Roosevelt, Dirck (dr2692)

Dirck Roosevelt

Director, Doctoral Specialization in Teacher Education; Director, M.A. in Curriculum & Teaching; Director, Professional Certification M.A.s (elementary and secondary)

Office Location:

306B Zankel

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Educational Background

Ph.D. in Curriculum, Teaching, & Education Policy, Michigan State University

B.A. in English (major), Elementary Education (minor, with Vermont certification), Middlebury College

Scholarly Interests

Role of the imagination in learning to teach; teacher education for intellectual and moral authority; teaching, teacher education, and the democratic project; child study; prospective teachers’ conceptualizations of children and of teaching; education of teacher educators.


Selected Publications

Roosevelt, D., & Garrison, J. (2018). “Yet the root of the matter is not in them”: Reclaiming the lost soul of inspirational teaching. Educational Theory, 68(2), 177-195

Roosevelt, D. (2011). To see is not to own: Child Study as a practice of attention for beginning teachers. The New Educator, 7(3), 240 – 273.

Roosevelt, D. (2007). “What gives you the right?”: Earning moral and intellectual authority to teach. In Carroll, D., Featherstone, H., Featherstone, J., Feiman-Nemser, S., & Roosevelt, D. (Eds.), Transforming teacher education: Reflections from the field. Cambridge: Harvard Education Press, 93 – 112.

Roosevelt, D. (2007). Keeping real children at the center of teacher education: Child Study and the local construction of knowledge in teaching. In Carroll, D., Featherstone, H., Featherstone, J., Feiman-Nemser, S., & Roosevelt, D. (Eds.), Transforming teacher education: Reflections from the field. Cambridge: Harvard Education Press, 113 – 137.

Carroll, D., Featherstone, H., Featherstone, J., Feiman-Nemser, S., & Roosevelt, D. (Eds.) (2007). Transforming teacher education: Reflections from the field. Cambridge: Harvard Education Press.

Richardson, V., & Roosevelt, D. (2004). Teacher preparation and the improvement of teacher education. In M. Smylie & D. Miretzky (Eds.), Developing the teacher workforce. (National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook, 103, Part 1), 105-144. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Roosevelt, D. (1998). “Unsuspected literatures”: Public school classrooms as laboratories for the creation of democratic culture. Theory into Practice, 37(4).

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