Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia is a faculty member for the Department of Organization and Leadership, Teachers College, Columbia University, where he is teaching courses in collective intelligences in organizations (i.e., emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and cultural intelligence), qualitative data analysis, strategic learning and leadership. He is also the Director of The Columbia Coaching Certification Program, a strategic partnership between the Corporation Learning Solutions Group at Teachers College and Executive Education The Columbia Business School.
A Leader's Guide to Leveraging Diversity: Strategic Learning Capabilities for Breakthrough Performance
Terrence E. Maltbia is Director of The Columbia Coaching Certification Program and a Senior Lecturer for the Department of Organization and Leadership, at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA.
Anne T. Power is a consultant, researcher and educator working in the USA and abroad to facilitate the sustained development of individuals and teams in both private and public sector organizations.
Available at retail and online bookstores: Including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Learning from Experience through the Executive Coaching Competencies
Leadership Team Coaching
Written by Dr. Terrance E. Maltbia and Victoria Marsick
Paper presented at the 2009 AHRD International Research Conference.