Multimodal Toolkit

Multimodal Scholarship at DFI

Instructional Media & Multimodal Approaches Across Spaces

What is Multimodal Scholarship?

Written text and spoken presentations are familiar forms for scholarly outputs. But written text is only one of many "modes" of communication! "Multimodal scholarship" recognizes the expanded nature of knowledge construction and refers to the use of multiple forms of communication and technologies to shape and support research, including methods of inquiry, data collection, and forms of analysis, representation, and dissemination.

At DFI, we provide various forms of support and resources necessary for students and faculty to realize multimodal scholarship projects.

Multimodal Toolkit

It can be challenging (and sometimes lonely!) to embark on a multimodal research project. The following resources were created by the DFI team and affiliates to help navigate the process of producing multimodal scholarship.

the text of the word "multimodal" underlined in yellow marker

Introduction to Multimodality (for scholars!)

A brief video overview of the term "multimodal" for those interested in incorporating multimodality into their teaching and research. 

a screenshot of an illustrated guide to the grammars of different modalities

Modes and Grammars

Working in, or evaluating multimodal research requires an understanding of the grammars that each mode uses. 

a graphical represenartion via orange and gray dots of "objectives of method" about connecting listeners to literature in accessible ways

Engaging and Citing Sources Multimodally

Learn how to treat sources multimodally, from the moment of selection to publication. 

MODES video series

Gallery Exhibit: MODES

MODES was an interactive exhibit in the DFI Gallery Space that told the story of five TC-affiliates' multimodal dissertations. Browse the event media for reflections on the process of developing multimodal scholarship. 

page one of the multimodal publishing database

Multimodal Publishing Database

Browse a compendium of research journals interested in multimodality in its various forms.

The panel and audience members at multimodality and academic publishing event

Multimodality and Academic Publishing

This timely discussion explores how academic publishing can evolve to fully embrace diverse multimodal scholarship. The panelists represent leading journals, scholars, and organizations at the forefront of these changes. 

a microphone in front of a projector screen with the masclab logo

MASCLab Recent Publications

MASCLab is a hub for creating, curating, and supporting multimodal and digital scholarship at Teachers College, Columbia University that explores the relationship between media and social change. Browse their recent publications. 

Multimodal Scholarship Resources @ DFI

Check out these additional resources available at DFI for supporting multimodal research:

Perspectives on Multimodal Scholarship

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