Museum Education

Museum Education

The museum area of focus consists of four courses, which must be taken in addition to other master’s or doctoral requirements:

  • A&HA 5085 - The Museum Education Department: Function, Scope, Possibilities
  • A&HA 4090 - Teaching in the Art Museum
  • A&HA 5804 - Museum Experiences Across Disciplines
  • A&H 4000 - Inquiry in the Museum: Bridging Gallery and Studio

This course is strongly recommended for students in the museum area of focus:

  • A&HA 4079 - Exploring Cultural Diversity: Implications for Arts Education

Note: Students in this area of focus must secure and complete an internship or residency in a museum or gallery, in consultation with their advisor. References to this area of focus will not appear on student transcripts or records.


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