Educational Background
Ed.D. Educational and Organizational Leadership, University of Pennsylvania
M.Ed., Dance Education, Temple University
B.S. Speech & Theatre, Bemidji State University
B.S. Health & Physical Education, Bemidji State University
Scholarly Interests
Intersection of arts education and social emotional learning; assessment as a pedagogical tool; arts integrated teaching and learning; educational policy.
Selected Publications
Schmid, D. W., & McGreevy-Nichols, S. (2021). Building the dance community virtually during COVID-19. Arts Education Policy Review, 1-8.
Grier, S. (2021). Responding & rebuilding amidst dual pandemics: an interview with state fine arts coordinators Alysia Lee & Dale Schmid. Arts Education Policy Review, 1-9.
Schmid, D. (2019). Dance Entry Level Teacher Assessment (DELTA): Reframing dance teacher preparation through consensus building. Arts Education Policy Review, 120(3), 149-164.
Schmid, D. W. (2015). A validity study of the national dance education organization's dance entry level teachers' assessment (DELTA). University of Pennsylvania.
Schmid, D. (2012). Data mining: A systems approach to formative assessment. Journal of dance education, 12(3), 75-81.
Dean, C., Ebert, C. M. L., McGreevy-Nichols, S., Quinn, B., Sabol, F. R., Schmid, D., ... & Shuler, S. C. (2010). 21st Century Skills Map: The Arts. Partnership for 21st Century Skills.
Schmid, D. W. (2003). Authentic assessment in the arts: Empowering students and teachers. Journal of dance education, 3(2), 65-73.