
DFI collaborates with Teachers College faculty and community members to create and support the creation of media for use in pedagogy, scholarship and research. Together we produce original podcasts and video series, support multimodal research, and provide trainings and resources to foster the use of media to create connections within and beyond the university.

Featured Media

AI-generated abstract illustration of kids wearing pirate costumes while playing with building blocks

Pop and Play Podcast: Season 4, Episode 9

Children's Immersive Play

This week Haeny and Nathan get schooled. Specifically they visit the first grade classroom of first-grade teacher and education scholar Carmen Llerena and talk to some kids! They learn how to play pirates, all about Rainbow Friends, and how to navigate conflict through pretend play. They talk about how kids use available materials to play in unexpected ways, the role of adults when it comes to shaping spaces where kids play, and learn about how easily imaginary worlds emerge from a pile of blocks. 

DFI Supported Podcasts and Video Series

DFI Media Studios

DFI Media Studios are located in Macy 259. DFI Media Studios include Studio A, a full service video studio used with collaboration from DFI staff, and Studio B, which has podcasting and asynchronous video stations and can be reserved for use with DFI staff support.

Media Creation Resources

Student Media Resources

Explore resources available on campus and beyond

Post Production station at Sloate Media Center

Self-Guided Resources

For multimedia making, pre- and post-production

media creation main image

Event Calendar

Keep an eye out for workshop opportunities

Multimodal Toolkit

Browse resources related to multimodal scholarship at DFI.

Scholarly Media Website

A curated browsing experience organizing Scholarly Media by genre. Audiences enjoy the ease of finding content according to their interest, and the possibilities for media in academics and research can be felt, heard, and seen.

"Scholarly Media: Created or Curated by the Digital Futures Institute" with headphones and a microphone

Audio and Video Production Support and Collaboration

Are you Teachers College community member considering making media as part of your pedagogy, research or scholarship? Do you have a project to talk over, a question about media production, or would you like to discuss getting support from our team in Macy Studios? Ask DFI and we'll be in touch!

Please be advised that this is a request and our team will review and contact you to follow up.

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