International Researchers Language Program (IRLP)

UPDATE (2024)

The IRLP program will be on hiatus for the foreseeable future. We're not sure yet when we will be able to restart this program, but the best way to keep up with the IRLP program status is to sign up for our mailing list. Please click here to sign up and get updates. 

The AL/TESOL Community Language Program at Teachers College is offering two 8-week courses designed to assist international scholars and researchers to advance their academic communication and research skills and facilitate their adjustment to the academic culture in the USA. Our courses include, "Academic Culture and Presentations for International Researchers" and "Academic Research Writing for International Researchers".

Registration for Summer 2021 IRLP is closed.


Student Spotlight

Academic Research Writing for International Researchers

Academic Culture and Presentations for International Researchers

Masahiro Testimony

Faculty Spotlight

Elizabeth Reddington, Ed.D.

Academic Research Writing for International Scholars

Nadja Tadic, Ed.D.

Academic Culture & Presentation for International Scholars

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