Mckesey, Dennis B. (dbm2147)

McKesey, Dennis

Adjunct Professor

Office Hours:

By Appointment

Dr. Dennis B. McKesey is the Founder and CEO of In Our Best Interest LLC and The Off School Grounds Coalition, Inc. He is a dedicated, innovative and resourceful education professional with close to thirty (30) years of experience in working for private, public and charter schools in New York City. It is his belief that with the support of Educators' and their passion to learn and grow, we can enhance capacity to facilitate students' learning, mental and social emotional growth, all of which leads toward urban school reform and community development.  As an Alma Mater of Mercy College with accreditations in School Administration and Supervision, a graduate of Columbia University Graduate School of Business Leadership Development Program, and having successfully completed his Educational Doctorate at the University of New England, he remains passionate for the direct involvement of community and education through effective school leadership.  Dennis consults nationally with teachers and administrators at schools and districts and has presented at school leadership conferences. As a former principal at one of the most premier charter schools in the country, he built a proven track record of success and desired to share his effective and beneficial strategies with other educators in the area and across the nation.

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