Michelle Shevon Troche
Professor of Speech and Language Pathology
Director, Graduate Program in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Director, The Upper Airway Dysfunction Lab
Office Location:
1054A Building 528TC Affiliations:
Educational Background
Ph.D., Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Aug 2006-Dec 2009
M.A., Speech-Language Pathology
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Aug 2004-May 2006
B.A., Communication Sciences and Disorders, Linguistics (Majors)
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Gerontology (Minors)
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Aug 2000-May 2004
Scholarly Interests
Dr. Michelle Troche is committed to improving clinical outcomes and quality of life in patients with dysphagia, dystussia, and dysarthria through research, clinical care, and education.
Selected Publications
- Dakin, A.E., Borders, J.C., Curtis, J.A., & Troche, M.S. (In press). MaximalExpiratory Pressure and its Link with Cough Airflow Before and After Expiratory Muscle Strength Training in Parkinson’s Disease. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.
- *Borders, J.B., Hegland, K.W., Vanegas-Arroyave, N., & Troche, M.S. (In press). Motor Performance During Sensorimotor Training for Airway Protection.
- Curtis, J.A., *Borders, J.C., *Dakin, A.E., & Troche, M.S. (2023). Auditory-Perceptual Assessments of Cough: Characterizing Rater Reliability and the Effects of a Standardized Training Protocol. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, Aug 4.
- Doruk, C., Curtis, J.A., *Dakin, A.E., & Troche, M.S. (2023). Cough and Swallowing Therapy and Their Effects on Vocal Fold Bowing and Laryngeal Lesions. Laryngoscope, July 27.
- Curtis, J.A., *Borders, J.C., *Dakin, A.E., & Troche, M.S. (2023). Normative Reference Values for FEES and VASES: Preliminary Data from 39 Non -Dysphagic, Community-Dwelling Adults. JSLHR, 12, 2260-2277.
- *Borders, J.C., *Sevitz, J.S., *Curtis, J.A., Vanegas-Arroyave, N., & Troche, M.S. (2023). Quantifying Swallowing Safety and Efficiency in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Parkinson’s Disease. Dysphagia, Feb 10.
- *Lowell, E.R., *Borders, J.C., *Sevitz, J.S., *Dakin, A.E., Brates, D., & Troche, M.S. (2023). A Primer on Hypotussic Cough: Mechanisms and Assessment. Current Otorhinolaryngology Reports, 1-10.
- *Sevitz, J.S., Perry, S., *Borders, J.C., *Dakin, A.E., Curtis, J.A., & Troche, M.S. (2022). The Relationship between Lingual Strength and Functional Swallowing Outcomes in Parkinson’s disease. Dysphagia, 1-15.
- *Sevitz, J.S., Bryan, J.L., Mitchell, S.S., Craig, B.A., Huber, J.E., Troche, M.S., & Malandraki, G.A. (2022). Telehealth Management of Dysphagia in Adults: A Survey of Speech Language Pathologists’ Experiences and Perceptions.Dysphagia, 1-16.
- Troche, M.S., *Curtis, J.A., *Dakin, A.E., *Sevitz, J.S., *Borders, J.C., Perry, S.E., Grande, A., Mu, Y., Vanegas-Arroyave, N., & Hegland, K.W. (2022). Rehabilitating Cough Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Movement Disorders, 38(2), 201-211.
- *Sevitz, J.S., *Borders, J.C., *Dakin, A.E., Kiefer, B.R., Alcalay, R.N., Kuo, S.H., & Troche, M.S. (2022). Rehabilitation of Airway Protection in Movement Disorders: A Telehealth Feasibility Study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,31(6), 2741-2758.
- Cole, C.L., Ya, V.X., Perry, S.E., Seenauth, A., Lumpkin, E.A., Troche, M.S., Pitman, M.J., & Moayedi, Y. (In press). Healthy human laryngopharyngeal sensory innervation density correlates with age. The
- Dos Santos, A.P., Troche, M.S., Berretin-Felix, G., Barbieri, F.A., Brasolotto, A.G., & Silverio, K.C. (2022). Effects of resonance tube voice therapy on Parkinson's disease: clinical trial. Journal of Voice.
- Xu, Y., Feeney, M.P, Surface, M., Novak, D., Troche, M.S., Beck, J.C., & Alcalay, R. (2022). Attitudes towards telehealth services among people living with Parkinson’s disease: a survey study. Movement Disorders, 37(6), 1289-1294.
- *Borders, J.C., Grande, A.A., & Troche, M.S. (2022). Statistical Power and Swallowing Rehabilitation Research: Current Landscape and Next Steps. Dysphagia, 37(6), 1673-1688.
- *Curtis, J.A., *Borders, J.C., & Troche, M.S. (2022). Visual Analysis of Swallowing Efficiency and Safety (VASES): Establishing Criterion-Referenced Validity and Concurrent Validity. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,31(2), 808-818.
- *Borders, J.C., & Troche, M.S. (2022). Voluntary Cough Effectiveness and Airway Clearance in Neurodegenerative Disease. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,65(2), 431-449.
- *Curtis, J.A., Huber, J. E., *Dakin, A.E., & Troche, M.S. (2022). Effects of Bolus Holding on Respiratory-Swallow Coordination in Parkinson’s Disease. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31(2), 705-721.
- *Perry, S.E., *Borders, J.C., *Dakin, A.E., & Troche, M.S. (2022). Characterizing Quality of Life in Caregivers of People with Parkinson’s Disease and Dysphagia. Dysphagia, 37(3), 523-532.
- *Borders, J.C., *Sevitz, J.S., *Curtis, J.A., Vanegas-Arroyave, N., & Troche, M.S. (2021) Sensorimotor Cough Dysfunction is Prevalent and Pervasive in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Movement Disorders, 36(11), 2624-2633.
- Brates, D., Troche, M.S., & Molfenter, S.M. (2021). The Role of Fatigue in the Aging Swallow: A Review. OBM Geriatrics, 5(2), 1-19.
- *Curtis, J.A., *Borders, J.C., *Perry, S.E., *Dakin, A.E., *Seikaly, Z.N., & Troche, M.S. (2021). Visual Analysis of Swallowing Efficiency and Safety (VASES): A Standardized Approach to Rating Pharyngeal Residue, Penetration, and Aspiration During FEES. Dysphagia, 1-19.
- *Sevitz, J.S., *Kiefer, B.R., Huber, J.E., & Troche, M.S. (2021). Obtaining Objective Clinical Measures During Telehealth Evaluations of Dysarthria. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(2), 503-516.
- *Borders, J.C., *Curtis, J.A., *Sevitz, J.S., Vanegas-Arroyave, N., & Troche, M.S. (2021). Immediate Effects of Sensorimotor Training in Airway Protection (smTAP) on Cough Outcomes in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. A feasibility study. Dysphagia, 1-10.
- *Borders, J.C., *Sevitz, J.S., Bauer-Malandraki, J., Malandraki, G.M., & Troche, M.S. (2021). Objective and Subjective Clinical Swallowing Outcomes via Telehealth: Reliability in Outpatient Clinical Practice. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(2), 532-550.
- *Perry, S.E. & Troche, M.S. (2021). Dual tasking influences cough reflex outcomes in adults with Parkinson’s disease: A controlled study. Dysphagia, 36(6), 959-973.
- *Curtis, J.A., Laus, J., Schneider, S.L., & Troche, M.S. (2021). Examining the Relationships Between Lingual Strength, Perihyoid Strength, and Swallowing Kinematics in Dysphagic Adults: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,64(2), 405-416.
- *Borders, J., Brandimore, A.E., & Troche, M.S. (2021). Variability of Voluntary Cough Airflow in Healthy Adults and Parkinson’s Disease. Dysphagia, 36, 700-706.
- *Curtis, J.A., *Seikaly, Z.N,, & Troche, M.S. (2020). Respiratory-Swallow Coordination Training (RSCT) Improves Swallowing Safety and Efficiency in a Person with Anoxic Brain Injury. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,29(4), 1965-1975.
- *Enver, N., *Borders, J.C., *Curtis, J.A., *Sevitz, J.S., Vanegas-Arroyave, N., & Troche, M.S. (2021). The Role of Vocal Fold Bowing on Cough and Swallowing Dysfunction in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Laryngoscope 131, no. 6 (2021): 1217-1222.
- *Curtis, J.C., *Seikaly, Z.N., *Dakin, A.E., & Troche, M.S. (2021). Detection of Aspiration, Penetration, and Pharyngeal Residue During the Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES): Comparing the Effects of Color, Coating, and Opacity. Dysphagia, 36, 207-215.
- Yang, C-Y, Lai, R.Y., Amokrane, N., Lin, C.Y., Figueroa, K.P., Pulst, S.M., …Troche, M.S., Kuo, S-H. (2020). Dysphagia in Spinocerebellar Ataxias type 1, 2, 3 and 6. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 415,116-878.
- *Curtis, J.A., & Troche, M.S. (2020) Handheld Cough Testing (HCT): A clinically feasible method for reflex and voluntary cough assessment and dysphagia screening. Dysphagia, 35(6), 993-1000.
- *Curtis, J.A., *Dakin, A., & Troche, M.S. (2020) Respiratory-Swallow Coordination Training and Voluntary Cough Skill Training in a Person with Parkinson’s Disease: A Single-Subject Treatment Study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, 472-486.
- *Curtis, J.A., Molfenter, S.A., & Troche, M.S. (2020). Pharyngeal volumetric changes in Parkinson’s disease and its influence on swallowing safety, efficiency, and kinematics. Dysphagia, 35, 389-398.
- *Curtis, J.A., & Troche, M.S. (2020). Effects of verbal cueing on respiratory-swallow coordination in Parkinson’s disease. Dysphagia, 35, 460-470.
- *Yiu, Y., *Curtis, J.A., *Perry, S.E., & Troche, M.S. (2020). Relationship of Vocal Fold Atrophy to Swallowing Safety and Cough Function in Parkinson’s Disease. The Laryngoscope, 130, 303-308.
- *Curtis, J.A., Molfenter, S., & Troche, M.S. (2020). Predictors of Residue and Airway Invasion in Parkinson’s Disease. Dysphagia, 35, 220-230.
- Hegland, K.W., *Brandimore, A.E., & Troche, M.S. (2019). Relationship between respiratory sensory perception, speech, and swallow in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 6, 243-249.
- *Perry, S.E. & Troche, M.S. (2019). Dual tasking influences cough sensorimotor outcomes in healthy young adults. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 62, 3596-3606.
- *Curtis, J., Perry, S., & Troche, M.S. (2019). Detection of Airway Invasion during Flexible Endoscopic Evaluations of Swallowing comparing barium, blue dye, and green dye. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 28(2), 515-520.
- *Curtis, J.A., Langenstein, J., Troche, M.S., Laus, J., & Schneider, S. (2019). Open Mouth-Maximal Isometric Press (OM-MIP): Development and norms for clinical swallowing evaluations and treatment. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 28(1), 148-154.
- *Mishra, A., Malandraki, G.A., Sheppard, J.J., Gordon, A., Levy, E. & Troche, M.S. (2019). Voluntary cough and clinical swallow function in children with spastic cerebral palsy and health controls. Dysphagia, 34, 145-154.
- *Perry, S.E., *Sevitz, J.S., *Curtis, J.C., Kuo, Sheng-Han, & Troche, M.S. (2018). Skill-Training Resulted in Improved Swallowing in a Person with Multiple System Atrophy: An Endoscopy Study. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 5(4), 451-452.
- Sheppard, J.J., Malandraki, G.A., Pifer, P., Cuff, J., Troche, M.S., Hemsley, B., Balandin, S., *Mishra A., & Hochman, R. (2017). Validation of the choking risk assessment and pneumonia risk assessment for adults with intellectual and developmental disability (IDD). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 69, 61-76.
- *Rajappa, A.T., Soriano, K.R., Ziemer, C., Troche, M.S., Bauer Malandraki, J., & Malandraki, G.A. (2017). Reduced Maximum Pitch Elevation Predicts Silent Aspiration of Small Liquid Volumes in Stroke Patients. Frontiers in Neurology, 8, 436.
- *Brandimore, A.E., Hegland, K.W., Okun, M.S., Davenport, P.W., & Troche, M.S. (2017). Voluntary up-regulation of reflex cough is possible in healthy older adults and Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Applied Physiology, 123 (1), 19-26.
- Troche, M.S. & *Mishra, A. (2017). Swallowing exercises in patients with neurodegenerative disease: what is the current evidence? Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders, 2 (March 2017), 13-20. *Invited contribution.
- Troche, M.S., *Schumann, B., *Brandimore, A.E., Okun, M.S., Davenport, P.W., & Hegland, K.W. (2016). Reflex Cough and Disease Duration as Predictors of Swallowing Dysfunction in Parkinson's disease. Dysphagia, 31, 757-764.
- Troche, M.S., *Brandimore, A.E., Hegland, K.W., Zeilman, P.R., Foote, K.F., & Okun, M.S. Tailored deep brain stimulation optimization for improved airway protective outcomes in Parkinson’s Disease. (2016). Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management, 5, 3-5.
- Higuchi, M.A., Martinez-Ramirez, D., Morita, H., Topiol, D.D., Bowers, D., Ward, H., Warren, L.R., DeFranco, M.M., *Hicks, J., Hegland, K.W. Troche, M.S., Kulkas, Hastings, E., Foote, K.F., & Okun, M.S. (2016). Interdisciplinary Parkinson's Disease Deep Brain Stimulation Screening and the Relationship to Unintended Hospitalizations and Quality of Life. Plos One, 11(5).
- Laciuga, H., Brandimore, A.E., Troche, M.S., & Hegland, K.W. (2016). The Analysis of Clinicians’ Perceptual Cough Evaluation. Dysphagia, 31, 521-530.
- Hegland, K.W., Davenport, P.W., Singletary, F., *Brandimore, A.E., & Troche, M.S. (2016). Rehabilitation of swallowing and cough functions following stroke: an expiratory muscle strength training trial. Archives of Physical Medicine, 97, 1345-1351.
- Higuchi, M.A., Topiol, D.D., Ahmed, B., Morita, H., Carbunaru, S., Hess, C.W., Bowers, D., Ward, H.E., Warren, L.R., DeFranco, M.M., Kulkarni, S.J., Troche, M.S., Hastings, E., Foote, K.F., Okun, M.S., & Martinez-Ramirez, D. (2015). Impact of an interdisciplinary deep brain stimulation screening model on post-surgical complications in essential tremor patients. Plos One, 10(12).
- Hegland, K.W., Troche, M.S., *Brandimore, A.E., Okun, M.S., & Davenport, P.W. (2016). Comparison of two methods for inducing reflex cough in patients with Parkinson’s disease, with and without dysphagia. Dysphagia, 31, 66-73.
- *Brandimore, A.E., Troche, M.S., Huber, J., & Hegland, K.W. (2015). Respiratory Kinematic and airflow differences between reflex and voluntary cough in healthy young adults. Frontiers in Respiratory Physiology, 6, 284.
- Akbar, U., Dham, B., He, Y., Hack, N., Wu, S., Troche, M.S., Tighe, P., Nelson, E., Friedman, J.H., & Okun, M.S. (2015). Incidence and mortality trends of aspiration pneumonia in Parkinson’s disease in the United States from 1979 to 2010. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 21, 1082-1086.
- Troche, M.S. (2015). Respiratory Muscle Strength Training for the Management of Airway Protective Deficits. Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders, 24, 58-64. *Invited contribution
- Troche, M.S., *Brandimore, A.E., *Godoy, J., & Hegland, K.W. (2014). A framework for understanding shared substrates of airway protection. Journal of Applied Oral Science, 22, 251-260.
- Troche, M.S., *Brandimore, A.E., Okun, M.S., Davenport, P.W., & Hegland, K.W. (2014). Decreased cough sensitivity and aspiration in Parkinson disease. Chest, 146, 1294-9.
- Hegland, K.W., Troche, M.S., *Brandimore, A.E., Davenport, P.W., & Okun, M.S. (2014). Comparison of voluntary and reflex cough effectiveness in Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 20, 1226-1230.
- Troche, M.S., *Brandimore, A.E., Foote, K.F., Morishita, T., Chen, D., Hegland, K.W., & Okun, M.S. (2014). Swallowing Outcomes following Unilateral STN vs. GPi Surgery: A retrospective analysis. Dysphagia, 29, 425-431.
- Troche, M.S., Rosenbek, J.C., Okun, M.S., & Sapienza, C.M. (2014). Detraining outcomes with Expiratory Muscle Strength Training in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 51(2), 305-310.
- Troche, M.S., Okun, M.S., Rosenbek, J.C., Altmann, L.P.J., & Sapienza, C.M. (2014). Attentional resource allocation and swallowing safety in Parkinson’s disease: A dual task study. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 20, 439-443.
- Hegland, K.W., Okun, M.S., & Troche, M.S. (2014). Sequential voluntary cough and aspiration or aspiration risk in Parkinson’s disease. Lung, 192, 601-608.
- Troche, M.S., *Brandimore, A.E., Foote, K.D., & Okun, M.S. (2013). Swallowing and deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 19, 783-788.
- Hegland, K.W., Troche, M.S., & Davenport, P.W. (2013). Cough expired volume and airflow rates during sequential induced cough. Frontiers in Respiratory Physiology, 4,
- Rodriguez, C.S., Rowe, M., Koeppel, B., Thomas, L., Troche, M.S., & Paguio, G. (2012). Development of a communication intervention to assist hospitalized suddenly speechless patients. Technology in Health Care, 20, 489-500.
- Troche, J., Troche, M.S., Berkowitz, R., Grossman, M., & Reilly, J.(2012). Tone discrimination as a window into acoustic perceptual deficits in Parkinson’s Disease. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Aug 21 (3), 258-263.
- Rodriguez, C.S., Troche, M.S, & *Johnson, A.E. (2012). Communication Needs of Hispanic Patients: Sudden Speechlessness Simulation. The Open Communication Journal, 6, 8-16.
- Troche, M.S., & Altmann, L.A. (2012). Sentence Production in Parkinson Disease: Effects of Conceptual and Task Complexity. Applied Psycholinguistics, 33, 225-251.
- Altmann, L.A. & Troche, M.S. (2011). High-level language production in Parkinson’s disease: a review. Parkinson’s Disease, Aug 5.
- Sapienza, C.S., Troche, M.S., Pitts, T.E., & Davenport, P. (2011). Respiratory Strength Training: Concept and Intervention Outcomes. Seminars in Speech-Language Pathology, 32, 21-30.
- Troche, M.S., Okun, M.S., Rosenbek, J.C., Musson, N., Fernandez, H.H., Rodriguez, R., Romrell, J., Pitts, T., Wheeler-Hegland, K.M. & Sapienza, C.M. (2010). Aspiration and Swallowing in Parkinson Disease and Rehabilitation with EMST: A randomized trial. Neurology, 75, 1912-1919.
- Troche, M.S., Huebner, I., Rosenbek, J.C., Okun, M.S., & Sapienza, C.M. (2010). Respiratory-Swallowing Coordination and Swallowing Safety in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Dysphagia, 26, 218-224.
- Troche, M.S., & Fernandez, H.H. (2010). Sialorrhea and Parkinson's disease: Novel Treatment Approaches. Nature Reviews Neurology, 6, 423-424.
- Pitts, T., Troche, M.S., Carnaby-Mann, G., Rosenbek, J.C., Okun, M.S., & Sapienza, C.M. (2010). Using voluntary cough to detect penetration and aspiration during swallowing in patients with Parkinson disease. Chest, 138, 1426-1431.
- McGrath-Morrow, S., Gower, W.A., Rothblum-Oviatt, C., Brody, A.S., Langston, L.L., Lefton-Greif, M.A., Crawford, T.O., Troche, M.S., Sandlund, J.T., Auwater, P.G., Easley, B.E., Loughlin, G.M., Carroll, J.L., & Lederman, H.M. (2010). Evaluation and management of pulmonary disease in ataxia-telangiectasia. Pediatric pulmonology, 45, 847-859.
- Pitts, T., Bolser, D., Rosenbek, J.C., Troche, M.S., Okun, M.S., & Sapienza, C.M. (2009). Impact of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Voluntary Cough and Swallow Function in Parkinson disease. Chest, 135, 1301-1308.
- Troche, M.S., Sapienza, C.M., & Rosenbek, J.C. (2008) Effects of bolus consistency on timing and safety of swallow in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Dysphagia, 23, 26-32.
- Pitts, T.E., Bolser, D., Rosenbek, J., Troche, M., Sapienza, C.M. (2008). Voluntary Cough Production and Swallow Dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease. Dysphagia, 23, 297-301.