Karp, Alexander P. (apk16)

Alexander P. Karp

Professor of Mathematics Education

Office Location:

323D Thmps

Office Hours:

W 3:00-4:30; Thu 5:00-6:30

Educational Background

B.A., M.A. in Mathematics and Education, Leningrad State Pedagogical University
M.A. in History and Education, St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University
Ph.D. in Mathematics and Education, St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University

Languages: Russian, English, German, Latin

Scholarly Interests

Gifted education
Problem Solving
History of Mathematics Education

Selected Publications

Karp, A. (2018). Mark Vygodsky: several episodes from the life of a scholar. BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics.

Karp, A. (2018). Russian mathematics teachers, 1830-1880: Toward a group portrait. In. Fulvia Furinghetti & Alexander Karp (Eds.), Researching the History of Mathematics Education (pp.107-130). Springer.

Karp, A. (2017). Some thoughts on gifted education and creativity. ZDM Mathematics Education,  49, 159–168.

Karp, A. (2017). On the Russian national subcommission of the ICMI. In K. Bjarnadottir et al. (Eds.) “Dig where you stand” 4 (pp. 149-166). Rome: Edizioni Nuova Cultura.

Karp, A. (2013). From the local to the international in mathematics education. In M. A. Clements, A. Bishop, C. Keitel, J. Kilpatrick, & F. Leung (Eds.), Third international handbook of mathematics education, 797-826. New York: Springer.

Karp, A. (2012). Andrey Kiselev: the Life and the Legend.  Educ. Matem. Pesq., São Paulo, v.14, n.3, pp. 398-410

Karp, A. (2012). Soviet mathematics education between 1918 and 1931: a time of radical reforms. ZDM/International Mathematics Education.

Karp, A. (2011). Toward a history of teaching the mathematically gifted: Three possible directions for research. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 11(1), 8-18.

Karp, A., & Vogeli, B., (Eds.), (2011). Russian mathematics education: Programs and practices, (Vol. 5). London-New Jersey-Singapore: World Scientific.

Karp, A., & Vogeli, B. (Eds.). (2010). Russian mathematics education: History and world significance, (Vol. 4). London-New Jersey-Singapore: World Scientific.

Selected Publications

Karp, A. (2013). From the local to the international in mathematics education. In M. A. Clements, A. Bishop, C. Keitel, J. Kilpatrick, & F. Leung (Eds.), Third international handbook of mathematics education, 797-826. New York: Springer.

Karp, A. (2012). Soviet mathematics education between 1918 and 1931: a time of radical reforms. ZDM/International Mathematics Education.

Karp, A. (2011). Toward a history of teaching the mathematically gifted: Three possible directions for research. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 11(1), 8-18.

Karp, A., & Vogeli, B., (Eds.), (2010, 2011). Russian mathematics education: History and world significance (vol. 4).  Programs and practices, (vol. 5). London-New Jersey-Singapore: World Scientific.

Karp, A. (2010). Analyzing and attempting to overcome prospective teachers’ difficulties during problem-solving instruction. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13(2), 121-139.

  • Golden medal for academic excellence, 1976
  • Federal Medal for Outstanding Teaching, 1989
  • Winner of the St. Petersburg Textbook Competition, 1993
  • Soros Foundation Outstanding Teacher Award, 1994
  • Soros Foundation Outstanding Teacher Award, 1995
  • Soros Foundation Outstanding Teacher Award, 1998
  • Soros Foundation Outstanding Teacher Award, 2001
  • Winner of the Russian National Textbook Competition, 1999
  • Winner of the Russian National Textbook Competition, 2000
  • Winner of the Russian National Textbook Competition, 2001
  • Winner of the Russian National Textbook Competition, 2002



  1. Problems for Mathematics Exams. St. Petersburg. Orakul, 1997, 1999, 2000
  2. Algebraic Problems for Grade 7 (with L. Efstafieva) Moscow, "Drofa" 1998, 2000
  3. Algebraic Problems for Grade 8 (with L. Efstafieva). Moscow, "Drofa", 1999, 2000.
  4. Mathematics in St. Petersburg school. Resource guide. (with V. Nekrasov). St. Petersburg, "Spezial'naya literature", 2000.
  5. Mathematics for Grade 11: Textbook (with A. Werner), Moscow, Prosveschenie, 2001, 2002.
  6. Algebraic Problems for Grade 9 (with L. Efstafieva). Moscow, "Drofa", 2001
  7. A Collection of Problems to Be Used in Mathematics Exams (Experimental). (with V.Nekrasov) - St. Petersburg, SMIO-PRESS, 2000, 2001
  8. Mathematics for Grade 10: A Collection of Problems (with A. Werner), Moscow, Prosveschenie, 2002.
  9. Mathematics for Grade 11: A Collection of Problems (with A. Werner and L. Efstafieva), Moscow, Prosveschenie, in print.

Articles In Journals and Collected papers

  1. Russian Schools for the Mathematically and Scientifically Talented: Can the Vision Survive Unchanged? (with E.F. Donoghue & B.R.Vogeli). Roeper Review, vol-22. #2, January, 2000, 121-122.
  2. The Preparation of Teachers of the Mathematically Gifted: An International Perspective (with L. Evered). NCSSSMST Journal, vol. 5, # 2, May, 2000, 6-8.
  3. Exams in Mathematics (secondary school) - Russian experience: traditions, changes, difficulties. - In Abstracts of Plenary Lectures and Regular Lectures at ICME-9, 2000, 64-65.
  4. Combining Russian and Western Approaches in Teaching Mathematics to Students of Humanities. - in Proceedings of the Conference "Cultural Diversity in Mathematics (Education)" Oral Presentations in Working Groups, Chichester, University College of Chichester, 2000, p.223-230.
  5. Classroom Activity vs. Examination: Beliefs and Practice in Mathematics Education (a Russian/UK Comparative Study) (with W.Evans and O. Ivanov) - in Proceedings of the Conference "Cultural Diversity in Mathematics (Education)", Workshops, Chichester, University College of Chichester, 2000, p.209-216.
  6. Classic of Mathematics Education. Accepted for publication by "Matematika v schkole".
  7. Thirty Years After: the Lives of Former Winners of Mathematical Olympiads Accepted for publication by "Roeper Revue".
  8. Exams in Mathematics: Russian Experiments Submitted to "The Mathematics Teacher"
  9. Math Problems in Blocks: How to Write Them and Why. Accepted for publication by "PRIMUS"

Number of articles in the Russian national press on education issues; own column in the newspaper The Soviet Teacher between 1989-1991

Research reports
Results of Research into Student Achievement Level in Mathematics. Annual Reports (1993-1998)
Results of TACIS CITY-TWINNING PROJECT "Independent Examination and Assessment", 1998.

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