Reimagining Education

Reimagining Education: Teaching, Learning and Leading for a Racially Just Society

July 10 - 13, 2023
Reimagining Education: Teaching, Learning and Leading for a Racially Just Society

The on-going political assault on teaching about race and gender identity in our schools has coincided with an onslaught of post-pandemic critiques of teachers and an attack on education as a profession. We find ourselves at a moment when a collective response to this unwarranted condemnation is needed now more than ever. Such a response must be grounded in the professional knowledge of our field and what we know to be, as Gloria Ladson-Billings tells us, “just good teaching”.

For the last seven years, educators seeking a supportive community where they can develop their student-centered, culturally responsive, antiracist teaching skills and leadership strategies – just good teaching – have turned to Teachers College, Columbia University every July for the Reimagining Education: Teaching, Learning and Leading Summer Institute, lovingly known as “RESI.” Since 2016, RESI has drawn thousands of educators from across the country and globe. Each of these RESI alums takes resources and pedagogical strategies back to their classroom, schools, and communities to have a positive impact on all their students, but particularly their students of color.

Thus, our central theme for RESI 2023 will be: “Antiracist Education: It’s Just Good Teaching.” Join us to:

  • learn, share and become emboldened
  • be validated for your efforts to address racial injustice through pedagogical strategies
  • be embraced by a community of professionals educating students for a multi-racial democracy
  • earn Professional Development credits in CEUs, Clock Hours, or CTLEs for NY state

Register for RESI 2023 this summer either in-person in NYC or virtually for four days of professional development that will enable you to not only become a better educator, but also a better advocate for your profession, your expertise, and your moral convictions to educate all of our students to their highest potential. Once again this July we will be tapping into the collective expertise of TC faculty on issues of race and education. Our programming will be brand new and cutting edge. RESI

Visit our website for more program details.

Dates:  July 10 - 13, 2023
Additional optional workshops*, July 14; Asynchronous/Pre-Recorded Programming Available for both virtual and in-person attendees until July 31st

Format: In-Person or Virtual

Registration Options

  • Full Participation/PD Credit (In-Person or Virtual)
    • Full Institute (4-days plus additional optional programming on the 5th day available in-person or virtual), includes plenary sessions, dialogue sessions (Pool Parties), and unlimited workshops virtually
    • One-day passes available, includes 2 plenaries, 1 dialogue session (Pool Parties) and 1 workshop
    • Eligible to receive Clock hours / CTLEs
  • Plenary Only Participation/No PD Credit (Virtual Only)
    • Full, four-day Institute includes Keynote Address and Plenaries as well as a 4 bonus workshops on topics such as racial literacy, trauma-informed teaching, culturally relevant pedagogy, and diversity issues in higher education
    • One-day passes for plenaries each day available [1 workshop]
    • NOT eligible to receive Clock Hours / CTLEs

Program Description:

Registration Fee: 

For the Full Participation, Full Institute/PD Credit (In-Person or Virtual) option:

  • General Registration: $575

For the Day Pass for Full Participation/PD Credit (In-Person or Virtual) option:

  • General Registration: $200

For the Plenary Only Participant Full Institute/Non-credit (Virtual Only) option:

  • General Registration: $250

For the Day Pass Plenary Only/Non Credit (Virtual Only) option:

  • General Registration: $110

Please email for more details on the following discounts:

  • 10 percent Group Discount for two or more people from the same school or district
  • 25 percent Group Discount for five or more people from the same school or district
  • NYC public school discount

Discounts cannot be combined and registrants will receive the best discounted price.

TC students and other graduate students may earn 3 graduate credits by enrolling in a TC course associated with the Institute and paying TC tuition rates.


We are working to raise foundation funding to provide more educators fellowships to the Institute. If you are unable to afford the Institute and your school or district has no professional development funding, please submit an inquiry here.

For More Information, Please Contact:, or Continuing Professional Studies, at


Who Should Attend?

The Reimagining Education Summer Institute is designed to help all educators – in public, private, charter schools and higher education – learn how to address the racial hierarchies and antiblackness that have shaped our educational system and strive to create truly integrated schools and classrooms that tap into the educational benefits of racial and ethnic diversity. This professional development Institute is designed primarily for teachers, school administrators, district officials, parents, and graduate students in education and all others who are interested in addressing the deep-seated racial inequalities and injustices in our educational system that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

For individuals who attended last summer’s Institute, we have consciously designed a program to give you the opportunity to take your learning on critical topics to a deeper level, and to continue your work on a plan to implement your new insights in your schools and communities.

Demand for the Institute

Demographic, geographic, and attitudinal shifts call out for new and innovative ways of providing novice and veteran educators with the tools necessary to educate and empower a more diverse student body to engage with a global economy and society. We provide a place to reimagine and replace old practices and curricula that reinforces racial inequalities, segregation and antiblackness.

This Institute combines the expertise of Teachers College faculty, other faculty from around the country, and P-12 public and private school teachers, administrators, parents and students from the New York City metro region and across the US. Together, we will explore innovative ways to better prepare educators for a more racially and ethnically diverse student population.

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Summer Institute participants will grapple with the many ways in which race and ethnicity matter in the teaching and learning and how to design racial and culturally diverse educational settings in which all students can learn from each other. Challenging issues and topics to be covered include racial identity, racial and cultural literacy, multicultural education, culturally relevant pedagogy, addressing racial politics, and how implicit biases affect leadership and teaching in diverse schools.

Key Takeaways:

Participants will:

  • witness examples of rigorous, joyful learning and development that engages all students and fosters the educational benefits of diversity for all students
  • develop strategies to tap into the insights and knowledge of diverse groups of students
  • facilitate dialogues among students, staff and parents about issues of race
  • understand racial identities within racially diverse contexts
  • develop culturally relevant curriculum and pedagogy
  • improve achievement outcomes for all students
  • learn to build community and engage parents
  • center the knowledge and understandings of racially, ethnically and culturally diverse learners, including those not measured on standardized tests
  • promote the educational and social advantages of racially, ethnically and culturally diverse schools
  • learn to connect with social service and health care providers to foster a more racially and socio-economically just educational system
  • work towards a plan to bring this knowledge back to your own schools and communities

Attendee Participation:

The Institute includes several plenary sessions that foster greater understanding of issues related to race and ethnicity in the U.S.; racial and cultural literacy; multicultural education; culturally sustaining leadership; and student critiques.

Participants will also engage in daily small-group dialogue sessions with attendees from different educational roles and professional positions, as well as different locations, to connect these macro themes to their context. Time will be spent each day on how to take back new learning to apply in participants’ schools, classrooms and communities.

They will also participate in hands-on professional development workshops led by Teachers College faculty and other noted education leaders. Participants will sign up for workshops ahead of time.

Plenaries and Pool Party small-group dialogue sessions will be live streamed and can be watched in real time (synchronized) remotely. Afternoon plenaries will be offered either live streamed or taped (asynchronous). Some workshops will be available live streamed the weeks of July 10 and July 13; most workshops will be pre-recorded and available any time July 14-31.

After the Institute, participants can continue to dialogue via a private online forum designed to foster thoughtful exchanges on difficult topics.


Teachers College, Columbia University faculty will be speaking and leading workshops, including: (list in development)

  • Christopher Emdin, Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology
  • Mark Gooden, Department of Organization & Leadership
  • Sonya Douglass Horsford, Department of Organization & Leadership
  • Felicia Moore Mensah, Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology
  • Detra Price-Dennis, Department of Curriculum and Teaching
  • Carolyn Riehl, Department of Education Policy and Social Analysis
  • Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Department of Arts and Humanities
  • Laura Smith, Counseling and Clinical Psychology
  • Mariana Souto-Manning, Department of Curriculum and Teaching
  • Erica Walker, Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology
  • Amy Stuart Wells, Department of Education Policy and Social Analysis
  • Jeffrey Young, Department of Organization & Leadership
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