Program Faculty Present Win AHRD Conference Cutting-Edge Award
For 15 years, during the annual Academic of Human Resource Development International
Research Conference papers from the conference peer review proceedings that truly represent
the "cutting edge" of HRD research are recognized for their unique contribution the theory,
research and practice of human resource development. For 2010 AHRD recognized eight papers
and for 2011 recognized six papers. The president of AHRD notes in the introduction the
monograph "This is a very difficult task given the high quality of papers published each year.
The selection committee has judged the quality of all conference papers, and their commitment
to this endeavor is greatly appreciated." In short, the cutting-edge papers represent the best of the
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Faculty Director, Columbia Coaching Certification Program, received
one of 6 cutting edge research awards during a presentation on February 25, 2011, for the paper
he co-authored with Dr. Rajashi Ghosh of Drexel University and Professor Victoria Marsick,
Teachers College, Columbia University.
The paper is entitled:
Trust and Presence as Executive Coaching Competencies: Reviewing the Literature to Inform
Practice and Future Research.
You can download the conference paper using the following link: