Linking Food and the Environment (LiFE) is a collaboration of the Science Education and Nutrition Education programs at Teachers College, Columbia University. It was established in 1996 with the vision of promoting scientific habits of mind through thoughtful, inquiry-based activities that integrate the study of personal health and food, food systems, and the environment. The National Gardening Association published the first three books of the series, Growing FoodFarm to Table & Beyond, and Choice, Control and Change. Since the LiFE curriculum is inquiry-based science, each of the curriculum guides has a central or driving question.

Learn more about each module:

To order the curriuculum, visit Kids Gardening.

The development, evaluation, and dissemination of LiFE was funded by two National Institutes of Health Science Education Partnership Awards (SEPA). Additional funding for publication was provided from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation for the Rethinking Food, Health, and the Environment: Making Learning Connections, a joint project of the Center for Ecoliteracy and Teachers College, Columbia University.