Jochum, Richard (rj2137)

Richard Jochum

Associate Professor of Art & Education

Office Location:

444C Macy

Office Hours:

Wednesday's 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM, Thursdays 11 AM - 12:30 PM,

Educational Background

PhD in Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria. Dissertation with Distinction: Strategies for Coping with Complexity in Contemporary Philosophy. (1997)  

MFA with Distinction in Sculpture and Media Art, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria. (2001)        

MA in Philosophy, Jesuit College, University of Innsbruck, Austria. (1991)

BA in Political Science and German Literature Cand. phil., Institute of German Literature and Institute of Political Science, University of Innsbruck. (1990)          

BA in Theology and Philosophy, Cand. phil. fac. theol. and Cand.theol., Jesuit College, University of Innsbruck. (1987)

Scholarly Interests

Artistic research and art as a social practice. Media art and new media art education. Higher art education and studio art teaching and learning.

Selected Publications


Işin Önol & Richard Jochum (Eds.), 2017: Richard Jochum: Endless Bodies of Work. With contributions from: Livia Alexander, Agnes Berecz, Peter Bogner, Katy Diamond Hamer, Thomas Micchelli, Dominique Nahas, and Işin Önol. Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, Vienna.


Richard Jochum, Judith M. Burton, and Jason Watson, (Eds.), 2023: Turning Points. Responsive Pedagogy in Studio Art Education. Teachers College Press

Richard Jochum & Ruth Mateus-Berr, (Ed.), 2020: Teaching Artistic Research. De Gruyter

Richard Jochum (Ed.), 2017: Art School Critique 2.0. New York. Ragged Sky Press, Annandale/Princeton.

Richard Jochum and Ruth Zamoyta (Eds.), 2014: Blanket Stories. Ragged Sky Press, Annandale/Princeton.

Richard Jochum and Schneider Bernhard (Ed.), 1999: Erinnerungen an das Töten. Genozid Reflexiv. [Memories on Killing. Reflecting Genocide]. With contributions from Israel Charny, Mihran Dabag, Dan Bar-on, Franz Schuh, Annegret Ehmann, Christina von Braun, Sibylle Moser, Gero Fischer, Gabi Dolf-Bonekaemper, Shimon Samuels, Daniel Mintz, James E. Young, Jochen Gerz, et al. Böhlau Publisher, Vienna.

Richard Jochum, 1998: Komplexitätsbewältigungsstrategien in der Neueren Philosophie. Michel Serres. [Strategies for Coping with Complexity in Contemporary Philosophy]. Peter Lang Publisher, Frankfurt / M.

Richard Jochum and Charly Stark (Ed.), 1991: Theologie für Gebrannte Kinder. Beiträge zu einer Neuen Politischen Theologie. [Theology for Burnt Children. Contributions to a New Political Theology]. With articles by Kuno Füssel, Werner Ernst, Norbert Greinacher, Jürgen Moltmann, Dorothee Sölle, Guilio Girardi et al. Herder Publisher, Vienna.

Richard Jochum, 1990-2005: 45 artist books, handmade, letterpress, editions of 10-15 pieces each.

Book Chapters

(Forthcoming) Richard Jochum, 2022: Emerging Technologies. What If I Don't Want To? In: Knochel, A. and Osamu Sahara (2022): Global Media Arts: Mapping Perspectives of Media Arts in Education. Palgrave. [Invited and Peer reviewed].

Richard Jochum, 2021: On and Off Dialogue. In: Rainer & Petia Wenrich (Eds.), The Dialogue Project [Invited].

Richard Jochum, 2020: After Artistic Research. In: Ruth Mateus Berr and Richard Jochum (Eds.), Teaching Artistic Research. De Gruyter Publishing, pp. 98-115.

Richard Jochum, 2019: Forward Design: Creative Technologies in Art Education. In: Gerald Bast, Elias G. Carayannis, David F. J. Campbell (Eds.), The Future of Education and Labor. ARIS-Series #4. Springer. [Invited & Peer reviewed], pp. 181-202.

Richard Jochum & Livia Alexander, 2019: Hacking, Unlearning, Unleashing, in: Avi Alpert and Sreshta Rit Premnath (Eds.), Shifter 24: Learning and Unlearning, New York

Richard Jochum, 2017: Forward Design: Creative Technologies in Art Education. In: Gerald Bast, Elias G. Carayannis, David F. J. Campbell (Eds.), The Future of Education and Labor. ARIS-Series #4. Springer

Richard Jochum & Judith M. Burton, 2015: Preliminary Remarks. In: Ruth Mateus-Berr and Michaela Goetsch (Eds.), Perspectives on Art Education. Conversations Across Cultures. Edition Angewandte, De Gruyter Publishing.

Richard Jochum, 2015: Crossing Thresholds. Artistic Practice in Times Of Research. In: Gerald Bast, Elias G. Carayannis, David F. J. Campbell (Eds.), Arts, Research, Innovation, and Society. ARIS Series #1. Springer, p. 101-121.

Richard Jochum, 2003: “dis-positiv” as a Role Model for “The Anthology of Art of Jochen Gerz”, In: Horant Fassbinder (Ed.), Through the Net. Cologne 2003, p. 101-106.

Richard Jochum, 1999: Die Kunst ist eine Parasitäre Aktivität. (Art is a Parasitic Activity). In: V2, Literary Journal. Feldkirch.

Richard Jochum 1992: Zehn Bemerkungen zum Verständnis eines différend. [Ten Remarks to Understand a "Différend”]. In: A. Huetter, T. Hug, J. Perger (Ed.), Diversity of Paradigm and Integration of Knowledge. Contributions to Postmodernism nearby Jean-François Lyotard. Vienna 1992, p. 115-120.

Richard Jochum, 1990: Wider den Utopiezwang. Zukunftsperspektive universitärer Forschung und Lehre am Beispiel der Universität Innsbruck. [Abandoning Utopia]. In: Gerald Prabitz and Wolfgang Schopper (Ed.), UNI 2000. Innsbruck. Perspectives of Research and Education by the Example of the University of Innsbruck, Haymon, Innsbruck, p. 300-313.


Richard Jochum, 2017: Making Curriculum for Makerspaces. AET-Column for NAEA-News. Aug/Sep 2017

Richard Jochum, 2017: Lessons Learned: Art Education in An Expanded Field. Journal for Research in Art Education. Double-peer reviewed. Jul 31, 2017

Richard Jochum, 2015: Space Making for Makerspaces in Studio Art Teaching and Learning, In: KoSEA, Korean Society for Education through Art, Conference Proceedings, Oct 17, 2015, pp. 1-8.

Richard Jochum, 2015: The Changing Education of The Artist. In: Ruth Mateus-Berr and Michaela Goetsch (Eds.), Perspectives on Art Education. Conversations Across Cultures. Double-peer reviewed. Edition Angewandte, De Gruyter Publishing, p. 148-155.

Michael Corbin, 2011: Richard Jochum, Conceptual Artist. Interview. The Art Book Guy. Electronic Publication. Retrieved February 20, 2012.

Catherine Spaeth, 2009: Parasitic Relations: A Walk Through "Intersections and Interstices" With Richard Jochum and Steven Dubin. Electronic Publication: Retrieved February 20, 2012. Retrieved February 20, 2012.

Richard Jochum, 2007: Ten Questions and Answers on Internet Based Art. Javamuseum. Electronic Publication. Retrieved February 20, 2012.

Andrea Rosenauer, 2006: Sigmund Freud’s 150th Anniversary. Interview with Richard Jochum for the Austrian Cultural Forum in Cairo. Electronic Publication.

Richard Jochum and Graeme Sullivan, 2005: Brochure, “dis-positiv” in New York. Teachers College, Columbia University. Electronic publication: Retrieved February 20, 2012.

Richard Jochum, 1999: Innovation in Science and Culture. Electronic Publication. Retrieved February 20, 2012.

Richard Jochum, 1998: The Philosophy of Complexity. New Approaches. Electronic Publication, In: Trans. Electronic Magazine by the Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies. Vienna. Retrieved February 20, 2012.

Richard Jochum 1994: Report on a Journey to the Internet. Electronic Publication.


Richard Jochum, 2019: In: LAM 360, Land Art Mongolia 5th Biennial, pp. 54-57].

Richard Jochum, 2017: In: Black Noise. Curators: Isin Önol & Ekmel Ertan. Exhibition catalog, Akbank Sanat, Istanbul.

Richard Jochum, 2017: In: Black Noise. Curators: Isin Önol & Ekmel Ertan. Exhibition catalog, Akbank Sanat, Istanbul.

Richard Jochum, 2017: In: Jens Ramsing and Charlotte Bonde, Artparken Katalog. Gæsteatelier HollufGård, Odense.

Richard Jochum, 2017: In: Art Yellow Book #3, Editor in Chief Leejin Kim. CICA Museum Press, Gimpo, Korea, p. 50-51.

Richard Jochum (Ed.), 2016: New Gifts. The Creative Technologies Exhibition. Ragged Sky Press, Annandale/Princeton.

Richard Jochum, 2015: Deutschsprachige Bibliothek, in: Erika Kronabitter & Günther Vallaster (Ed.), Visuelle Poesie. Literatur Vorarlberg. P. 52-53.

Evalag (ed. by Anke Rigbers, Lars Ebert, Richard Jochum, Kora Kimpel, Elisa Petri, Giaco Schiesser), 2015: Audit des Qualitätsmanagements an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Accreditation Report. September 2015

Richard Jochum (Ed.), 2015: Doing and Undergoing. Ragged Sky Press, Annandale/Princeton.

Richard Jochum (Ed.), 2015: Remixing Art Education. Symposium Proceedings. New York.

Richard Jochum, 2015: Artists as Educators, Exhibition Catalog, E-Publication. New York

Richard Jochum, 2015: Richard Jochum, Select Works 2012-2014, Interactive E-Publication. New York

Richard Jochum, 2014, In: Christa Häusler, 2014: Einblicke. Contemporary Art from Vorarlberg. Illwerke VKW Collection, p. 20-21.

Richard Jochum, 2014: In Social Photography III, Carriage Trade, Catalog, New York.

Richard Jochum, 2013: In: Kwanhoon Gallery Exhibition Catalog.

Richard Jochum, 2013: In: Don't Feed the Animals, Exhibition Catalog. F.I.T.

Richard Jochum, 2012: In: Christian Reder (Ed.), Kartographisches Denken. Edition Transfer by Springer Vienna New York.

Richard Jochum, 2012: In: AIVA Festival Sweden, Festival catalog.

Pichler, Karlheinz 2011: alles gruen im schatten. Bucher-Verlag, Illustrated with photographs by Richard Jochum. Hohenems.

Richard Jochum, 2011: In: (inside) joke, exhibition catalog, Augusta Savage Gallery, E-Publication. P. 16.

Richard Jochum, 2011: In: The Unbearables, The Big Book of Sex, Published by Autonomedia, p. 242.

Richard Jochum, 2011: In: Xié, Eleventh China Pingyao International Photography Festival, p. 96-97.

Richard Jochum, 2010: In: 700IS Reindeerland, Iceland, p. 26.

Richard Jochum, 2010: In: EyeWorld, New York, p. 38.

Richard Jochum, 2009: In: TraumaQueen, Athens, p. 56-59.

Richard Jochum, 2009: Unexpected Weightloss. SUNY Cortland.

Richard Jochum, 2008: Intersections and Interstices. Columbia University, New York.

Richard Jochum, 2007: VM11. International Video Festival Videomedeja 2007, Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia, p. 32.

Richard Jochum, 2007: Sisyphus On Vacation. In: SilvrettAtelier 2006, Feldkirch, p. 20-21.

Richard Jochum, 2007: Video Portraits. In: Das Gute muss nicht immer das Böse sein (What’s Good Must Not Necessarily Be Evil). Vaduz.

Richard Jochum, 2006: In: Vorarlberger Landesmuseum (State Museum) and Kunsthaus Bregenz (Eds.): Bildende Kunst in Vorarlberg 1945 – 2005 (Biographical Encyclopedia). Bucher Verlag (Publishing House), Hohenems, p. 160.

Richard Jochum, 2006: In: Bibliotheka Alexandrina. The Second Internationale Biennale for the Artist’s Book. Alexandria, p. 84-85.

Richard Jochum, 1998: In: Petra Ganglbauer and Waltraud Seidlhofer, Lippenverreißung, (k)ein klang. Edition Gegensätze, Vienna, Graz, p. 27.

Richard Jochum (Ed.), 1997: Nichts als Bücher. (Nothing but Books.) Catalog featuring the Artist Books of Richard Jochum. With Contributions by Burghart Schmidt, Petra Ganglbauer, Wolfgang Bleier et al. Vienna.

Richard Jochum with Eberhard Jordan and Martin Steger (Ed.), 2001: Ein Bilder Lesebuch. (A Picture Book on Art/History). Edition of the Cultural Forum of Lower Austria. October 2001.

Richard Jochum (Ed.), 2003: “dis-positiv” Berlin, exhibition catalog, Berlin.

Richard Jochum (Ed.), 2000: “dis-positiv” Bregenz, Supplement Kultur, Cultural Journal Vorarlberg.

Richard Jochum (Ed.), 2000: “dis-positiv” Vienna, Supplement Falter City Journal Vienna.

Richard Jochum (Ed.), 1996: The Future of Austria. Public Performance and Panel Discussion. Heldenplatz, 3. July 1996, Documentation.


Solo Exhibitions

Survey. Macy Gallery. Manhattan, New York, United States. September 4 -27, 2018

Back & Forth. Gallery Bundo, Daegu, South Korea. July 2 – 21, 2018

Brooklyn Cluster Gallery. Curated by Hansi Liao. Brooklyn, New York, United States. February 3-25, 2018

Kiesler Foundation. Curated by Peter Bogner. Vienna, Austria. Jan 2018

Richard Jochum. The New Playground. Curated by Katherine Behar and Zhenzhen Qi. New Media Art Space Gallery, Baruch College, New York, United States. Sep 6 – Dec 1, 2017

80% Know 20% Am. LeoKuelbsCollection Presents: Richard Jochum. Fata Morgana, Berlin, Germany. Jun 30 – Jul 3, 2017

Harvestworks Presents: Richard Jochum. New York Electronic Art Festival. Made in NY Media Center, Brooklyn, New York, United States. Jun 1 – 30, 2017

Five Thirds of a Small Exhibition. Curated by Lise Prown. Center for the Digital Arts Gallery, Westchester Community College, Westchester, New York, United States. Apr 11 – May 13, 2017

Und Jetzt. (And Now). Curated by Bernhard Schneider & Martin Lutz. Fine Art Gallery, Traismauer, Austria. Jul 1 – Aug 31, 2016

Select Works and Book Presentation. Curated by Karl-Heinz Pichler. Gallery Lisi Haemmerle, Bregenz. May 6 – 19, 2011

The Grass is Always Greener on The Other Side. Selected Works. Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn&Taxis, Bregenz, Austria. Mar 12 – Apr 25, 2011

Mama/Papa. Curated by Peter Bogner. Passage Gallery, Künstlerhaus Vienna, Austria. Jan 13 – Feb 20, 2011

Richard Jochum. Curated by Sabine Faessler-Lueger. Tanzsaal, Appenzell, Switzerland. Jan 7 – Mar 6, 2011

Atlas. Kinogalerie, Künstlerhaus Vienna. Feb 1 – Mar 31, 2011

Richard Jochum, PaperSeries. Gallery Peter Lindner, Vienna, Austria. Apr 14 – May 28, 2010

This is Not a Joke. Bundo Art Gallery, Daegu, South Korea. Mar 2 – 18, 2010

Twenty Angry Dogs. Bongsan Cultural Center, Daegu, South Korea. Mar 2 – 14, 2010

Trauma Queen. Curated by Harris Kondosphyris and Zoi Pappa Konpo. Guest Curator: Christian Rupp. Mediterranean Hotel. Omonoia, Athens, Greece. Sep 10 – Oct 20, 2009

Unexpected Weight Loss. Curated by Andrew Mount. Dowd Fine Art Gallery, SUNY Cortland New York, Cortland, New York. Aug 14 – Oct 8, 2009

Intersections and Interstices. Selected Works by Richard Jochum. Macy Gallery, Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. Nov 3 – Dec 2, 2008

The Rosary / Sibha as a Communal Sculpture. Public art installation. Curated by Ann Shafer. American University, Cairo, Egypt. Mar 8, 2007 – ongoing.

Globalocal. Ain Shams University, Faculty of Special Education, Cairo, Egypt. Apr 13 – 18, 2006

To and Fro. Curated by Elaine Summers. Kinetic Arts and Sciences Center, Manhattan, New York, United States. Oct 19 – 26, 2005

Playground. El Sawy Center, Cairo, Egypt. Feb 10 – 19, 2005

dis-positiv. About the Productivity of Art and Discourse. Staatsbankberlin, Berlin, Germany. Apr 2 – 9, 2003

Minimal Literature. Einsteinforum, Potsdam, Germany. Apr 29 – Jun 15, 2002

Over all the peaks there is peace… MFA-installation with mixed media. University for Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria. Jun 2001

Vollkommener Wahnsinn. (Pure Lunacy). Remise Bludenz, Bludenz, Austria. Jan 11 – Feb 22, 2001

dis-positiv. About the Productivity of Art and Discourse. Vorarlberger Kunstverein Magazin4, Bregenz, Austria. Nov 6 – 12, 2000

dis-positiv. About the Productivity of Art and Discourse. Atelierhaus Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria. May 2 – 8, 2000

Nichts Als Bücher (Nothing but Books). Gallery Peter Lindner, Vienna, Austria. 1998

Zukunft Oesterreich (On the Future of Austria). Public art project. Heldenplatz,Vienna, Austria. 1996

Engel (Angels. Book Objects by Richard Jochum). Bildungshaus Batschuns, Austria. 1995

Papierverschwendung II (Waste of Paper #2). Villa allerArt Bludenz, Austria. 1995

Lesesaal (Reading Room). Galerie Medien Kunst Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria. 1995

Papierverschwendung (Waste of Paper). Book Objects. Literaturhaus, Vienna, Austria. 1993

Performance with Recitative. Book presentation with art performance. University of Innsbruck, Tryol, Austria. 1991

Group Exhibitions

Warteraum. Montforter Zwischentoene 2019. Curated by Hans Joachim Gögl. Plalais Liechtenstein, Feldkirch, Austria. November 7 – 11, 2019

Museum without Building. Organized by Sylvie Boulanger, Dylan Gauthier, and Nicholas Vargelis. EFA Project Space Gallery, New York, United States. August 28 – September 8, 2019

Digital Fairy Tales: Vengeance is Mine. Light Year #48 and Mitte Media Festival Berlin 2019 Manhattan bridge Dumbo, New York. Berlin Mitte, Germany. April 4 and April 18-20, 2019

Nakanojo Biennale 2019. Nakanojo, Japan. August 24 – September 23, 2019

Today Future · Cloud Museum. Online exhibition. Today Art Museum, Beijing, China.

Faculty Biennial 2018. Macy Gallery, New York, United States. October 22 – November 11, 2018

Biennial LAM 360°. Land Art Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. August 11 – 25, 2018    

Blooming You. Festival di Arti Numeriche e Culture Digitali. Curated by Federica Patti. Private Church of Casa Godio, Pergola, Italy. June 22 – 23, 2018

Nothing is really Queered / Back to Athens 06/18. Curated by Georg Georgakopoulos and Christian Rupp. Old Paper Warehouse, Athens, Greece. June 1 – 10, 2018

Protest Club. Curated by Natalia Nakazawa. Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, Manhattan, New York, United States. March 6 – June 2017

Art Park 21: Groundwork. Curated by ArtPark21. Open Space Visitor Center Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States. March 3 – April 22, 2018

Identity 0.0. Curated by Leo Kuelbs and Aaron Riedel. Light Year 31, Manhattan Bridge Anchorage & Made in NY Media Center by IFP, Dumbo, New York, United States. Nov 2, 2017

Black Noise. Curated by Ekmel Ertan and Işın Önol. Akbank Sanat, Istanbul, Turkey. Sep 8 – Nov 18, 2017

World Sound Festival. Curated by Younghoon Park. Jeonju World Sound Festival Folk Museum, Jeonju, South Korea. Aug 30, 2017 – Sep 26, 2017

Crossword Project. Public Art Screening. Cube Art Project, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. Jul 21, 2017 – Aug 2017

Schwarz auf Pappe Exhibition. Curated by Rudolf Schramm. 3 in 1-Event, Vienna, Austria. Jun 27, 2017

Stronger Together. Digital Arts Faculty Show including Teachers College, Parsons, NYU, Hunter College, NYIT, ITP, Pratt Institute, Stevens Institute of Technology, SVA, William Paterson University, Creative Tech Week New York. Curated by Isabel Draves. Knockdown Center, Queens, New York, United States. May 12 – 13, 2017

Digital Fairy Tales Vol. 1. Screening as part of the Mitte Media Festival. Fata Morgana Mitte Media Festival, Berlin, Germany. May 6, 2017

SaP (Schwarz auf Pappe). Part of Vienna Art Walk 1180. Factory 18, Vienna, Austria. Apr 22 – 23, 2017

Made in NY 2017. Juror: Yvonne Buchanan. Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn, New York, United States. Mar 24 – May 21, 2017

Snap-to-Grid Open Exhibit. LACDA Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Los Angeles, California, United States. Dec 8 – 31, 2016

Digital Fairy Tales Vol. 1. Screening. Runtingersaal, Regensburg, Germany. Oct 27, 2016

Werkschau 2016. Curated by Mirjam Angerer-Geier & Felix Leutner. photo::vienna, Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria. Oct 12 – 16, 2016

Digital Fairy Tales Vol 1. Video Projection. Curated by Leo Kuelbs. Light Year 18, Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn, New York, United States. October 2016

A Sense of Self. Part of “The Imperceptible Self.” Curated by Christine Nippe. Transart Triennale 2016, Berlin, Germany. Aug 5 – 7, 2016 

Landmark. Select Videos from Cool Stories I-IV, Art Port. Socrates Sculpture Park, Queens, New York, United States. May 8 – Aug 28, 2016

Small Work Show. Curated by Bill Carroll. Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, Manhattan, New York, United States. Feb 4 – Jun 30, 2016

Rewind, Replay. Curated by Yvonne Ruescher. Gallery Hollenstein, Lustenau, Austria. Nov 13 – Dec 15, 2015

Visuelle Poesie – 1 + 1 = Mehr1. Curated by Erika Kronabitter and Günther Vallaster. ORF Lange Nacht der Museen: Visuelle Poetry. Theater am Saumarkt, Dornbirn, Austria. Oct 3 – Nov 30, 2015

Visual Perspectives on Art Education. Part of Conversations Across Cultures. Curated by Eva-Maria Stadler. Exhibition Centre of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Heiligenkreuzer Hof, Vienna, Austria. May 28-31, 2015

Display of The Centuries. Friedrich Kiesler and Contemporary Art. Curated by Peter Bogner. Austrian Cultural Forum, Manhattan, New York, United States. Mar 31 – Jul 27, 2015

Failure ---> Progression. Curated by Ellen Harvey. Des Lee Gallery, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Art, St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Mar 20 – 21, 2015

Reflective/Perspective. Video Projection Mapping. Curated by Leo Kuelbs. The German Film Museum, Frankfurt, Germany. Mar 11 – Jun 14, 2015

Personae. Curated by Berty Skuber. Archivio Emily Harvey, Venice, Italy. Oct 18 – 25, 2014

Both Sides Now. Faculty Show. Macy Gallery, Teachers College Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. Oct 6 – Nov 12, 2014

Moon Rainbow. Sky Time 2014. Director: Elaine Summers. Choreographers: Elaine Summers, Kiori Kawai and Thomas Körtvélyessy. Composers: Pauline Oliveros, Carman Moore, Ione
Visual Artists: Raphaele Shirley, Aaron Sherwood, Richard Jochum. Solar One, Manhattan, New York, United States. Sep 28, 2014

Sound of Promise. Art is Me, Art is You 2014. Art walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. Curated by Yikwon Kim. Dumbo Arts Festival 2014, Brooklyn, New York, United States. Sep 27, 2014

We Were All Rocks Once. An exhibition with selections from RICHARD. Sorbus Gallery, Helsinki, Finland. Aug 6 – 20, 2014

Decelerator. Curated by Leo Kuelbs. Sudlab, Napoli, Italy. Dec 13, 2013 – Jan 13, 2014

Social Photography III. An Exhibition of Cell Phone Photographs. Curated by Peter Scott. Carriage Trade, Brooklyn, New York, United States. Dec 12, 2013 – Jan 14, 2014

RE_001: First Communion of Anemic Young Girls In The Snow and other works. Curated by Marco Antonini. Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, New York, United States. Nov 8 – Dec 15, 2013

Selected for Screening. BlueBanana Video Art Contest, Landau, Germany. Nov 16, 2013

Summer Show. CPE-Space 2013, Castleton-on-Hudson, New York, United States. Jul 27 – Aug 17, 2013

We Eat, We Are. Participatory art projects involving food. Curated by Kristyna and Marek Milde. Bushwick Open Studios, Brooklyn, New York, United States. Jun 1-3, 2013

Cool Stories I + II. Green Screen Festival. Film Society of Lincoln Center, Manhattan, New York, United States. May 31 - Jun 5, 2013

AIVA (Sw) / Cologne OFF (De). Fonland Festival, Espaço Artes; Multimedia e Performance, Coimbra, Portugal. May 25, 2013

Group Show. Curated by Younghoon Bak. Kwanhoon Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea. May 15 – 26, 2013

Don't Feed the Animals. Group Show with Live-Performance. F.I.T. at Elga Wimmer Gallery, Manhattan, New York, United States. May 2 – 25, 2013

Papay Gyro Nights 2013. 3rd International Contemporary Art Festival, Hong Kong, China. Apr 5 – 18, 2013

Decelerator. Curated by Eike Berg. Schafhof, European House of Art Oberbayern, Bavaria, Germany. Jan 25 – Mar 3, 2013

Temptations, Papay Gyro Nights 2013, AIVA Festival 2012. Curated by Anders Weberg. 3D International Contemporary Arts Festival, Papay, Orkney, Scotland. Feb 21 – 28, 2013

Special Selection from AIVA Sweden. Belgrade Art Fair, Belgrade, Serbia. Oct 26 – 28, 2012

Art That Iterates. Curated by Sean Justice. Macy Gallery, Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. Sep 1 – 22, 2012

Group show. Curated by Kristyna and Marek Milde. Bushwick Open Studios, Brooklyn, New York, United States. Jun 2, 2012

AIVA Video festival. Video Festival, Finspång, Sweden. April 26 – 28, 2012

Member show. Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, Manhattan, New York, United States. April – May 2012

(inside) joke. Augusta Savage Gallery, UMass Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts, United States. Nov 1 – 22, 2011

Surfaces. Video Projection Mapping. A Collaboration between Simon Anaya, Farkas Fülöp, Richard Jochum, John Moreno, John Ensor Parker, and Ryan Uzilevsky. Curated by Leo Kuelbs. Manhattan Bridge, Dumbo Arts Festival, Brooklyn, New York, United States. Sep 23 – 25, 2011

The Illusive View. International Photography Exhibition, Ping Yao, China. Sep 19 – 25, 2011

Optical Nerve. Screening festival. Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami, Florida, United States. Aug 28, 2011, followed by additional venues in Sep, 2011

Cool Stories III. Screening and award ceremony. Curated by Corinne Erni and Anne-Marie Melster. The Swiss Architecture Museum, Art Basel, Basel Switzerland. Jun 16, 2011

Castleton Select. CPE-Space, Castleton-on-Hudson, New York, United States. Jun 11 – Aug 21, 2011

Cool Stories II. FICMA, The International Environmental Film Festival, Barcelona, Spain. Jun 5, 2011

Cool Stories II. Cinema Planeta Festival, Cuernavaca and Mexico City, Mexico.  Mar 2011

The Decelerator. Multi-city video installation. AllenNederpelt, New York, United States; Sur La Montagne, Berlin, Germany; Videospace, Budapest, Hungary. Mar 18 – Apr 3, 2011

Member Exhibition. Elizabeth Foundation for The Arts, Manhattan, New York, United States. Jan 25 – Mar 31, 2011

Alpine Desire. Curated by Agnes Husslein, Andreas Stadler, and William Stover. Austrian Cultural Forum, Manhattan, New York, United States. Jan 26 – May 8, 2011

Film Screening. The 2010 Ourense International Film Festival, Ourense, Spain. Oct 1 – 9, 2010

Berg, der Laub – Laub, der Berg. Curated by Members of Maerz. Maerz-Gallery, Linz, Austria. Sep 28 – Oct 19, 2010

Screening OFF-Festival – Spazio Monitor. Macro Testaccio, La Pelanda, The Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, Rome, Italy. Sep 15 – 18, 2010

Gallery Bundo. Represented through Gallery Bundo. KIAF, Korea International Art Fair, Seoul, South Korea. Sep 9 – 13, 2010

Family Affair 2. Papa. Wilfried agricola de Cologne. New Media Online Film Festival. Video Channel, Cologne, Germany. From Sep 1, 2010

I can’t believe it’s not art. Screening. Open Source Festival, Dusseldorf, Germany. Aug 7, 2010

Castleton Twelve. Curated by Peter Mackie. CPE Space, Castleton on Hudson, New York, United States. Aug 7 – 28, 2010

Playground 8. Curated by Andrei Severny. Synchronicity, Manhattan, New York, United States. Jul 24, 2010

Reception. Stefan Szydlowski Gallery at Chelsea Hotel, Manhattan, New York, United States. Jun 4, 2010

Cell-Portraits. In collaboration with Jan Schmoranzer. K-Salon, Berlin, Germany. Jun 4, 2010

If You See Nothing, Say Something. Curated by Kiya Kim. Invisible Dog, Brooklyn, New York, United States. May, 22 – Jul 25, 2010

Gallery Bundo. Bundo Art Gallery at The 28th Korean Galleries Art Fair, Busan, South Korea. March 25 – 29, 2010

Festival Screenings. 700IS Reindeerland, Egilsstadir, Iceland; Liverpool, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany; Oslo, Norway; Tempe, Arizona, et al. Mar 22 – 27, 2010; et al.

Grey Online Show (Halt II). Shifting Ground, Gallery Grey.  Feb 5 – Mar 5, 2010

Washington State University Gallery II. Pullman, Washington, United States. Mar 29 – Apr 2, 2010

Human Emotion Project. Beijing Contemporary Art Centre, Beijing, China. Jan 16 – Mar 21, 2010

Writing and Observations. International artist’s book exhibition, Labyrint 09, Botkyrka Konsthall Tumba, Sweden. Nov 7, 2009 – Mar 13, 2010

Cool Stories For When The Planet Gets Hot. ArtPort at Hopenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Dec 7 – 13, 2009

Visions in New York City. Art Basel, Miami, Florida, United States. Dec 5, 2009

Eye / World. Curated by Emily Cheng and Michelle Loh. TripleCandie, Manhattan, New York, United States. Nov 22, 2009 – Jan 17, 2010

Visions of New York. Macy Gallery, Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. Nov 2 – 13, 2009

Man/Woman at Lange Nacht des Films. Gallery Blaugelbezwettl, St. Poelten, Austria. Nov 09, 2009

Video Art Exhibition. Mama, Atlas, Atlas Goes Superman, and Desert. OFFicyna, 18 Dokument Art, Szeczecin, Poland.Oct 16 – 21, 2009

Cool Stories For When The Planet Gets Hot. ArtPort at MuVIM Valencia, Spain. Oct 7, 2009

Brighten Life, Get Ahead. Hana Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea. Jun 24 – 30, 2009

Remise Bludenz, Bludenz, Austria. Jun 14 – Jul 26, 2009

With Kind Regards From the Late Emperor. Public art project. 125 years of Arlberg Railway Blisadonna tunnel, Austria. Jun 10, 2009 – 2012.

Global Warming. ArtPort, video award, Volta Art Fair at Art Basel 2009, Basel, Switzerland. Jun 12, 2009

Flavors of Austria. The Art Foundation (TAF), Athens, Greece. May 19 – Jun 30, 2009

Into the Head–Outside-In. Closing Exhibition. Curated by Karen Peters. Alp Gallery, Manhattan, New York, United States. Mar 30, 2009

Mama and Home Sweet Home Screening. Human Emotion Festival, Australia, Iran, Spain, Greece, Russia, Germany, Portugal, Italy, et al. Mar 2009

Inaugural Exhibition. Art Raw Gallery, Manhattan, New York, United States. Feb 2009

ARTmART Exhibition. Curated by Lorenz Seidler and Christian Rupp. Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria. Nov 18 – 23, 2008  

Screenings. FocFest. Freedom of Choice Festival, Turkey, Armenia, Poland, Portugal, and USA. Nov 2008

Streaming Festival 3rd edition. The Hague, Netherlands. Oct 23 – 26, 2008     

CologneOFF IV. Special Festival Program Mother showcasing Mama, Extended Festival Program Lab showcasing The Rosary | Sibha as a Communal Sculpture. Museum of Contemporary Art (MACZUL), Maracaibo, Venezuela. Oct 1 – 8, 2008 and Dec 2008

1800 Frames | Take 4. Screening. Video Dumbo, Dumbo Arts Festival, Brooklyn, New York, United States. Sep 26 – 28, 2008

It’s Not Easy. World Summit, in collaboration with Aphrodite Désirée Navab. Exit art, Manhattan, New York, United States. Jul 24 – Aug 29, 2008

Man/Woman. Screening. Video Art Festival Meden, Kalamatas, Greece. Jul 4 – 6, 2008

Just Arrived. Curated by Andrea Domesle. Grand Chelsea Foto-Atelier Austria, Manhattan, New York, United States. June 11, 2008

VIDEO-EX, Man/Woman. International Experimental Film & Video Festival, Zurich, Germany. May 23 – Jun 1, 2008

A Time-based New Media Art Festival. Screening Rosary/Prayer Necklace as a Communal Sculpture. Transhift 08, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States. May 2 – 3, 2008

Word of Mouth, “Super East-West Woman goes Video.” Artist collaboration with Aphrodite Désirée Navab. Curated by Nina Caporale. Ohio University Gallery, Athens, Ohio, et al. Apr 15 – Apr 26, 2008 (among other venues)

1800FRAMES|Take4. Screening Halt 2007. City without Walls, Newark, New Jersey, United States. Apr 12 – May 29, 2008

Figurine. Exploring the Muslim female experience post 9/11. In collaboration with Aphrodite Désirée Navab. Annex, Touchstone Gallery, Washington D.C., United States. Apr 9 – May 4, 2008

Picturing Mary: Contemporary Images of the Madonna. In collaboration with Aphrodite Désirée Navab. Orleans Street Gallery, St. Charles, Illinois, United States. Mar 22 – May 24, 2008

Pot Shots at Hot Shots, "PopPenis.” 3rd Rail Studio, New Rochelle, New York, United States. Mar 8 – Apr 12, 2008

Human and Nature Space. Snow II.  FestArte, Rome, Italy. Feb 22, 2008

Made Home. Home Sweet Home. Current Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Jan 18 – Feb 8, 2008

T-10 Video Festival. Man/Woman. 21 Grand, Oakland, California, United States. Jan 12 – 13, 2008

”a+b=ba?” [art+blog=blogart?]. Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne. JavaMuseum. Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art. Cologne, Germany. December 2007

Scream. Munch Project. UAVM, Virtual Museum Opening. Dec 16 – 31, 2007

11th International Video Festival Videomedeja. Man/Woman. Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia. Dec 14 – 16, 2007

Visualizing the Invisible. Cell Portraits. Photomicrographs by Jan Schmoranzer. Images and Video by Jan Schmoranzer and Richard Jochum. M.W. Offit Gallery, Teachers College Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. Oct 22 – Dec 21, 2007

Slowtime 2007. Quicktime as an Artistic Medium.  Cinemateque / Le Musee di-visioniste, Cologne, Germany.  Sep 2007

ARTmART Exhibition. Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria. Apr 25 – May 1, 2007

Das Gute muss nicht immer das Böse sein (What’s Good Must Not Necessarily Be Evil). Curated by Karl-Heinz Pichler. Engländerbau, Vaduz Liechtenstein. Apr 3 – May 20, 2007

SilvrettAtelier 2006. Sisyphus on Vacation. Palais Liechtenstein, Feldkirch, Austria. Apr 5 – 29, 2007

://selfportrait, a show for Bethlehem, a show for Peace. The place of art – Officyna. Performance and Intermedia Festival, Szczecin-Swinoujscie, Poland. Oct 20 – 22, 2006; MAC – Museum of Contemporary Art in Santa Fe, Argentina, Dec 10, 2006 – Jan 28, 2007. Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, Naples Italy, opening Dec 16, 2006. Museo de Arte Contemporaneo in Rosario, Argentina. opening Feb 9, 2007

Lange Nacht des Films. Gallery Blaugelbezwettl, St. Poelten, Austria. Dec 15, 2006

Art is Me, Art is You. Walking Exhibition. Manhattan, New York, United States. May 28, 2006

Artists’ Flag Exhibition. Flag Project, European Social Forum in Athens, Greece; Ravelsbach, Austria. May 4 – 7, 2006; and Jun 10 – Aug 13, 2006

Imagining the Book II. Alexandria Biennial, Alexandria, Egypt. Apr 15 – Jun 1, 2006

Cultural Fair, Third International Conference. Austrian Pavillon, Minia University, Minya, Egypt. April 6, 2006

Update. Curated by Lorenz. Seidler. Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria. Jan 27 – Apr 3, 2005

Kulturnacht. Curated by Wolfgang Maurer. allerArt, Bludenz, Austria. May 2003

dis-positiv as Guest of Anthology of Art. Müczarnok, Budapest, Hungary. May 8 – 10, 2003

Primeline.Insight. Primeline, Berlin, Germany. Nov 22 – Dec 21, 2002

Living Archives. Exhibition and symposium on Artist Books. Kunsttempel, Kassel, Germany. Oct 25 – Nov 2, 2002

hundert20. Monbijoupark, Berlin, Germany. June 2002

So Oke. Kunstverein Future Garden, Vienna, Austria. May 8 – 12, 2001

Oderda. dis-positiv in cooperation with Acces Local, Paris. Schnitt Austellungsraum, Cologne, Germany. Oct 19 – 21, 2000

It’s the Beginning of a Really Good Friendship. LocalLocal at Kunstverein Düsseldorf. Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany. June 2000

The Rear Side of the Letters. Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Germany. 2000

art traffic. Art from the Cigarette Automat. ArtPhalanx. Vienna, Austria. 2000

Works on Paper. 17. Römerquelle Art Competition, Vienna, Salzburg, Klagenfurt et al. May – Nov 1999

Even Heinz and Susi. Opening performance Plaster Room. All Waltz! Passage Gallery, Künstlerhaus Vienna, Austria. 1998

What’s God’s Address? Installations on Religious Chitchat. Kaiser Leopold Saal. University of Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria.1989

Curated Exhibitions

Meeting the Moment. The Creative Technologies Exhibition. Directed by Richard Jochum. Macy Gallery, Teachers College Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. July 20 – September 1, 2020

On Collaboration. The Creative Technologies Exhibition. Directed by Richard Jochum. Co-curated by Zhenzhen Qi. Macy Gallery, Teachers College Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. June 18 – July 19, 2018

Unleashing. Site-specific Exhibition and Multi-media installations. Directed by Richard Jochum, curated by Lauren Bierly. Teachers College, Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. Spring 2018  (forthcoming)

New Gifts. The Creative Technologies Exhibition. Directed by Richard Jochum. Co-curated by Sean Justice. Macy Gallery, Teachers College Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. Jun 1 – Jun 26, 2015

Blanket Stories. An exhibition project based on a tale by Richard Jochum. Co-curated by Ann Teed. Macy Gallery, Teachers College Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. Jun 2 – 30, 2014

Artists as Educators. Featuring collaborative projects by Ira S. Bartell, Irina Danilova, Francois Deschamps, Robert Gero, Jeff Hopkins, Wendell Jeffrey, Eliza Lamb, Ruth Mateus-Berr, Amy Papaelias, Ernesto Pujol, Tim Rollins and K.O.S., Patrick Rowe. Conceived and curated by Richard Jochum. Macy Gallery, Teachers College Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. Mar 31 – Apr 30, 2014

Doing and Undergoing. Site-specific, multi-media exhibition project celebrating Teachers College’ 125th anniversary. Directed by Richard Jochum, curated by Robert Gero. Teachers College, Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States. Oct 15 – Dec 15, 2013

Video and Wine. Curated by Richard Jochum. Dumbo Arts Center, Brooklyn, New York, United States. May – 28, 2011


Public Art

One for Each Hand and Speaks for Itself. Land art projects. Joya: AIR, Velez-Blanco, Spain. 2019

Tree Trunks. Land art project. ArtPark Hollufgård, Odense, Denmark. 2017 onwards

Rock Candy. Land art project. ArtPark Hollufgård, Odense, Denmark. 2017 onwards

With Kind Regards from the Late Emperor. Public art installation with 30 light boxes celebrating 125 Years of Arlberg Railway. Arlberg Railroad Tunnel Blisadonna, Austria. 2009 – 2012.

Sisyphus on Vacation. Land art project. Bielerkopf, Silvretta, Austria. 2006 onwards

The Sibha | Rosary as a Communal Sculpture. Public art project. Rooftop, American University, Cairo, Egypt. 2006 onwards. 


One for Each Hand, Performance Video, 2019

Vengance is Mine, Video, 2019

Catch 22 (Mongolia), Multiple Channel Video Performance, 2018

Atlas | The Load is Getting Heavier, Single Channel Video Performance, 2018

Tug of War, 15-Channel Video Installation, 2017-2018

Stepping Up, Single Channel Video, 2017

Catch, Dual Video Installation, 2017

Tug of War, Video Installation, 2016-2017

Crossword Project, Interactive Video Installation, 2016

One Fifth of a Huge Exhibition, Interactive Installation, 2016

Yodel (Digital Fairy Tales Vol. I)
Stop Motion Animation, 2016,

Atlas Goes Superman (Cat Island), Video Performance, 2016

Look at me! Look at me!, Single Channel Video, 2016

Offering #3: Dinner/Over, Interactive Video Installation, 2015

All The Worlds Futures (Atlas|Venice), Video Performance, 2015

What Was I Thinking?, Video Projection. 3D Animation, 2014

Ashes to Ashes, Stones to Stones, Video Performance, 2009-2014

Airplanes for Elaine, Documentary 2014

Offering #2: Tantalus, Interactive Video Installation, 2013

Thunder in a TeaCup, Art Movie. Director: Alison Williams, South-Africa, 2010-2013

Signature, Bioart Project, 2010-2013

With Kind Regards from the Late Emperor, Interactive Installation. New York 2012

Offering, Interactive Video Installation, 2011

Elevation - Reversed Human Waterfall, Video and Sound Installation, 2011

Immersive Surfaces, Video Mapping Project, collaborative project, 2011

Rear Window View, Single channel video, 2011

Dust, Dirt, and Scratches, Screencast video, 2011

Collaborative Silverware, Brooklyn, Performance/Documentary, 2010

Tomatoes: Visual Culture Tomatoes. Videoblog. New York April 2010

Twenty Angry Dogs - Group Barking, Video and Sound Installation for Ban Song Gallery, South Korea March 2010

Twenty Angry Dogs, Video and Sound Installation for Ban Song Gallery, South Korea March 2010

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Art, Video Performance, New York 2009

Collaborative Silverware, Cortland, Documentary, 2009

Papa (in collaboration with Vassiliki Athena Vayenou; and Irini Athanassakis)

Video Performance and Sound Installation. Athens & Berlin, 2009

With Kind Regards From The Late Emperor, Video Installation. New York / Austria, 2009

Atlas Goes Superman, Video Performance and Installation. New York/Athens; various locations, 2009 (ongoing)

Atlas, Video Performance and Installation. New York/Austrian Alps; various locations, 2008 (ongoing)

My Favorite Saying, 99 Videoblogs. World Wide Web 2008 - ongoing

Mama, Video Performance and Sound Installation. New York 2008

The Rosary | Sibha as a Communal Sculpture 
Documentary. Egypt/New York 2008

Snow II, Short Film. Austria/New York 2008

Home Sweet Home, Short Film. New York 2007

Halt II, Video Performance. New York 2007

Indexfinger #1-3, Video Installation. Vaduz, New York 2007

Snow, Short Film. New York 2007

Sisyphus on Vacation, Short Film. Austria/New York 2006-2007

Man/Woman, High Definition Movie in collaboration with VOOM HD Lab, New York 2006-2007

To and From, Documentary. New York 2005-2007

Cell Portraits, Short Film. New York 2005-2007

Art is me. Art is you, Documentary. New York 2006

Selfportrait as a Group #5, Short Film. Brooklyn 2005

Clouds, Video Installation. Cairo/New York 2004

dis-positiv, Documentary in collaboration with Wolfgang Neipl. Vienna 2000-2001.

Halt I, Video Performance. Vienna 2001

Plaster Room. “All Waltz!”, Documentary. Vienna 1998

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