

This is a picture of Samantha Clay Reagan who is the Program Manager for the Art and Art Education program.

Samantha Clay Reagan

Program Manager

This is a picture of Anna Urrea who is the Academic Secretary for the Art and Art Education program at TC.

Anna Urrea

Academic Secretary


This is a picture of Carolina Rojas who is a part-time instructor, doctoral candidate and Art Education Design Fellow

Carolina Rojas

Art Education Design Fellow

This is Jennifer Ruth Hoyden who is a doctoral student and the Macy Art Gallery Coordinator

Jennifer Ruth Hoyden

Macy Art Gallery Coordinator

This is of Larry Tung who is a professor, doctoral student and a Macy Gallery Fellow

Larry Tung

Macy Gallery Fellow

This is picture of Kelly Cave who is a doctoral student and Thingspace Studio Fellow

Kelly Cave

Thingspace Studio Fellow

Adela Lopez

Adela Lopez

Thingspace Studio Fellow

This is picture of Han Seok -John- You who is a doctoral student, Myers Media Art Studio Fellow and part-time instructor in the Art and Art education program at TC.

Han Seok (John) You

Myers Media Art Studio Fellow

Cece Jiao

Yihui (Cece) Jiao

Hybrid MMAS/Thingspace Studio Fellow

This is a picture of Ki Gin Yang

Ki Gin Yang

Painting & Drawing Studio Fellow

Neal Flynn

Neal Flynn

Printmaking Studio Fellow

This is picture of Filippa Christofalou who is a doctoral student and the Art Pedagogy 447 Studio Fellow

Filippa Christofalou

Art Pedagogy 447 Studio Fellow

Sam Savvides

Samantha Savvides

Ceramics Studio Fellow

This is a picture of Carina May who is a Macy Gallery Advisor and doctoral candidate in the Doctor of Art and Art Education Program at Teachers College (TC)

Carina Maye

Incoming M.A. and Ed.M. Advisement Team Member

This is a picture of Erika Vogt who is is a sculptor, doctoral student, and part-time instructor at TC. Erika lives and works in Brooklyn, NY

Erika Vogt

Program Advisor, Coordinator, and Instructor, Studio Practice for Art Educators M.A.

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