Rosenzweig, Elizabeth A. (ear2178)

Scholarly Interests

Dr. Rosenzweig serves children with hearing loss and their families around the world via telepractice and mentors future speech-language pathologists.  As a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Certified Auditory Verbal Therapist (LSLS Cert. AVT), she is passionate about parent/caregiver mediated early intervention to help children with hearing loss develop listening and spoken language.  Her research interests include trauma-informed care, culturally responsive auditory verbal practice, outcomes for children with hearing loss, and personnel preparation.

Educational Background

PhD, Physical Disabilities Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Teachers College Columbia University

Selected Publications

Rosenzweig, E.A.  (2021).  Telepractice for children with hearing loss.  In J. Madell and J. Hewitt (Eds.)  Aural rehabilitation.  Thieme.  (in press)

Rosenzweig, E.A., & Voss, J.  (2021).  Their words, their world: A paradigm for culturally-relevant family-centered intervention.  Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. 

Rosenzweig, E.A., Voss, J., Melo, M., & Hinojosa, F.  (2021).  Family-centered intervention for deaf and hard of hearing multilingual learners.  In M.M. Musyoka & S.O. Adeoye (Eds.), Deaf education and challenges for bilingual/multilingual students.  Springer.

Lartz, M.N., & Rosenzweig, E.A.  (2021).  Early intervention programs: Therapy needs of children ages 0-3 years pre- and post-cochlear implantation.  In N. M. Young & K. Iler Kirk (Eds.), Pediatric cochlear implantation: Learning and the brain (2nd edition).  Springer.

Rosenzweig, E.A., & Smolen, E.R.  (2021).  Providers’ rates of auditory verbal strategy utilization.  The Volta Review, 120(2), 79-95.

MacIver-Lux, K., Smolen, E.R., Rosenzweig, E.A., & Estabrooks, W.  (2020).  Strategies for developing listening, talking, and thinking in Auditory-Verbal Therapy.  In W. Estabrooks, H.M. Morrison, & K. MacIver-Lux (Eds.), Auditory-Verbal Therapy: Science, research, and practice (pp. 521-562).  Plural Publishing Inc.

Glade, R., Rosenzweig, E.A., and Smolen, E.R.  (2019).  Introduction to auditory skill development.  In R. Glade and K. Frasier (Eds.), Communication disorders: Foundations and clinical applications for educators and emerging clinicians (pp. 123-139).  Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.

Rosenzweig, E.A., Smolen, E.R., & Hartman, M.  (2018).  Serving families who have adopted children with hearing loss.  The Hearing Journal, 71(11), 12-13.

Rosenzweig, E. A.  (2017).  Auditory verbal therapy: A family-centered listening and spoken language intervention for children with hearing loss and their families.  Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups SIG 9, 2(2), 54-65.  

Carlson, M., Haynes, D., Driscoll, C., Sladen, D., DeJong, M., Rosenzweig, E. A., Sunderhaus, L., Douglas, W. M., Headley-Williams, A., Taylor, A., Hayes, C., Davis, T., and Gifford, R.  (2015).  Evidence for the expansion of pediatric cochlear implant criteria.  Otology and Neurotology, 36(1), 43-50.

Board of Directors, AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language

NY State Chapter Champion, American Cochlear Implant Alliance

Advisor, Escuchar sin LĂ­mites

Member, American Speech-Language Hearing Association


Elizabeth Rosenzweig CV

Elizabeth Rosenzweig CV

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