Alumni News |
Woman of the Year

Phyllis Hansell (Ed.D ’81) has been named 2012 Woman of the Year by Seton Hall University. The Woman of the Year award recognizes and honors outstanding leaders at Seton Hall who have made significant contributions to the success of women at the University. Phyllis earned her degree in Nursing Education and is currently Dean of the College of Nursing at Seton Hall.
Olympics 2012
Maya Lawrence (MA ’06) will represent the United States in fencing at the 2012 Olympics in London. She will be competing in the individual epee and team epee events. Maya completed her TESOL degree and currently trains in Paris.
Alumni Reunion in Georgia
Those of us fortunate enough to have studied at Teachers
College would unhesitatingly confirm how heart-warming
it is to rejoin the big family again. This time, the Georgian
TC alumni were happy to reunite and meet Dr. Peter Moock
in Tbilisi, Georgia, on January 28. Peter Moock
(PhD '73) worked for many
years at the World Bank after having served on the faculty
of TC. He is now a member of the TC Alumni Council. There
was a record attendance at the meeting in January: 10 of
the 12 alumni who studied at TC were able to attend
the Alumni Reunion in Tblisi. The cosy atmosphere and retro environment in a historical part of the city made the friendly
and professional conversations even more enjoyable and
unforgettable. For the rest of the story by Natia Mzhavanadze and Nino Chinchaladze, please turn to page 3 in Global Update.
Do you have good news to share? Be sure to let us know here or by emailing us at
Department Links |
Visit your department's site for their latest news.
Arts & Humanities
Click here to read the department's blog. Visit the Music Ed site for alumni news and upcoming concerts. You can also join the conversation on Twitter @TCAandH, @TCSocialStudies and @TCMusicEd.
Biobehavioral Sciences
You can also join the conversation on Twitter @BiobehavioralTC.
Counseling & Clinical Psychology
Curriculum & Teaching
Visit the site for alumni, faculty and student news.
Education Policy & Social Analysis
Click here for the recent issue of Epsa-logue, the department's newsletter. You can also join the conversation on Twitter @EPSAatTC.
Health & Behavior Studies
Visit the site for alumni, faculty and student news.
Human Development
Click here to read the most recent edition of HUDN, the department's newsletter.
International & Transcultural Studies
ITS is also accepting nominations for the Harold J. Noah Award. Click here for more. Are you a CIES alumnus/a? Fill out the CIES alumni survey here. Also, keep in touch with fellow CIE/IED alumni by reading GlobalUpdate.
Mathematics, Science & Technology
Click here to read the most recent edition of MST Times, the department's newsletter.
Organization & Leadership
Visit the site for alumni, faculty and student news.
Other Concentrations
Interested in other certificate programs and courses? Visit the site for additional opportunities.
Teachers College News |
Views on the News
Views on the News is a monthly online journal of analysis just launched by the External Affairs team at Teachers College. Enlisting the expertise of TC's faculty, alumni, students and leadership, Views on the News offers timely analysis and lively commentary on news events and current trends in education, health, nutrition, organizational leadership and other fields within the College's core areas of research, policy and practice. Read the latest issue here.
Inside is our monthly source for news, events and people at Teachers College. To read the most current edition, please click here. Please send us your feedback at
Virtual Events
Were you interested in an event but unable to attend? If so, or if you want to be part of the audience again, you can watch much of our programs online. Simply visit our Youtube channel (TeachersCollegeCUNYC) or TC channel to see what you've been missing.
Support TC |
Being TC
As a valued member of the Teachers College community, you know that our faculty, students and alumni lead the way in shaping human learning, development and well-being across the world.Every aspect of the College, whether it be scholarships, academic programs or faculty initiatives, is underwritten by the TC Fund. Your annual fund support makes a significant difference in the future of our students and the lives they will affect.Click here to make your gift online today and help us reach our goal of $2.1 million. Every gift counts. Thank you!
Share Your Scholarship Story
Did you receive a scholarship while at TC? We are interested in hearing about what scholarship(s) you received, and what those scholarships meant to you. Your story will be shared with our Donor Relations team who may incorporate it into our scholarship communications on the Web and in print. This will help us promote scholarships and scholarship giving at TC. Share your story here.
Bookshelf |
Alumni Publications
To read about our TC authors, please click on the links below.

Leadership: Helping Others To Succeed by Bernardo Tirado (MA '01). Tirado is a member of TC's Alumni Council, a Sr. Vice President at Morgan Stanley and the creative force behind The Project Box.

From the Dress-Up Corner to the Senior Prom - Navigating Gender and Sexuality Diversity in PreK-12 Schools by Jennifer Bryan (PhD '93). Bryan is a psychologist and educational consultant with over 28 years of experience and is a specialist in Gender and Sexuality Diversity and a consultant to PreK-12 schools throughout the United States.

Get Smart: Samantha Heller’s Nutrition Prescription for Boosting Brain Power and Optimizing Total Body Health by Samantha Heller (MS '96). Heller is a registered dietitian, certified dietitian/nutritionist and exercise physiologist and is currently the Clinical Nutrition Coordinator at the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital. She also hosts a live radio show on NYU Langone Medical Center’s Doctor Radio on SiriusXM Satellite radio and is a frequent contributor to Dr. Oz.
Are you an alumnus or alumna with published works? Send information on your work to, subject: Alumni Publications. we can feature you on our bookshelf section.
Gottesman Library
The Gottesman Library Newsletter is available here. If you are interested in learning more about events hosted by the Gottesman Library or about available library services please visit You can also join the dialogue on Twitter @GottesmanLibs.
May Alumni Newsletter |
Academic Festival 2012: Rewiring the Learning Landscape
Academic Festival 2012 was a huge success! If you attended on April 21st, you know the day was filled with insightful and inspiring sessions led by some of our most incredible TC faculty, staff, trustees, alumni and students.
President Susan Fuhrman kicked off the College’s fourth annual Academic Festival by showing a seven-minute video titled “TC and the Future of Education.“ Fuhrman also noted that the Festival marked “the beginning of our countdown to the 125th anniversary of the founding of Teachers College,” a year-long celebration beginning in March 2013 that will “commemorate one of the greatest stories ever told in graduate education.”
In addition to spotlighting the Distinguished Alumni Award recipients, Fuhrman presented the President’s Award for High Distinction to Pola Rosen (Ed.D. ’80), founder and publisher of the New York City weekly, Education Update; President's Medal of Excellence to Matthew Pittinsky (PhD ’08) and the College's Medal for Distinguished Service to Jeffrey D. Sachs.
Sachs delivered the Keynote Address: “Information Technology and Sustainable Development” - focused on the power of information technology to address “an unprecedented challenge facing humanity” – a crisis of environmental sustainability that, for the first time in human history, “threatens the entire planet.”
Pittinsky, CEO of Parchment, Inc., and founder of the pioneering distance learning company Blackboard Inc., gave the plenary speech . Pittinsky discussed technologies that facilitate personalized learning and argued that the emergence of these tools dictate the preparation of a new generation of teachers with the skills to analyze and use data on student performance.
During our Distinguished Alumni Award Luncheon, the Alumni Association recognized Kevin Jennings (MA ’94), CEO of the non-profit Be the Change; Lucille Joel (EdD ’70), Professor, Rutgers College of Nursing; John King (EdD ’08), New York State Commissioner of Education; comparative education scholar Harold Noah (PhD ’64), TC Professor Emeritus and former Dean; and the internationally recognized consultant Robert Schaffer (EdD ’52). Betty Perez-Rivera (EdD ’03), Director of the East Harlem Asthma Center of Excellence of the New York City Department of Health), received TC’s Early Career Award. Read more on each of these award winners here.
In addition there was a full slate of panels and presentations by TC faculty, alumni, students, staff and trustees, ranging from “Realizing the Promise of Technology in the Classroom” to “Social Media and the Adolescent Mind,” “Banking On Our Future: Kids and Financial Literacy,” and a “WeBop!” music improvisation session for young children.
View the sessions here. More videos will become available in the next few days.
Preview our Academic Festival 2012 album
here. More photos will be available soon.
Be sure to visit often for updates on video, photos and more.
We look forward to celebrating our Academic Festival during our 125th Anniversary next year!
Update Your Information and Stay Connected to TC
Does the new year find you at a new address or job? Please take a moment to update your information or share Class
Notes. Keep up with what is happening around campus and with your fellow alumni by following us on Twitter and being a part of the conversation on Facebook and LinkedIn. We post pictures from our events on our Facebook page, so log on and tag yourself.
Forward this newsletter to your fellow TC alumni and help them to stay connected!
Upcoming Alumni Events |
May 2 - Understanding Fiscal Responsibility
Susan Fuhrman, President, Teachers College cordially invites you to a conversation among
leading policy analysts, economists, and educators on Engaging Students in The Nations's Fiscal Challengesmoderated by Elizabeth Willen, Director of The Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media.
Please join us as we launch a new high school curriculum on Understanding Fiscal Responsibility.
This curriculum was created by Teachers College faculty and students to explore issues surrounding the Federal Budget, National Debt, and Budget Deficit.
Dr. Anand R. Marri, Professor of Social Studies and Education, Teachers College will demonstrate how the new curriculum is being used in high school classrooms.This curriculum was made possible by generous funding from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Special guests: Peter R. Orszag, Vice Chairman of Global Banking at Citigroup, Inc., and former Director, Office of Management and Budget in the Obama Administration; Peter G. Peterson; Judith Johnson, former superintendent, Peekskill schools; Charles Calomiris, Columbia Business School.
Time: 6:00 p.m., Reception to Follow
Location: Milbank Chapel, Teachers College
For more information or to RSVP, please email or click here.
May 3 - Third Annual Maxine Greene Society Event: Wham! Bam! Islam!
Please join Susan Fuhrman and the Maxine Greene Society for an exclusive film screening of the documentary
“Wham! Bam! Islam!” Produced by TC alumnus Naif Al-Mutawa, the film chronicles the various challenges he faced
leading up to the creation of his comic book series THE 99 - a team of superheroes, each exemplifying one of the 99 virtues
of Allah. A Q&A moderated by Dr. Peter T. Coleman (Director of the Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution) with Naif Al-Mutawa and filmmaker Isaac Solotaroff, followed by a reception, will take place immediately after the film.
For more information on the documentary, please visit
Hosted By: The Maxine Greene Society
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Teachers College, Joyce Berger Cowin Conference Center (147 Horace Mann)
For more information or to RSVP for this event, please visit
May 23 - TC in DC "Making a Difference: The Nuts and Bolts of Social Entrepreneurship"
The regional group of Teachers College, Columbia University alumni in Washington, DC invites you to join us for a panel called "Making a Difference: The Nuts and Bolts of Social Entrepreneurship." The purpose of this panel is to highlight the exciting entrepreneurial work of TC and Columbia grads who are social entrepreneurs, i.e., people who recognize a social problem and use entrepreneurial principles to achieve social change. We have already lined up two fantastic social entrepreneurs to speak on the panel: Dr. Ruth Lubic, Founder of the DC Birth Center, who has been featured on CBS News and is the winner of a MacArthur genius grant, and Deborah Dantzler Williams, Director of the Inspired Teaching School, a groundbreaking new charter school in Washington, DC. Fee: $20 per person.
Hosted by: TC in DC (DC Regional Group) and Office of Alumni Relations
Location: The City Club of Washington DC, 555 13th Street, NW, Columbia Square, Washington, DC 20004
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
For more information or to RSVP please visit
May 24 - Educational Leadership in a Fiscally Hemorrhaging Environment
Dr. John Ramos will serve as the guest speaker and share some of his recent experiences as the superintendent in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Under his leadership the school district and supporting community developed an aggressive five-year strategic plan endorsing the focused mission to graduate all students “college ready” and prepared to succeed in life. “Expect Great Things” became the district’s mantra, and the system pursued a path to greater success as indicated by its Broad Prize finalist status in both 2006 and 2007.
Hosted By: Superintendent’s Work Conference
Location: Teachers College, Grace Dodge Hall 449
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
For more information click here. Please RSVP by 5pm May 21 to Fee: $50/roundtable, includes dinner (CEUs awarded). All checks must be received by noon on the day before the roundtable event. Please mail checks Attn: Angela Carrasco,Teachers College Columbia University, Department of Organization and Leadership, 525 West 120th Street - Box 67, New York, NY 10027.
May 30 - Reception with TC President Susan Fuhrman in Buenos Aires
You are cordially invited to join TC President Susan Fuhrman for an intimate reception with fellow Argentinian alumni in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Hosted By: TC Office of Alumni Relations
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Alvear Palace Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina
For more information or to RSVP please visit
June 1 - Reception with TC President Susan Fuhrman in Rio de Janeiro
You are cordially invited to join TC President Susan Fuhrman for an intimate reception with fellow Brazilian alumni in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Hosted by: TC Office of Alumni Relations
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Copacabana Palace, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
For more information or to RSVP please visit
June 3 - Reception with TC President Susan Fuhrman in Sao Paulo
You are cordially invited to join TC President Susan Fuhrman for an intimate reception with fellow Brazilian alumni in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Hosted By: TC Office of Alumni Relations
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Location: Hotel Fasano Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
For more information or to RSVP please visit
June 18 - Film Screening: The Apple Pushers, A Documentary
Five Pushcarts, One Dream… The Apple Pushers, written and directed by Mary Mazzio, narrated by Edward Norton, and underwritten by the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund, follows immigrant street vendors who are rolling fresh fruits and vegetables into poorer neighborhoods of New York where finding a fresh red ripe apple can be a serious challenge.
Time: 3:00 - 5:30 PM
Location: Teachers College
For more information or to RSVP please visit
Mark Your Calendar
July 26-28 - Superintendents and Aspiring Superintendents Work Conference
28-29 - Language and Social Interaction Working Group
For additional information on Alumni Events and Programs, visit or email For a full calendar of events happening on TC's campus, visit
**Event times and locations are subject to change. Please check the website prior to the event for the most up-to-date information.
Stay Connected to TCCS
Continue to utilize career services as an alumnus? To review a list of services offered, click here. Do you want to continue to receive the TCCS weekly emails! Sign up for the TCCS Alumni Listserv. Join Teachers College, Columbia University Career Services (TCCS) LinkedIn Group: Connect with TC alumni and fellow students, exchange information, ideas and opportunities with others in your field, & learn about upcoming TCCS programs & events. Like us on Facebook & follow us on Twitter.
TCCS Events
Use TCCS Link through myTC Portal to RSVP for the events below, access online job postings, alumni mentors, online resources and more. Forgot your password? Simply visit, click on "Forgot Password" and follow the prompts. All workshop information is listed in the 'Career Fairs and Events' section of TCCS LINK. Click here for afull listing of all of TCCS events.
May 9 – 2012 Master’s Level Social Work Job Fair
This event provides students/alumni in the psychological counseling program a unique opportunity to recruit with employers who are looking for therapists, counselors, clinicians, researchers, and case workers who have been trained in providing effective and competent counseling services. The skills and knowledge you have gained through your training at Teachers College makes you uniquely qualified to fulfill these positions and meet the job’s requirements. While Social Work may not directly align with Mental Health Counseling, job opportunities in the Social Work field are appropriate for those looking to provide Mental Health Counseling services. Most of the employers will be recruiting for Licensed Social Workers and it will be up to you to make yourself stand out to employers.
Time: 11:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Kimmel Center, New York University
View the list of employers attending the Social Work Career Fair here.
Four dates in May: May 2, May 9, May 16, and May 30 - CCE Alumni Career Development Workshops: What’s Your Next Journey? Career Change Webinar Workshop for Alumni, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. (ET). Do you feel it may be time for a career change but are not sure what you would do? In this workshop, participants assess their values, skills, interests, talents, and personality traits through helpful discussions, exercises, and career tools. Click here to register.
May 22 - Alumni Career Development Webinar Series: How to Succeed in Business by Really Trying, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. (ET). Congratulations! You Got the Job! Now What? Candidates for jobs spend so much time and effort on getting the job, that precious little thought is given to how to succeed on the job. Click here to register.
Alumni Mentor Program
Want information on becoming an Alumni Mentor? For more information and to apply, click here.
Recruit TC
Is your organization seeking talented professionals? Contact TCCS to discuss recruiting efforts. Please contact Vicki Gochenour, Assistant Director of Employer Relations at 212-678-3202 or via email at
Columbia Alumni Volunteer & Mentor Opportunities
Mark your calendars for opportunities to volunteer and share your expertise, your experience and time for upcoming career events and more. For more information on these events or to RSVP, please click here.
Networking Breakfasts and Evening Events Each Month
IvyLife-Columbia is a LinkedIn group, which is also part of the parent group, IvyLife. Both groups hold various networking events in NYC as well as around the world. For more information, visit the group on LinkedIn or If you have questions, please contact
For further assistance, please contact the TCCS office at
Reconnect: Follow TC Online |
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Need a new copy of your diploma? Forgot your password? Find the answers to all of these questions and more on our FAQ page.
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Alumni Relations
525 W. 120th Street
Box 306
New York, New York 10027
Phone: (212) 678-3215
Fax: (212) 678-3723