Morales Lugo, Katherine R. (krm2144)

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Linguistics Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)

M.Sc. in Applied Linguistics University of Edinburgh

B.A. in English Linguistics University of Puerto Rico 

Scholarly Interests

  • Sociolinguistics,
  • Language Variation and Speaker Style,
  • Bilingualism and language use,
  • Language socialization,
  • Language and identity,
  • Language ideologies,
  • Language and race,
  • Critical Applied Linguistics,
  •  World Englishes.

I work in two areas of research: World Englishes and sociolinguistics. 

My research uses qualitative methods from sociolinguistics to examine the language practices of second language speakers of English in the United States. I am specifically interested in documenting the linguistic outcome of language planning and instructional policies (in education) in the lives, identities, attitudes, and social practices of bi- and multilingual speakers. By documenting language practices, I aim to answer larger questions of best practice in language education and policy, the role of learner identities and ideologies in language use and socialization, as well as partake in the legitimatization of bilingual and non-native English practices from a Global English perspective.


Morales, K. (in preparation). English in Puerto Rico: Ideologies, Identities, and Social Uses in the 21st Century. Under contract with Multilingualism Matters.

Morales, K. (forthcoming). Puerto Ricans Online: The Translingual Styles of University Students. International Journal of Sociology of Language.

Morales, K, Carroll, K., Campos, S. (forthcoming). Introduction: Languages in Modern Day Puerto Rico. International Journal of Sociology of Language.

Morales, K, Carroll, K. (Editors). Languages in Modern Day Puerto Rico. International Journal of Sociology of Language.

Morales, K., Romaguera, G., Contreras (2022). How to Adapt in a Crisis: An Autoethnographic Approach to (re)Building Coursework. To appear in J. Chen (2021) Emergency Remote Teaching and Beyond. Springer.

Morales, K. (2020). Finding Middle Ground in the Ordinariness-Creativity Debate: Practice, Structure, and Agency in Bilingual Interactions. In J. Won Lee & S. Dovchin (Eds.) Translinguistics: Negotiating Innovation and Ordinariness. London: Routledge.

Morales, K. (2019). “I Always Knew It… Digo, Quizás no era Perfect”: Transnational Acts of Identity in the Speech of a Returnee MigrantTrabalhos em Linguística Aplicada (Papers in Applied Linguistics).

Morales, K. Review of Sali Tagliamonte’s (2016) Teen Talk. The Linguist List.

Morales, K., Lucek, S., Bochorishvili, I. 2016. Introduction: Proceedings of the 6th Sociolinguistics Summer School. Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 1. The University of Dublin – Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Morales, K. Review of Nortier and Svendsen’s (2015). Language, Youth, and Identity in the 21st  Century. The Linguist List.

Selected Publications

American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)

American Anthropological Association (AAA)

The Society for Linguistic Anthropology (AAA - SLA)

British Association for Applied Linguistis (BAAL)


I serve as a lecturer in Applied Linguistics at Teachers College, Columbia University (Sept 2022 - present) and conduct NEH-funded research on bilingualism and identity in Puerto Rico (2021 - present). I have taught English and linguistics in Europe and Puerto Rico (US), and have previously held academic posts as full-time lecturer at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (2019 - 2022), occasional lecturer in Trinity College Dublin, and instructor of academic English at Griffith College Dublin (Ireland). 

My current research interests are on linguistic anthropology, sociocultural linguistics, language and identity, raciolinguistics, language ideologies, language policy and planning, and World Englishes.

Research areas: 

sociolinguistics, bilingualism and identity, language ideologies, language use, World Englishes.

Personal site:

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH):  HB-273677-21

 Awards for Faculty at Hispanc-Serving Institutions (2020 - 2022):

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 1-2pm

Selected Publications

Morales, K. (in preparation). English in Puerto Rico: Ideologies, Identities, and Social Uses in the 21st Century. Under contract with Multilingualism Matters.

Morales, K. (forthcoming). Puerto Ricans Online: The Translingual Styles of University Students. International Journal of Sociology of Language.

Morales, K, Carroll, K., Campos, S. (forthcoming). Introduction: Languages in Modern Day Puerto Rico. International Journal of Sociology of Language.

Morales, K, Carroll, K. (Editors). Languages in Modern Day Puerto Rico. International Journal of Sociology of Language.

Morales, K., Romaguera, G., Contreras (2022). How to Adapt in a Crisis: An Autoethnographic Approach to (re)Building Coursework. To appear in J. Chen (2021) Emergency Remote Teaching and Beyond. Springer.

Morales, K. (2020). Finding Middle Ground in the Ordinariness-Creativity Debate: Practice, Structure, and Agency in Bilingual Interactions. In J. Won Lee & S. Dovchin (Eds.) Translinguistics: Negotiating Innovation and Ordinariness. London: Routledge.

Morales, K. (2019). “I Always Knew It… Digo, Quizás no era Perfect”: Transnational Acts of Identity in the Speech of a Returnee MigrantTrabalhos em Linguística Aplicada (Papers in Applied Linguistics).

Morales, K. Review of Sali Tagliamonte’s (2016) Teen Talk. The Linguist List.

Morales, K., Lucek, S., Bochorishvili, I. 2016. Introduction: Proceedings of the 6th Sociolinguistics Summer School. Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 1. The University of Dublin – Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Morales, K. Review of Nortier and Svendsen’s (2015). Language, Youth, and Identity in the 21st  Century. The Linguist List.

Fall 2022:

A&HL 4000001 Educational Linguistics

A&HL 4001001 Sociolinguistics and Education

Spring 2023:

A&HL 4000001 Educational Linguistics

A&HL 4001001 Sociolinguistics and Education

A&HL4087002 Second Language Acquisition

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