Natriello, Gary J. (gjn6)

Gary J Natriello

Ruth L. Gottesman Professor in Educational Research
Professor of Sociology and Education

Office Location:

470 GDodge

Office Hours:

Wed 4-5:30 PM Thurs 8:30-9:30 AM By Appt

Educational Background

A.B. Princeton University; A.M., Ph.D. Stanford University

Scholarly Interests

Social organization of online learning. Social dimensions of performance assessment. School and classroom organization. Schooling for youth placed at-risk.

Selected Publications

Natriello, G. (2021). Digital-Age Innovation in Higher Education: A Do-It-Yourself Approach. New York: Routledge.

Natriello, G. (2021). Using learning analytics to accelerate change. Chapter 23 in S. Jagannathan  (ed.). Reimagining Digital Learning for Sustainable Development: How Upskilling, Learning Analytics and Educational Technologies Close the Skills Gap, (pp. 282-292) New York: Routledge.

Natriello, G. (2019). At-risk students. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press. doi:

Natriello, G. (2017). lThe Adaptive Learning Landscape. Teachers College Record, 19(3), 1-46.

Chae, H.S. & Natriello, G. (eds.) (2017). Adaptive Learning Opportunities – A Special Issue of the Teachers College Record, 19(3).

Natriello, G. (2015). Networked Learning. Handbook of Educational Psychology, APA Division 15. New York: Routledge.

Natriello, G. (2012). Online assessment and diverse learners.  In J. Banks, (ed.). Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Asunka, S., H. Chae, & G. Natriello. (2011). Towards an understanding of the use of an institutional repository with integrated social networking tools:  A case study of PocketKnowledge.  Library and Information Science Research, 33, 80-88.

Natriello, G. & H. Chae. (2010). Grading.  Pp. 484-487 in C. Clauss-Ehlers (ed.). Encylopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology.  Berlin:  Springer.

Anwar, F., H. Chae, & G. Natriello. (2010). NetPosse:  A tool for connecting users in virtual communities.  "font-family: 'Times New Roman Italic'; ">Journal of Systems, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 8, 1, 67-71.

Asunka, S., H. Chae, B. Hughes, & G. Natriello. (2009). Understanding academic information seeking habits through analysis of web server log files:  The case of the Teachers College library website.  Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(1), 33-45.

Natriello, G.  (2009). High stakes testing and teaching to the test.  Pp. 1079-1089 in L.J. Saha and A.G. Dworkin (eds.).  The New International Handbook of Teachers and Teaching.  Berlin:  Springer.

Natriello, G. & Hughes, B. (2008). Learning in libraries.  Pp. 188-198 in T. Good (ed.). 21st Century Education: A Reference Handbook.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Natriello G. (2007). Imagining, seeking, inventing:  The future of learning and emerging discovery networks.  Learning Inquiry, 1, 1, 7-18.

Natriello, G. & M. Rennick. (2006). An Online Journal as a Virtual Learning Environment. In J. Weiss, J. Nolan, & P. Trifonas, (eds.), International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments.  Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Natriello, G. (2005). Modest Changes, Revolutionary Possibilities: Distance Learning and the Future of Education. Teachers College Record, 107, 6, 1885-1904.

Carolan B. & G. Natriello. (2005). Data Mining Journals and Books: Using the Science of Networks to Uncover the Structure of the Educational Research Community. Educational Researcher, 34, 3, 23-33.

Gary Natriello is the Gottesman Professor of Educational Research and Professor of Sociology and Education in the Department of Human Development at Teachers College, Columbia University.  Professor Natriello teaches graduate courses in the social organization of schools and classrooms, the social dimensions of assessment processes, the sociology of online learning, and research methods. 

Professor Natriello is the Director of the Teachers College EdLab, a design and development unit devoted to creating new educational possibilities for the information age.  Professor Natriello is the executive editor of the Teachers College Record and the Director of the Gottesman Libraries at Teachers College.

Professor Natriello holds an A.B. (English) from Princeton University, an A.M. (sociology) from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. (sociology of education) from Stanford University.  He has also been a post-doctoral fellow in the NIMH Program in Structurally Induced Social Problems and Mental Health in the Department of Sociology at Johns Hopkins University.

Professor Natriello's research interests include school organization, evaluation, at-risk youth, and the sociology of online learning.  Professor Natriello is the author of several books, including Schooling Disadvantaged Children:  Racing Against Catastrophe (with E.L. McDill and A.M. Pallas) and From Cashbox to Classroom (with W. Firestone and M. Goertz). Recent articles include:   Data Mining Journals and Books:  Using the Science of Networks to Uncover the Structure of the Educational Research Community (with Brian Carolan); Modest Changes, Revolutionary Possibilities:  Distance Learning and the Future of Education; Imagining, Seeking, Inventing: The Future of Learning and Emerging Discovery Networks; and Online Assessment and Diverse Learners.


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