Featured Articles
Summer EBT based on NY decision
Pic from https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/listen-watch/poems/being-healthy
Rethinking Resolutions: Food for Thought
Five Societal Concerns to Consider in 2024
TFC Comments on Recent Trends in City Council-funded Allocations for Food for New Yorkers
Ingredients for Nourishing Nutrition Education: Key Highlights from the 2023 Food Ed Hub Conference and 3rd Annual Award Celebration
Photos by Alison Sheehy Photography
Photos by Alison Sheehy Photography
Highlights from the 2023 Food Ed Hub Conference and 3rd Annual Award Celebration
Photos by Alison Sheehy Photography
Photos by Alison Sheehy Photography
Celebrating Dr. Kushi For AAPI Heritage Month
Dr. Kushi (center) receives a hug from Dr. Cadenhead (left) and Dr. Koch (right) at 2019 FNCE Conference
Loukya Kotla and Nafeesa Mahmood share their high school research experience at the Tisch Food Center
Summer interns share 2022 experience understanding food policy
Nutrition Security vs Food Security: What’s The Difference?
This blog is the first in a series that will examine nutrition security in greater depth to add clarity and context to ongoing food access and quality conversations.
Tisch Food Center, Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center, and CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute Launch NY Food 2025
The Tisch Food Center joined food policy centers from across New York City to launch NY Food 2025, a series of policy briefs that provide guidance to the current NYC administration, the City Council, and other stakeholders on how to improve emergency and non-crisis food systems.
The White House Food Conference Returns (Potentially) after 50 years
This past October, U.S. Senators Cory Booker and Mike Braun introduced a bipartisan, bicameral bill to reconvene the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health after its 50-year hiatus. Learn more about the conference and its goals, including ending hunger and reducing nutrition insecurity.
The New York City Council Passes the Sweet Truth Act
At the final hearing of 2021, the New York City Council enacted Int No. 1326-b, coined “The Sweet Truth Act,” requiring restaurant chains to notify customers of prepackaged foods and beverages containing more than 50 grams of added sugars.
Food Ed Coalition Spotlight: The Children's Food Lab
As part of our Spotlight Series, the Tisch Food Center interviewed Jill Santopietro, Founder & Director of The Children's Food Lab. This organization provides after-school nutrition education classes to students through interactive labs about the arts & sciences of food.
Food Ed Coalition Spotlight: FamilyCook Productions
The Tisch Food Center recently interview David Bartolomi, Youth Development Director at FamilyCook Productions. Learn more about how this organization integrates nutrition education with cooking in the classroom.
Wellness in the Schools (WITS) Evaluation
Read the latest brief on TFC's two-year evaluation of the Wellness in the Schools (WITS) programming to understand how WITS programming impacted students’ school lunch consumption, including their fruit and vegetable intake.
Food Ed Coalition Spotlight: Edible Schoolyard NYC
The Tisch Food Center recently interviewed Shanon Morris, Executive Director at Edible Schoolyard NYC. Learn more about how this innovative organization empowers children to make healthy food choices and strengthens communities.
Food Ed Coalition Spotlight: Green Bronx Machine Part 2- Programming
The Tisch Food Center recently interviewed Stephen Ritz, founder of Green Bronx Machine. Learn more about their incredible work transforming communities through nutrition education and urban agriculture.
Slow Food Live: A good, clean, and fair plan for child nutrition
On Sept 22nd, Lesley Kroupa, JD, MS, RD, the Tisch Food Center’s Interim Policy Director, and Jen Cadenhead, PhD, RD, the Goldberg Postdoctoral Researcher in Food Trauma in Children at the Tisch Food Center, were invited to a panel curated by the Slow Food USA’s Food and Farm Policy team.
2021 New York State Nutrition Policy Virtual Summit: Calls to Action for Public Health
On September 21st, the American Heart Association, Bronx Health REACH, and the Center for Science in the Public Interest held a summit on proposed New York statewide and citywide nutrition policies.
Food Ed Coalition Spotlight: Green Bronx Machine Part 1- Development and Impact
The Tisch Food Center recently interviewed Stephen Ritz, founder of Green Bronx Machine. Learn more about their incredible work transforming communities through nutrition education and urban agriculture.
The USDA’s Updated Thrifty Food Plan:
An Important Step Towards Food and Nutrition Security for Millions of Americans
For the first time in 15 years, the formula used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to determine the benefits someone is eligible to receive from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (“SNAP”) was revised to better reflect the realistic cost of eating an adequate and nutritious diet in the United States.
Family Perspectives on NYC Public School Pandemic Grab n Go Meals
In 25 1-hour focus groups, the Tisch Food Center interviewed parents of NYC school children who had received pandemic grab n’ go meals to understand their experiences.
Wellness Program Finder
The Wellness Program Finder is a searchable database of food, nutrition, physical and mental health programs serving New York City PreK-12 public schools, run by nonprofits, hospitals, companies, government agencies, and universities.
Teaching Food and Nutrition for ALL
A professional development online course for educators with a passion for helping our next generation eat well for themselves and for the planet.
Food and Nutrition Education Curricula
Engage children in exploring food systems, food choice, and personal health with our evidence-based curricula, designed for educators in a variety of settings.
E-Learning Hub
Need fresh ideas for learning at home? Find FREE food and nutrition education lesson plans, videos, recipes, and activities developed by NYC organizations. Ideal for use by families and teachers, for children grades K-12.
In the Media
New York Times
Pam Koch emphasizes the importance of continuing to provide free meals to students amidst the pandemic.
Sara Abiola, executive director and associate research professor, and Pamela Koch, faculty director and associate professor of nutrition education, talk about policy proposals for meeting the challenge of food insecurity in NYC following the pandemic and the report, "NY Food 2025."
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The Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy, in the Program in Nutrition conducts research on food and nutrition education practice and policy. We translate our research into resources for educators, policy makers, and advocates to demand a healthy, just, and sustainable food system. Our vision is transforming the status quo through food and nutrition education.