Research Media

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Made as part of the research process, or peer reviewed:

Becoming Tapestry: Podcast Dissertation

"A multimodal ethnography and documentary podcast submitted by the Rev. Kyle Matthew Oliver in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education in the Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design Program at Teachers College, Columbia University."

Unflattening: a Graphic Art Dissertation

"Written and drawn entirely as comics, Unflattening is an experiment in visual thinking. Nick Sousanis defies conventional forms of scholarly discourse to offer readers both a stunning work of graphic art and a serious inquiry into the ways humans construct knowledge." - Harvard University Press

Secret Feminist Agenda: Peer-Reviewed Podcast

"WLU Press, in collaboration with Hannah McGregor, scholar and podcaster at Simon Fraser University/Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing, is working to devise a new editorial methodology for the evaluation, editorial and production revision, peer review, and design and dissemination of podcasts as a unique form of scholarly communication. Dr. McGregor’s Secret Feminist Agenda is our pilot scholarly podcast and we invite you to read the open peer reviews of the SFA's complete first season." - Wilfrid Laurier University Press

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