Tools & Resources

Curriculum Materials and Research


Mary Mendenhall, Susan Garnett Russell, Elizabeth Buckner. Key contributions by Peter Bjorklund, Jihae Cha, Danielle Falk, Sarah Horsch, Diana Rodriguez-Gomez, and Dominique Spencer 

Urban Refugee Education PDF


Mary Mendenhall, Susan Garnett Russell, Elizabeth Buckner. Key contributions by Peter Bjorklund, Jihae Cha, Danielle Falk, Sarah Horsch, Diana Rodriguez-Gomez, and Dominique Spencer.

Advocacy Brief


Teachers in Crisis Contexts Working Group (TICCWG; originally known as the Refugee Teacher Working Group), consultants and colleagues, representing a diverse group of individuals from international NGOs, universities, and UN agencies.

The pack is comprised of an Introductory Training Pack and four core modules, developed around a set of 28 teacher competencies. The pack has undergone systematic review where it was field-tested in Iraq and Kenya, externally reviewed by a range of Education in Emergency specialists, and finalized in March 2016. The core modules include

Teacher's Role and Well-being ModuleChild Protection, Well-being, and Inclusion PedagogyCurriculum & Planning. Each module is made up of 4-5 sessions with detailed facilitator guidance. The four modules are intended to be used for continuous professional development over a period of time. The modules are designed to be participatory, interactive, and learner-centered. The Modules At-A-Glance pages provide an overview of the topics covered in each training.

Teacher Training Complete Pack


Charlotte Bergin

The Mobile Mentoring curriculum has been designed to provide an additional layer of instructional and emotional support to teachers taking part in the interagency ‘Training for Primary Teachers in Crisis Contexts’. This forms part of an effort by the Teachers in Crisis Contexts Working Group to transform the way teacher professional development is experienced in humanitarian contexts – where the needs of children are extensive and the support for teachers minimal.

Mobile Mentoring Curriculum


Mary Mendenhall, Lauren Bowden, Jihae Cha, Sophia Collas, Danielle Falk, Emily Richardson, Shezleen Vellani 

Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2017 Presentation

Teachers for Teachers Presentation

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