Rubin, Beth C. (br2334)

Beth C. Rubin

Professor of Education
Professor of Social Studies Education

Office Hours:

Fall 2024

Educational Background

Beth C. Rubin is professor in the Teaching of Social Studies program in the Department of Arts and Humanities at Teachers College, Columbia University.  In her work she explores how young people come to see themselves as citizens and as learners amid the nested contexts of classroom, school, community and society, with particular attention to how civic identity takes shape within local contexts marked by historical and contemporary inequalities. She also collaborates with educators to design and study curricular and pedagogical innovations that build upon this critical, sociocultural understanding of youth civic learning. She is PI on the Civically Engaged Districts Project,

Ph.D., 2001, University of California, Berkeley; Social and Cultural Studies in Education

M.A.T., 1992, Brown University; Social Studies Education 

B.A., 1989,  Oberlin College; Government, Third World Studies               

Scholarly Interests

civic learning

historical memory

citizenship and belonging

social studies education

social design research

critically relevant civics

youth voice

ethnographic approaches

Selected Publications

New book available for preorder!

Youth Participatory Action Research in Your Classroom 9780807787045

Rubin, Beth C., Eric B. Freedman and Jongsung Kim, Editors. (2019). Design research in social studies education: Critical lessons from an emerging field. New York: Routledge.

Rubin, Beth C. (2012). Making citizens: Transforming civic learning for diverse social studies classrooms. New York: Routledge.  Currently being translated into Japanese.

Rubin, Beth C. and James Giarelli, Editors. (2013). Civic education for diverse citizens in global times: Rethinking theory and practice. Mahwah, NJ: Erlham.

Rubin, Beth C. and Elena Silva, Editors. (2003). Critical voices in school reform: Students living through change. New York: Routledge.

Rubin, Beth C., Thea Abu El-Haj, and Michelle Bellino. (2021). Civic reasoning and discourse amid structural inequality, migration and conflict, (p. 245-272). In C. Lee, G. White; and D. Dong (Eds). Educating for Civic Reasoning and Discourse. National Academy of Education. 

Rubin, Beth C. and Hana Cervinkova (2020). Challenging silences: Historical memory and democratic citizenship education in Poland and Guatemala. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 51, 178-194.

Clay, Kevin and Beth C. Rubin. (2020). “I look deep into this stuff because it’s a part of me”: Toward a critically relevant civics education. Theory & Research in Social Education, 48, 151-161.

Rubin, Beth C., Jennifer Ayala and Mayida Zaal. (2017).  Aims, authenticity and authority: Navigating youth participatory action research in the classroom. Curriculum Inquiry, 47, 175-194.

Rubin, Beth C. (2016). We come to form ourselves bit by bit: Educating for citizenship in postconflict Guatemala. American Educational Research Journal, 53, 639-672.

Rubin, Beth C., Thea Abu El-Haj, Eliot Graham, and Kevin Clay (2016).  Confronting the urban civic opportunity gap: Integrating youth participatory action research into teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 67, 5: 424-436.

Dougherty, Deirdre and Beth C. Rubin (2016). Learning the colonial past in a colonial present: Students and teachers confront the Spanish conquest in post-conflict Guatemala.  Educational Studies, 52, 216-236.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2015). A time for social studies: Talking with young people about Ferguson and Staten Island. Social Education, 79(1), 22-29. Reprinted in Social Science Docket, 15, 2-5.

Rubin, Beth C.  and Brian Hayes (2010). “No backpacks” vs. “Drugs and murder”: The promise and complexity of youth civic action research. Harvard Educational Review, 80, 149-175. Translated into Polish.

Abu El-Haj, Thea and Beth C. Rubin (2009). Realizing the equity-minded aspirations of detracking and inclusion: Toward a capacity-oriented framework for teacher education, Curriculum Inquiry, 39, 435-463.

 Rubin, Beth C.  (2008). Detracking in context: How local constructions of ability complicate equity-geared reform. Teachers College Record, 110, 647-700.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2007). “There’s still not justice”: Youth civic identity development amid distinct school and community contexts. Teachers College Record, 109, 449-481.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2007). Learner identities amid figured worlds: Constructing (in)competence at an urban high school. The Urban Review, 39, 217-249.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2003). Unpacking detracking: When progressive pedagogy meets students’ social worlds. American Educational Research Journal. 40, 539-573.

American Educational Research Association

American Anthropological Association, Council on Education and Anthropology

National Council for the Social Studies, College and University Faculty Assembly

Maher Charitable Foundation, “Civically Engaged Districts Project: Expanding Active Civic Learning in NJ and Beyond”

Spencer Foundation Small Grant, “Creating Civically Engaged Districts: Socially Transformative Design to Cultivate and Integrate Youth Civic Voice”

Community-University Research Partnership Grant, Rutgers University, “Youth in Action: NBPS-RU GSE Partnership for Civic Learning and Engagement”

Center for Global Advancement and International Affairs, Rutgers, International Collaborative Research Grant, “The ‘Weight of History’: Understanding and Reimagining Civic Learning in Post-Conflict Guatemala” with Matilde Ivic Monterosso and Miriam Ramirez del Galvez, Universidad del Valle, Guatemala.

Schumann Family Foundation, Research Grant, “Youth Participatory Action Research in the Classroom” with Mayida Zaal, Montclair State University and Jennifer Ayala, Saint Peters College.

Overbrook Foundation, Research Grant,  Think Tank “Youth Participatory Action Research in the Classroom” with Mayida Zaal, Montclair State University and Jennifer Ayala, Saint Peters College.

Civic Engagement and Service Education Partnership, Rutgers, Public Scholarship and Service-Learning Grant, “Creating an Urban Teaching Fellows Program at the GSE”

Spencer Foundation, Small Grant, “Teaching for Civic Learning in Diverse Social Studies Classrooms”

Rutgers Research Council, Rutgers, “Civic Identity Development in Middle and High School Social Studies Classrooms”

Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, “Civic Identity Development in Middle and High School Social Studies Classrooms”

Big Ten Academic Alliance, Department Executive Officers Program Fellow

National Education Policy Center, University of Colorado, Fellow

Institute for Research on Women, Rutgers University, Faculty Fellowship 

Mary Hepburn Lectureship in Social Studies Education, University of Georgia

Fulbright Foundation, Fulbright Scholar Award 

National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship 

Zankel 420C 


Rubin, Beth C., Eric B. Freedman and Jongsung Kim (2019). Design research in social studies education: Critical lessons from an emerging field. New York: Routledge.

Rubin, Beth C. (2012). Making citizens: Transforming civic learning for diverse social studies classrooms. New York: Routledge.  Currently being translated into Japanese.

Rubin, Beth C. and James Giarelli (2008). Civic education for diverse citizens in global times: Rethinking theory and practice. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Rubin, Beth C. and Elena M. Silva (2003).  Critical voices in school reform: Students living through change. New York & London: Routledge.

Journals Articles

Rubin, Beth C. and Hana Cervinkova (2020). Challenging silences: Historical memory and democratic citizenship education in Poland and Guatemala. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 51, 178-194.

Clay, Kevin and Beth C. Rubin. (2020). “I look deep into this stuff because it’s a part of me”: Toward a critically relevant civics education. Theory & Research in Social Education, 48, 151-161.

Rubin, Beth C. and Matilde Ivic de Monterroso. (2017). De los escenarios politicos a la práctica: el desarrollo de la identidad cívica en distintos contextos educativos de Guatemala. Revista, 34, 58-66.

Rubin, Beth C., Jennifer Ayala and Mayida Zaal. (2017).  Aims, authenticity and authority: Navigating youth participatory action research in the classroom. Curriculum Inquiry, 47, 175-194.

Rubin, Beth C. (2016). We come to form ourselves bit by bit: Educating for citizenship in postconflict Guatemala. American Educational Research Journal, 53, 639-672

Rubin, Beth C. (2016). They don’t tell it: Indigenous social studies teachers transforming curricula in postconflict Guatemala. Journal of International Social Studies, 6, 114-127.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2016). What social studies can do: Bringing critical civic learning to US social studies classrooms. Social Studies Education Review, 6, 64-78.

Rubin, Beth C., Thea Abu El-Haj, Eliot Graham, and Kevin Clay (2016).  Confronting the urban civic opportunity gap: Integrating youth participatory action research into teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 67, 5: 424-436.

Dougherty, Deirdre and Beth C. Rubin (2016). Learning the colonial past in a colonial present: Students and teachers confront the Spanish conquest in post-conflict Guatemala.  Educational Studies, 52, 216-236.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2015). A time for social studies: Talking with young people about Ferguson and Staten Island. Social Education, 79(1), 22-29. Reprinted in Social Science Docket, 15, 2-5

Rubin, Beth C.  and Brian Hayes (2010). “No backpacks” vs. “Drugs and murder”: The promise and complexity of youth civic action research. Harvard Educational Review, 80, 149-175. Translated into Polish.

Rubin, Beth C. (2010). Youth civic identity development in the U.S. history course. Social Education, 74, 144-147.

Rubin, Beth C., Brian Hayes, and Keith Benson (2009). "It’s the worst place to live”: Urban youth and the challenge of school-based civic learning.” Theory Into Practice, 48, 213-221.

Abu El-Haj, Thea and Beth C. Rubin (2009). Realizing the equity-minded aspirations of detracking and inclusion: Toward a capacity-oriented framework for teacher education, Curriculum Inquiry, 39, 435-463.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2008). Detracking in context: How local constructions of ability complicate equity-geared reform. Teachers College Record, 110, 647-700.

Rubin, Beth C.  and Makeba Jones (2007). Student action research: Reaping the benefits for students and school leaders. National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin, 91, 363-378

Rubin, Beth C.  (2007). Learner identities amid figured worlds: Constructing (in)competence at an urban high school. The Urban Review, 39, 217-249.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2007). “Laboratories of democracy”: A situated perspective on learning social studies in detracked classrooms. Theory and Research in Social Education, 35, 62-95.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2007). “There’s still not justice”: Youth civic identity development amid distinct school and community contexts. Teachers College Record, 109, 449-481.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2006). Aware, complacent, discouraged, empowered: Students’ diverse civic identities. Social Studies Research and Practice, 1(2).

Rubin, Beth C.  (2006). Tracking and detracking: Debates, evidence and best practices for a heterogeneous world. Theory Into Practice, 45, 4-14.

Rubin, Beth C.  and Pedro Noguera (2004). Tracking detracking: Sorting through the dilemmas and possibilities of detracking in practice. Equity and Excellence in Education. 37, 92-101.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2003). Unpacking detracking: When progressive pedagogy meets students’ social worlds. American Educational Research Journal. 40, 539-573.

Chapters, Papers and Reviews

Rubin, Beth C., Thea Abu El-Haj, and Michelle Bellino. (2021). Civic reasoning and discourse amid structural inequality, migration and conflict, (p. 245-272). In C. Lee, G. White; and D. Dong (Eds). Educating for Civic Reasoning and Discourse. National Academy of Education.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2021). Teaching social issues with civic action research:  Democracy as a verb in elementary, middle and high school. In R. Evans, Ed. Handbook on Teaching Social Issues2nd Edition. Information Age Publishing.

Rubin, Beth C. (2019). Teaching Works Working Paper Series, University of Michigan. There’s still not justice: Challenging, structuring and re-creating social studies content to disrupt oppression.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2019). Theorizing Context in DBR: Integrating Critical Civic Learning into the U.S. History Curriculum. In Beth C. Rubin, Eric B. Freedman and Jongsung Kim, Eds. Design research in social studies education: Critical lessons from an emerging field. New York: Routledge.

Rubin, Beth C.  (2019). Towards Socially Transformative Design for Social Studies: A Critical Epistemological Approach. In Beth C. Rubin, Eric B. Freedman and Jongsung Kim, Eds. Design research in social studies education: Critical lessons from an emerging field. New York: Routledge.

Rubin, Beth C(2018). National Education Policy Center Review, Systems for Success: Thinking Beyond Access to AP (The Education Trust, July 2017).

Rubin, Beth C. (2017) National Education Policy Center Review, High Stakes for High Achievers and High Stakes for High Schoolers (Fordham Institute, 2016).

Rubin, Beth C.  (2015). Youth civic identity development in the U.S. history course.  In W. Parker (Ed). Social Studies Today: Research and Practice. NY: Routledge. [reprint of a previously published article]

Rubin, Beth C.  (2014). Formación cívica en las escuelas guatemaltecas. (Civic education in Guatemalan schools).  In P. Mata Benito, B. Ballesteros Velázquez, I. Gil Juarena (Eds.) Aprendizaje de la ciduadanía y la participación.

Principal Investigator, Civically Engaged Districts Project,

Featured in Education for Sustainable Democracy Podcast, (December 2021)

and (January 2022)

Co-Director, with Jessica Hunsdon, Rutgers GSE Excellence and Equity in Remote Learning Series, see our archived episodes

Co-Director, with Thea Abu El-Haj,  Rutgers GSE Urban Teaching Fellows Program

Co-Chair, with Thea Abu El-Haj, Urban Teaching Matters conference for educators

Rutgers GSE-Edison School District - New Brunswick School District Social Studies Collaboration.

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