Current Students
Our students are the heartbeat of the Program. Their diversity in background, interests, and experience adds richness to everyone's experience.
Doctoral Students
Our Ed.D. and Ed.D.C.T. students are experienced art education practitioners committed to pursuing pressing questions in our field through scholarly inquiry. Their research and art practice are often intricately intertwined, and their collaborative spirit sparks exciting initiatives within and beyond the Program.
Master’s Students
Whether they aim to work in a school, museum, community space, or another setting, our M.A., M.A. Init, and Ed.M. students share a passion for designing fabulous art education experiences for learners of diverse ages and backgrounds.
Meet Our Doctoral Students
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new online profiles for Doctoral Students at Teachers College.
If you are a currently enrolled doctoral student at Teachers College, please visit the profile submission page for more information on how you can create your own profile.