Conference Presentations
Pfirman, S., Lee, J., O'Garra, T., Bachrach, E., Bachman, G., & Orlove, B. S. (2016, December). Assessing Approaches to Teaching Systems Thinking: Reading Article vs. Game Play. Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Pfirman, S., Lee, J., O'Garra, T., & Bachrach, E. (2015, December). Better retention through game-play -- EcoChains: Arctic Crisis card game. Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. Abstract retrieved from
Turkay, S., & Kinzer, C. K. (2015). The Effects of Avatar-Based Customization on Player Identification. Gamification: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 247.
Wu, J. S., & Lee, J. J. (2015). Climate change games as tools for education and engagement. Nature Climate Change, 5(5), 413-418. (Impact Factor: 14.517)
Homer, B. D., Kinzer, C. K., Plass, J. L., Letourneau, S. M., Hoffman, D., Bromley, M., … & Kornak, Y. (2014). Moved to learn: The effects of interactivity in a Kinect-based literacy game for beginning readers. Computers & Education,74, 37-49.
Turkay, S., Hoffman, D., Kinzer, C. K., Chantes, P., & Vicari, C. (2014). Toward understanding the potential of games for learning: Learning theory, game design characteristics, and situating video games in classrooms. Computers In The Schools, 31(1/2), 2-22. doi:10.1080/07380569.2014.89087
Lee, J. J. (2013). Game mechanics to promote new understandings of identity and ethnic minorities. Digital Culture and Education, 5(2), 127-150.
Lee, J. J., Ceyhan, P., Jordan-Cooley, W., & Sung, W. (2013). Greenify: A Real-World Action Game for Climate Change Education. Simulation and Gaming, 44(2).
Lee, J. J., Matamoros, E., Kern, R., deLuna, C., Marks, J., Jordan-Cooley, W. (May 2013). Greenify: fostering sustainable communities via gamification. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013, Paris, France.
Plass, J. L., Homer, B. D., Kinzer, C. K., Chang, Y. K., Frye, J., Kaczetow, W., … & Perlin, K. (2013). Metrics in simulations and games for learning. In Game Analytics (pp. 697-729). Springer London.
Tsai, F. H., Kinzer, C., Hung, K. H., Chen, C. L. A., & Hsu, I. Y. (2013). The importance and use of targeted content knowledge with scaffolding aid in educational simulation games. Interactive Learning Environments, 21(2), 116-128.
Jamalian, A., Mezei, J., Levitan, P., Garber, A. Hammer, J., & Kinzer. C. K. (2012). The Lit2Quit Mobile App: Evoking Game-based Physiological Effects that Mimic Smoking. In Martin, C., Ochsner, A., & Squire, K. (Eds.), Proceedings, GLS 8.0 Games + Learning + Society Conference (pp. 484-485). Madison, WI: ETC Press.
Kinzer, C. K., Hoffman, D., Turkay, S., Gunbas, N., Chantes, P., Dvorkin, T., & Chaiwinij, A. (2012). The impact of choice and feedback on learning, motivation, and performance in an educational video game. In Proceedings of the Games, Learning, and Society Conference (Vol. 2, pp. 175-181). Pittsburgh, PA: ETC.
Kinzer, C. K., Turkay, S., Hoffman, D., Gunbaş, N., Adinolf, S., Chantes, P. (2012) Exploring a new approach to visual asset design. Proceedings of the Games, Learning, and Society Conference: Vol 2.
Kinzer, C. K., Turkay, S., Hoffman, D., Gunbaş, N., Chantes, P., Chaiwinij, A., & Dvorkin, T. (2012) Examining the Effects of Text and Images on Story Comprehension: An Eye Tracking Study of Reading in Games and Comics. Language Research Association 61st Yearbook.
Lee, J. J., Ceyhan, P., Jordan-Cooley, W., & Sung, W. (2012). Greenify: real-world missions for climate change education. Games, Learning and Society (GLS) Conference, Madison, WI.
Iliev-Piselli, M. M., Fadjo, C. L., & Lee, J. J. (2011, June). Bank-It: A mobile financial literacy game. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Games+ Learning+ Society Conference (pp. 260-262). ETC Press.
Kinzer, C. K., Hoffman, D. L., Turkay, S., Gunbas, N., & Chantes, P. (2011). Exploring Motivation and Comprehension of a Narrative in a Video Game, Book and Comic Book Format. NRC Yearbook 60, Chicago: Literacy Research Association.
Lee, J. J. & Hammer, J. (2011). Gamification in Education: What, How, Why Bother? Academic Exchange Quarterly, 15(2).
Paek, S., Hoffman, D., Saravanos, A., Black, J., & Kinzer, C. (2011, May). The role of modality in virtual manipulative design. In CHI’11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1747-1752). ACM.
Hoadley, C., Xu, H., Lee, J. J., Rosson, M. (2010). Privacy as Information Access and Illusory Control: The Case of the Facebook News Feed Privacy Outcry. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(1): 50-60.
Schrier, K., & Gibson, D. (Eds.). (2010). Ethics and game design: Teaching values through play. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Turkay, S., Kinzer, C., Hoffman, D., Gunbas, N. & Nagle, C. (2010). A Snapshot on Youths’ Activities on Online Gaming Forums: Internet and Informal Learning. In J. Herrington & C. Montgomerie (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2010 (pp. 3987-3992). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Hung, K. H., Kinzer, C., Chen, C. L (2009). Motivational factors in educational MMORPGs: Some implications for education. Transactions on Edutainment III, pp. 93–104.
Schrier, K., & Kinzer, C. K. (2009). Using digital games to develop ethical teachers. In D. Gibson & Y. Baek (Eds.), Digital simulations for improving education: Learning through artificial teaching environments (pp. 308-333). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Andrews, G. A (2007, April). Digital Gaming Divide: Differences in the Game Literacy Practices of Low- and High-Income Students.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Black, J. Designing Games with Explanatory Transparency for better Learning and Understanding. Paper presented at the Serious Games Summit / Game Developers Conference (GDC), San Francisco, CA.
Chan, M. & Black, J. Learning Newtonian Mechanics with an Animation Game: The Role of Presentation Format on Mental Model Acquisition. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Cocciolo, A. (2008, March) Second Look: A Research Platform for Second Life. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Crosbie, W., & Hammer, J. The Great Divide: Seven Core Tensions Between Schools and Games. Paper presented at the Serious Games Summit / Game Developers Conference (GDC), San Francisco, CA.
Engelbrecht, C. C. (2008, February). Little hands, foul moods, and runny noses: Researching games with k Paper presented at the Serious Games Summit / Game Developers Conference (GDC), San Francisco, CA.
Engelbrecht, C. C. (2008, March). The games kids play: Evidence from Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Engelbrecht, C. C., & Schrier, K. L. (2008, March). Using YouTube to Inform the Design and Usability of Gaming Experiences.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Fisher, C. E. The Games Kids Play: Understanding What Young Children Do with Educational Games after School (with evidence from Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Fisher, C., & Schrier, K. L. Using YouTube to Inform the Design and Usability of Gaming Experiences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Garfield, J.R., Kelsey, R. & Moretti, F.A. Mobilizing design research to extend the global power of digital media in education. International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning (IMCL), Amman, Jordan.
Hammer, J. Agency and Authority in Interactive Narrative. National Literacy Conference, Miami, FL.
Hammer, J. Black, J., Kinzer, C. K., Andrews, G., & Zhou, Z. Serious Games: A Preparation for Future Learning Approach. Paper presented at the Serious Games Summit / Game Developers Conference (GDC), San Francisco, CA.
Hammer, J. Social Literacies in Games. National Reading Conference, Miami, FL.
Hammer, J. & Crosbie, W. Understanding Play. New Media Consortium Conference, New Haven, CT.
Hillinger, M., & Kinzer, C. K. (2006, November). CO2FX: A Case Study in Integrating Instructional and Game Design. Paper presented at the Serious Games Summit, Washington, DC.
Hillinger, M., & Kinzer, C. K. (2006, June). CO2FX: Exploring a simulation that integrates instructional and game design. Paper presented at the Games, Learning and Society Conference, Wisconsin, MI.
Jang, S., Jyung, R., & Black, J. B. How Direct Interaction in a Virtual Reality Program Aids in Developing an Internal Representation of a Complex 3-D Structure. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Jang, S., Jyung, R., & Black, J. B. How Direct Interaction in a Virtual Reality Program Aids in Developing an Internal Representation of a Complex 3-D Structure. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Kinzer, C. K., & Hillinger, M. CO2FX: A Web-based Game for Teaching about Issues Underlying Global Climate Change: A preliminary evaluation. Paper presented at the Serious Games Summit / Game Developers Conference (GDC), San Francisco, CA.
Kinzer, C. K. College Students in Virtual Worlds: Understanding the Possibilities of Virtual Worlds for College Instruction. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Kinzer, C. K. Discussion of New times: First Person Shooter Games go to College. National Literacy Conference, Orlando, FL.
Kinzer, C. K. (2007, August). Exploring virtual education: Possibilities of Virtual Worlds. Paper presented at the Second Life Community Conference (SLCC), Chicago, IL.
Kinzer, C. K. (2007, November). Virtual Worlds and New Literacies = Real Pedagogies: Examining Teaching, Learning and Literacies in Virtual Communities of Practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.
Kuo, M. (2007, March). How does an online game-based learning environment promote students' intrinsic motivation for learning natural science and affect their learning outcomes? Paper presented at DIGITEL2007: The first IEEE International Workshop on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning, Jhongli, Taiwan.
McVeigh, D. P., & Black, J. How system simulations improve student learning by assisting in the creation of clear mental models. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Schrier, K., & Engelbrecht, C. C. (2008, February). Using YouTube to support games curricula and research. Paper presented at the Serious Games Summit / Game Developers Conference (GDC), San Francisco, CA.