Office Location:
Zankel 313Office Hours:
Spring 2025: Monday 3:00-4:00 pm; Tuesday 3:30-4:30 pm; Wednesday 1:30-2:30 pmBiographical Information
Payman Vafaee is a Lecturer in Applied Linguistics at Teachers College, Columbia University. He earned his Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition from the University of Maryland, with a dissertation on the relative contributions of lexical and syntactic knowledge in second language listening comprehension.
Payman is the recipient of Albert Valdman Award from the journal of Studies in Second Language Acquisition and Cambridge University Press for publishing the best paper in 2017, titled "Validating grammaticality judgment tests: Evidence from two new psycholinguistic measures".
His research interests include second language assessment and testing, quantitative research methodology, instructed SLA, and cognitive individual differences in SLA. He has published in several journals, including Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Instructed Second Language Acquisition, Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, and International Journal of Language Testing.
Educational Background
Ph.D., Second Language Acquisition, University of Maryland, College Park
M.A., Applied Linguistics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
B.A., Translation Studies, Khayyam University, Mashhad, Iran
Scholarly Interests
- Second language assessment and testing
- Natural language processing
- Quantitative research methodology in Applied Linguistics
- Psychometrics
- Task-based language teaching and testing
- Instructed Second Language Acquisition
- Cognitive individual differences in Second Language Acquisition
- Theory construction in Second Language Acquisition
- Philosophy of science
Selected Publications
Bamdev, P., Grover, M. S., Singla, Y. K., Vafaee, P., Hama, M., & Shah, R. R. (2021). Automated Speech Scoring System Under The Lens: Evaluating and interpreting the linguistic cues for language proficiency. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.15156.
Grover, M. S., Kumar, Y., Sarin, S., Vafaee, P., Hama, M., & Shah, R. R. (2020). Multi-modal automated speech scoring using attention fusion. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.08182.
Vafaee, P., Suzuki, Y. (2020). The relative significance of syntactic knowledge and vocabulary knowledge in L2 listening, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 42(2), 383-410. doi:10.1017/S0272263119000676
Vafaee, P. (2020). The role of breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge in L2 listening, Journal of Second Language Studies, 3(1), 55-81.
Vafaee, P., & Kachisnke, I. (2019). The Inadequate Use of Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Second Language Acquisition Validation Studies, Studies in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, 19(2), 1-18.
Long, M., Al Thowaini, B., Al Thowaini, A., Lee, J., and Vafaee, P. (2018). A micro process- product study of a CLIL lesson: linguistic modifications, content dilution, and vocabulary knowledge, Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 2(1), 3-38. DOI: 10.1558/isla.33605
Vafaee, P., Suzuki, Y., & Kachisnke, I. (2017). Validating Grammaticality Judgment Tests: Evidence from Two New Psycholinguistic Measures, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 39 (1), 59-95. DOI:10.1017/S0272263115000455
Vafaee, P., Yaghmayean, B. (2015). Providing evidence for the generalizability of scores obtained from a speaking placement test, International Journal of Language Testing, 5(2), 78-90.
Vafaee, P., Basheer, N. & Heitner, R. (2012). Application of confirmatory factor analysis in construct validity investigation: The case of the grammar sub-test of the CEP placement exam, International Journal of Language Testing, 2(1), 1-19.
Vafaee, P. (2011). Dynamic assessment: A dialectical integration of assessment and instruction, Studies in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, 11(1), 63-66.
Professional Presentations
Vafaee, P. (2022). Exploring the Cross-linguistic Insights of Using Scenario-based Assessment Across Four Typologically Different Languages. Symposium presented at Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Online.
Vafaee, P. (2022). Examining Persian Learners’ Situated Language Proficiency and Topical Learning Through a Scenario-based Assessment. Symposium presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Vafaee, P. (2022). The Development of an Automated Rating System for a Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Vafaee, P. (2021). The Validation of a Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview (SOPI) Test for a Professional Setting. Paper presented at Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Hammamet, Tunisia.
Vafaee, P. (2021). The Development of an Automated Rating System for a Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview. Paper presented at Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Hammamet, Tunisia.
Vafaee, P. (2021). Rethinking Second Language Proficiency Assessment Using a Scenario-Based Assessment Approach: Opportunities and Challenges. Symposium presented at Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Hammamet, Tunisia.
Vafaee, P. (2020). The Role of Working Memory in Second Language Listening Assessment. Paper accepted for presentation at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Denver, Colorado.
Vafaee, P. (2019). Partial Validity Evidence for the Reading and Listening Section of the Global Test of English Communication. Paper presented at Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Atlanta, Georgia.
Vafaee, P. (2018). Partial Validity Evidence for the Global Test of English Communication. Paper presented at East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT), the educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, New Jersey.
Vafaee, P. (2018). Building a partial validity argument for an Aural Vocabulary Size Test. Paper presented at East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT), the Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, New Jersey.
Vafaee, P., Kim, H., Stabler-Havener, M., Durkis, A. (2018). Building a partial validity argument for an aural test of the depth of vocabulary knowledge. Paper presented at East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT), the Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, New Jersey.
Vafaee, P., Beltran, J., Carroll. B., Kim, P. (2018). Validity evidence for two aural measures of syntactic knowledge useful for EFL listening comprehension research. Paper presented at East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT), the Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, New Jersey.
Vafaee, P. (2018). The Role of Working Memory in Second Language Listening Assessment. Paper presented at TC/ETS Forum on Language Assessment, Columbia University.
Vafaee, P. (2018). Building a Partial Validity Argument for an English Proficiency Test. Poster presented at the conference by the Association of International Educators (NAFSA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Vafaee, P. (2018). Construct Validity Evidence for the Global Test of English Communication Computer-Based Testing. Paper presented at Language Assessment Research Conference (LARC), Iowa State University.
Vafaee, P. (2017). Preliminary Validity Evidence for the Global Test of English Communication Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Ohio State University.
Vafaee, P. (2017). Factor Structure and Criterion-related Validity Evidence for GTEC CBT. Paper presented at Research and Pedagogy Forum, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Vafaee, P. (2017). The Role of Linguistic and Cognitive Factors in Second Language Listening Comprehension. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, Oregon.
Vafaee, P., Kashimada, Y., Okabe, Y., Riggleman, M. (2017). Validation and Linking Scores for the Global Test of English Communication. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, Oregon.
Vafaee, P. (2016). The relative significance of the internal factors of second language listening Comprehension. Paper presented at East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT), Georgetown University.
Vafaee, P., Suzuki, Y. (2016). An update on the relative significance of syntactic knowledge and vocabulary knowledge in second language listening comprehension. Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Teachers College, Columbia University.
Vafaee, P., Suzuki, Y. (2015). The relative significance of syntactic knowledge and vocabulary knowledge in second language listening comprehension. Paper presented at East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT), Georgetown University.
Vafaee, P., Suzuki, Y., Kachinske, I. (2015). Validating grammaticality judgment tests: Evidence from two new psycholinguistic measures. Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Georgia State University.
Vafaee, P. (2015). Towards building a validity argument for grammaticality judgment tasks. Poster presented at Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Toronto, Canada.
Pelzl, E., Vafaee, P. (2014). Linguistic correlates of proficiency. Paper presented at East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT), Teachers College, Columbia University.
Vafaee, P., Kachinske, I. (2014). Reexamining the validity of GJTs as measures of implicit knowledge: Reanalysis of Ellis & Loewen (2007), Bowles (2011), and Guiterrez (2013). Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), University of South Carolina.
Vafaee, P., DeKeyser, R. (2014). Re-examining the role of explicit information in processing instruction: Bridging two methodological gaps. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), University of South Carolina.
Vafaee, P., Suzuki, Y., Pelzl, E. (2014). How aptitude-treatment-interaction studies can benefit learning-oriented assessment? Paper presented at Roundtable on Learning Oriented Assessment (TCCRISLS), Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City.
Vafaee, P. (2014). Persian linguistic correlates of proficiency. Work-in-progress presented at Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Long, M., Al Thowaini, A., Al Thowaini, B., Jiyong, L. Vafaee, P. (2013). Input complexity, language, and subject-matter learning in an experimental study of a CLIL lesson. Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF). Brigham Young University.
Vafaee, P. (2012). Investigating variability in tasks, rater judgment, and analytic scoring of a speaking placement test. Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Carnegie Mellon University.
Vafaee, P. (2012). The application of generalizability theory in investigating variability in tasks and rater judgments in a speaking performance test. Paper presented at Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT), Georgetown University.
Vafaee, P. (2012). Persian compliment responses: the case of offline and Online world data. Paper presented at Applied Linguistics Winter Conference (ALWC), Teachers College, Columbia University.
Vafaee, P. Basheer, N. & Heitner, R. (2011). Investigating the construct validity of the grammar sub-test of the CEP placement exam. Paper presented at East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT), Georgetown University.
Vafaee, P. (2009). Assessing and teaching interlanguage pragmatics: The case of Persian and Pragmatics (LDP), Shahid Chamran University, Iran.