Water is, well, the elixir of life. It’s needed for pretty much every bodily function – it allows us to thermoregulate, protects sensitives tissues and lubricates our joints, creates saliva, aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients, boosts energy, aids cognitive function and mood, improves skin quality, the list goes on (and on [and on]). Suffice it to say, we need water to live and to thrive! But the summer heat and humidity changes our water balance and challenges our thermoregulatory abilities so properly hydration is essential.  


Hot weather can increase our need for proper hydration.

But first, let’s talk about sweating. To cope with an increased external temperature (that raises our internal core temperature), our bodies will begin to sweat. This brings moisture to our skin and, as it’s evaporated off, it allows for our bodies to begin to cool down. And the hotter and dryer the ambient temperature (or if we’re doing any kind of summery-physical activity), the more we sweat. Here’s where water comes in! Consuming water can help not only replace water lost in the cooling process of sweating but it can also be physically cooling to your insides (a little weird, right?). Just think of how much more satisfying a glass of ice water is when compared to lukewarm water after a workout!*


A note here – cold water is technically not any more hydrating than any other kind of water but cold water can certainly help to bring your core body temperature down faster than warm water! 


Humidity can also increase our water needs! 

In humid weather, our bodies are unable to evaporate sweat off our skin (because the air is so saturated with moisture already)! This means that our bodies are not able to thermoregulate properly and our ability to cool ourselves down through sweating can be greatly hampered. Water can play a crucial role here in helping to bring our core temperature back down and replace any fluids lost through sweating.


So, here are some hot tips for staying hydrated and cool this summer: 

  • Find an empowering water bottle: picking the right water bottle can be an absolute game-changer for drinking enough water! The number #1 consideration for picking the right bottle is ensuring that you like it! To be motivated to drink water, you have to be motivated to want to drink water and that starts with a water bottle that you can’t put down! My favorite water bottle has a straw feature which makes it a breeze to drink water on the go. Some people enjoy having a big water bottle so they know to drink more while others would constantly refill theirs.
  • Set reminders: Set reminders on your phones or computers to drink water at regular times throughout the day. This can also help to space out how much water you drink throughout the day – drinking too much water at once may be a bit challenging for our bodies to utilize. Instead of properly absorbing it into our system, you may just end up peeing most  of it out! Sipping throughout the day might increase your hydration and cut back on those urgent runs to the loo! 
  • Add some spice to your water: Infuse your water with fresh fruits, vegetables, or herbs for added flavor. Adding lemon, mint, or strawberries can make drinking water more enjoyable and more flavorful! My personal favorite is to toss some cucumber slices in my water and, once I finish my glass, I get a little veggie treat at the end to snack on!  
  • Scale back on the sugary drinks: Given their sugar content, sodas may not be the best choice for optimum rehydration and thirst-quenching. If you’re looking for something on the sweeter side, opt for natural fruit juices or herbal teas as an alternative! You can even dilute those with some water to make these sweet drinks more hydrating.



And finally, don’t forget about the water in your food! 

Foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, have loads of water, and let’s be real, is there anything more satisfying than a juicy slice of watermelon on a hot summer day? Check out the water content of your favorite fruits and veggies below. 





  • Lettuce (up to 96% water)
  • Celery (up to 95% water)
  • Boy Choy (up to 95% water)
  • Radishes (up to 95% water)
  • Cucumber (up to 95% water)
  • Zucchini (up to 95% water)
  • Tomatoes (up to 95% water)
  • Green Bell Peppers (up to 94% water)
  • Asparagus (up to 93% water)
  • Okra (up to 93% water)
  • Spinach (up to 91% water)
  • Broccoli (up to 89% water)


^all data from FoodData Central → https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/index.html


From all of us at Tisch Food Center, we wish you a warm, restful, and hydrated summer! Whether it's drinking water from your favorite water bottle, infusing your water with mint and cucumber, or chowing down on some fresh peaches, water is crucial and water is everywhere!