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A&HD 5040 Dance and Human Development

This course will examine theories of human development and the implications of such for the learning, teaching and leadership of dance education.

A&HD 5044 Embodied Learning in Dance Education

Interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives from motor learning, neuroscience and somaesthetics will be introduced to examine embodied learning and to actively refine pedagogical approaches within dance education.

A&HD 5046 Historical Foundations and Contemporary Issues in Dance Education

This course engages students in tracing the historical quest to establish dance as arts education in the U.S. and the relevance of this to contemporary issues, beliefs and practices in dance education.

A&HD 6000 Advanced Curriculum Design in Dance Education

This course focuses on the development of knowledge and decision-making skills for developing and evaluating personally meaningful dance program curricula that address contemporary issues in the field.

A&HD 6001 Teaching and Leadership of Dance Education in Colleges, Cultural Institutions and PK-12 Contexts

This course will examine cross-contextual leadership issues within dance education and the preparation of artist-educators in colleges, cultural institutions and PK-12 contexts.

A&HD 6049 Introduction to Doctoral Inquiry in Dance Education

The purpose of this course is to orient new students to the expectations of doctoral study and to build community among Dance Education doctoral students and faculty. Required for first-year Dance Education doctoral students.

A&HD 6482 Praxis Project: Teaching & Leadership in Dance Education

The Praxis Project seminar is designed to support individualized opportunities for doctoral dance education students to practice leadership, supervision, and teaching of adults within college, cultural institutions, and PK-12 field contexts.

A&HD 6501 Dance Education Doctoral Seminar 1

Dance Education Doctoral Seminar 1 will facilitate the development of students' dissertation research ideas with a primary focus of developing a preliminary research proposal that may serve as the basis for subsequent dissertation research.

A&HD 6502 Dance Education Doctoral Seminar 2

Dance Education Doctoral Seminar 2 is designed to facilitate the development of students’ Doctoral Qualifying Papers: (1) Pilot/Field Study and (2) Review of Related Literature.

A&HD 6999

The studio seminar will support doctoral dance education students in conceptualizing, creating, and self-producing arts-based research projects related to their doctoral research inquiry as required for Ed.D. candidacy.

A&HD 7501 Dance Education Dissertation Seminar 1

Dance Education Dissertation Seminar 1 is designed to facilitate the development of students’ Advanced Dissertation Proposal, based on the Qualifying Papers completed in A&HD 6502 Dance Education Doctoral Seminar 2.

A&HD 7502 Dance Education Dissertation Seminar 2

Dance Education Dissertation Seminar 2 is designed to facilitate the development of students’ dissertation writing, based on the Advanced Dissertation Proposal completed in A&HD 7501 Dance Education Dissertation Seminar 1.

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