Rivero, Edward (er2687)

Edward Rivero

Visiting Associate Professor in Bilingual/Bicultural Education

Office Hours:

Office Hours change each semester. Please email for office hours appoint or use link Location: 421A Thompson 

Educational Background

Eddie Rivero, Ph.D., is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Teachers College, Columbia University, in the Bilingual/Bicultural Education program. His research examines the cultural practices, digital literacies, and sociopolitical meaning-making that young people develop through their everyday media and play activities, with a particular emphasis on emergent bilingual youth. Dr. Rivero’s work explores both how technologies, including artificial intelligence, can be used to surveil and constrain student learning as well as how young people can leverage these same technologies to co-dream and co-construct alternative and more liberatory social futures.

Dr. Rivero's research is grounded in critical sociocultural perspectives that examine how young people's everyday engagement with sociotechnical ecologies influence their cognitive and linguistic development. His work particularly focuses on how video games, social media, and artificial intelligence mediate youths’ understanding of race, history, and relations of power in contemporary society. By investigating how technologies can reproduce and challenge systemic inequities, Dr. Rivero’s research has implications for how teachers can leverage technologies to co-construct equitable and syncretic learning ecologies with and for youth.

Ph.D. UC Berkeley Graduate School of Education. Learning Sciences & Human Development/ Language, Literacy, & Culture

M.Ed. Boston University. School Counseling

B.A. UC Berkeley. Ethnic Studies

Scholarly Interests

Early Digital Literacies

Bilingual/Bicultural Education

Designing for Equity

Play Pedagogies

Culturally Responsive Pedagogies

Selected Publications

Cortez, A., Lizárraga, J. R., & Rivero, E. (2024). AlgoRitmo Literacies In Gaming: Leveraging Chicanx Praxis To Reimagine AI Systems. Reading Research Quarterly.

Rivero, E., Gutiérrez, K.D. (2022). Children Learning by Observing and Pitching In to community endeavours in online gaming communities (Los niños Aprenden por medio de Observar y Acomedirse a las actividades de la comunidad en los juegos en línea). Journal for the Study of Education and Development.

Ryokai, K., Jacobo, S., Rivero, E. (2022). Examining children’s design processes, perspective-taking, and collaboration when using VR head-mounted displays. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.

Escude, M., Rivero, E., & Montano, J. (2020). Designing for belonging and becoming in an afterschool tinkering program. Afterschool Matters, 31, 42-50.

Gutiérrez, K. D., Becker, B., Espinoza, M., Cortes, K., Cortez, A., Lizárraga, J. R., Rivero, E., Villegas, K., & Yin, P. (co-equal authors). (2019). Youth as Historical Actors in the Production of Possible Futures. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 26(4), 291-308.

Gutierrez, K. D., Higgs, J., Lizarraga, J. R., & Rivero, E. (2019). Learning as movement in social design-based experiments: Play as a leading activity. Human Development, 62 (1-2), 66-82.

AERA Cultural Historical SIG (CH SIG 30)

Cortez, A., Rivero, E., Shrodes, A., McKoy, A (*)., & Hunter, A. (*) (under review). Sociopolitical gaming literacies: Developing tactical responses to power through collaborative digital composing. English Teaching: Practice & Critique.

Cortez, A. Lizarraga, J., Rivero, E. (under review) AlgoRitmo Literacies In Gaming: Leveraging Chicanx Praxis To Reimagine AI Systems. Reading and Research Quarterly. 

Jacobo, S., Rivero, E., Glitching with Emotes: Exploring Young People’s Racial Meaning-Making Practices on Twitch. Mind, Culture, and Activity. 

421A Thompson

Rivero, E., Gutiérrez, K.D. (2022). Children Learning by Observing and Pitching In tocommunity endeavours in online gaming communities (Los niños Aprenden por medio de Observar y Acomedirse a las actividades de la comunidad en los juegos en línea), Journal for the Study of Education and Development.

Ryokai, K., Jacobo, S., Rivero, E. (2022). Examining children’s design processes, perspective-taking, and collaboration when using VR head-mounted displays. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.

Escude, M., Rivero, E., & Montano, J. (2020). Designing for belonging and becoming in an afterschool tinkering program. Afterschool Matters, 31, 42-50.

Gutiérrez, K. D., Becker, B., Espinoza, M., Cortes, K., Cortez, A., Lizárraga, J. R., Rivero, E., Villegas, K., & Yin, P. (co-equal authors). (2019). Youth as Historical Actors in the Production of Possible Futures. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 26(4), 291-308.

Gutierrez, K. D., Higgs, J., Lizarraga, J. R., & Rivero, E. (2019). Learning as movement in social design-based experiments: Play as a leading activity. Human Development, 62 (1-2), 66-82.

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