Gundaker, Ellen G. (gg2032)

Gundaker, Grey

Senior Lecturer in Anthropology
Anthropology Program Director

Office Hours:

Spring 2022: Tuesdays , 5 - 7pm or by appt on Zoom, Thursdays, 3 - 4:45pm; by appt 375A GDH 212-678-3311

Educational Background

Ed.D. 1988 Teachers College, Columbia, Family and Community Education
PhD. 1992 Yale, Anthropology

Scholarly Interests

literacies and communication; visual, material, and expressive culture; knowledge systems and expertise

Selected Publications

- No Space Hidden: The Spirit of African American Yards. University of Tennessee Press. 2005 (Judith McWillie co-author)

Signs of Diaspora / Diaspora of Signs: Creolization, Literacy, and Vernacular Practice in African America. Oxford University Press. 1998


- “Design on the World: Blackness and the Absence of Sub-Saharan Africa from the History of Garden and Landscape Design.” In John Beardsley, ed. Cultural Landscape Heritage in Sub-Saharan Africa, Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks (Harvard University Press), 2016, pp. 15-57.

"Give Me a Sign": Networks of Print & Practice in African America, 1770-1840. In Robert A. Gross and Mary Kelley, eds. A History of the Book in America, vol. 2., Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010, pp. 483-495.      

- “Hidden Education among African Americans under Slavery.” Teachers College Record, pp. 1591-1611. 2007

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