Monitoring and Evaluation
The overarching goal of Teachers for Teacher’s Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan is to monitor the implementation of the project at every stage of the cycle and measure whether the objectives of the project have been achieved with the following research question guiding our process:
What is the impact of the Teachers for Teachers integrated Teacher Professional Develoment model on teachers’ sense of professional identify and their knowledge and skills?
With a sustained focus on results throughout the implementation (DFID, 2006), the T4T M&E framework utilizes results monitoring tools to collect information on the perceptions and attitudes of the teachers during our field visits. Our team members collect “…results in real time as they emerge instead of after the research programme is completed” (DFID, 2006, p. 3). Data collection tools are both quantitative and qualitative in nature, ensuring the breadth and depth of the project’s impact is captured. Specifically, we apply a mixed-methods approach and employ questionnaires, focus group discussions, observations, and semi-structured interviews.

The prevailing practice in M&E often excludes the recipients of the project from conducting research. However, Teachers for Teachers feels the participation of refugee teachers is critical to effective M&E and larger research design decisions. One of the project’s main components, the peer coaching and TLC program, is inherently a method for collecting results regarding the effectiveness of the teacher training in real time as they emerge (DFID, 2006). Data sharing processes have been established, between the refugee teachers (serving as peer coaches and TLC facilitators) and our team, to ensure all results are captured. These processes include real-time reporting through SMS or email sharing of photos of classroom observations/forms and TLC meetings/summaries. Additionally, we are currently exploring other methods, such as the Most Significant Change technique, which is a tool that engages teachers, and possibly students, in reflecting on how the program has impacted them personally and professionally (Davies & Dart, 2005). Perhaps most significantly, the inclusion of refugee teachers in the M&E plan promotes the overall sustainability of Teachers for Teachers by implementing opportunities for continued professional development in the camp.

Davies, R. & Dart, J. (2005). The ‘Most Significant Change’(MSC) Technique: A guide to its Use. Retrieved from
DFID (May 2006) Monitoring and Evaluation. A Guide for DFID-contracted Research Programmes. London: Central Research Department DfID.