Dear TC Community,

I’m pleased to share an update about the Public Good Initiative, which a number of you have heard me talk about over the last few months. With our faculty experts, dedicated students, passionate alumni and on-the-ground partners, we are rising to meet global challenges through our teaching, research, and real-world interventions. 

You’re now able to learn more about this work in one place, here, and take a deeper dive in our new podcast series, Pursuing the Public Good, launching today.

The podcast series features TC faculty members in dialogue, and delves more deeply into four pivotal subject areas where we are working to address pressing social challenges across the globe:

  • The need for evolving K-12 teacher and literacy preparation;
  • Interventions that address mental health and wellness, in K-12 and beyond;
  • Effective ways to prepare educators for addressing environmental sustainability and climate change in their classrooms; and
  • How we harness technological advances to benefit K-12 educators and higher education.

I welcome you to check out the page and search for “Pursuing the Public Good” wherever you listen to podcasts and subscribe, so you will be sure to have the latest episodes when they are released. Our work will grow as we build, and we want you to stay engaged as we focus on impact.

And let us know your comments and what more you’d like to hear!

Warm regards,
Tom Bailey Signature
Thomas Bailey
Teachers College, Columbia University