assumed a new role as the Dean of the College of Education at Florida Atlantic University (FAU).
A former chair of TC’s Department of Biobehavioral Sciences and senior advisor to the Provost on research preparation, Silverman assumed his new duties at the beginning of August.
He will remain with the TC community as a Professor Emeritus.

NEW WATERS Silverman assumed his duties at Florida Atlantic University in August. (Photo courtesy of Florida Atlantic University College of Education)
“Dr. Silverman is a scientist and educator of the first rank who has introduced new paradigms ranging from the importance of early motor skill development to new approaches in the preparation of educational research scholars,” said TC President Thomas Bailey. “His service as an editor of leading journals, president of major professional societies in his field, and department chair at Teachers College gives him the stature and experience to be a superb dean. Steve will be missed in our community, but we congratulate Florida Atlantic University on this excellent choice to lead its College of Education.”
Steve will be missed in our community, but we congratulate Florida Atlantic University on this excellent choice to lead its College of Education.
—Thomas Bailey
FAU Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Bret Danilowicz said Silverman brings to the 40,000-student public university “a wealth of experience in the areas of enhancing research infrastructure, developing strong graduate programs, working with accreditation bodies, and collaborating with faculty to promote student success.”
During his 21 years at TC, Silverman focused his research on teaching and learning (motor skill and attitude) in physical education and on methods for conducting research in field settings.
Honored by the American Educational Research Association with its inaugural Exemplary Research Paper Award, Silverman is the co-author of 18 books on teaching and research. These include Proposals that Work: A Guide to Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals (6th ed., 2014, Sage), Student Learning in Physical Education: Applying Research to Enhance Instruction (2nd ed., 2003, Human Kinetics), Reading and Understanding Research (3rd ed., 2010, Sage), and Research Methods in Physical Activity (7th ed., 2015, Human Kinetics). He has published more than 150 papers and research articles on physical education.
His work has been also been cited by the National Association of Sport and Physical Education, the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Research Consortium.
Silverman has previously served as national chair of Health and Safety Services for the American Red Cross and was a member of the Physical Education Standards Committee of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards. He is a Fellow in the AAHPERD Research Consortium and an Active Fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology and is a past-president of both organizations.
“TC was a great place to work and to conduct research and scholarship,” Silverman said. “I have wonderful colleagues who will remain friends for a long time.”