
School Psychology at TC

Thank you so much for visiting our website to learn more about our program. Please browse through its contents and reach out to us if you have any questions.

The overall goal of the School Psychology Program at Teacher College, Columbia University is to educate specialist (Ed.M.)  and  doctoral (Ph.D.) level school psychologists who can promote the cognitive, behavioral, and social-emotional growth and development of children, youth and families from diverse linguistic, cultural or racial backgrounds through research and practice. The program follows a scientist-practitioner model that focuses on the application of psychological science to the promotion of learning and mental health in schools and other educational and mental health contexts.

Our training model consists of formal instruction and apprenticeship. Course work provides students with a strong foundation in psychological theory and research as well as its application to (a) the instruction and learning of school related subjects, and (b) the understanding, prevention, and treatment of mental health problems. Our very strong practicum and internship experiences (students have clients every semester) provide students with the opportunity to apply this knowledge directly to their work with clients in a variety of contexts, including the Dean Hope Center (our college clinic), our collaborating schools (we provide school psychological services to children and youth in schools that serve children from ethnically and linguistically diverse low and middle income environments), medical centers, and community clinics. Faculty research is cognitively, behaviorally, and/or developmentally oriented and provides yet another vehicle for students to develop and apply their knowledge. The school psychologists we train work in schools, universities, research centers, hospitals, testing companies and community clinics all over the country and in other countries.

There are many additional advantages to attending our program. In addition to the cultural and intellectual stimulation of New York City, we offer students the opportunity to earn certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and/or a license as a behavior analyst (LBA), and to attain an extension to your certification as a bilingual school psychologist in New York State, if you are fluent in a language other than English.

We look forward to your application and to your joining our community.

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