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MSTC 4000 Science in secondary school

Foundations of science education. Planning, assessment, and management of instruction. Required of initial science students.

MSTC 4007 Urban and multicultural science education

Students will explore the intersections of policy, science, and society and the impact these have on standard K-12 urban science curriculum and multicultural teaching practices. This course challenges commonly used practices where multiculturalism is often taught as one distinct and often separate component of the science curriculum.

MSTC 4010 Hip hop and the cultural studies of urban science education

Studies about the teaching and learning of science in urban settings have been a large component of contemporary research in science education. This course provides a means to interrogate the teaching and learning of science in urban settings through an exploration of the sociopolitical and aesthetic aspects of hip-hop/youth culture.

MSTC 4040 Science in childhood education

This is an integrated lecture/laboratory course. This course provides an introduction to the creation of science curriculum and instruction that attends to current state and national standards. The course is based in constructivist perspectives and has as a goal the teaching of science well with all children.

MSTC 4043 Science in the environment

Exploration of environmental science from an earth physiology perspective. Focus on connections between contemporary environmental issues and environmental science concepts. A community study utilizing scientific inquiry procedures and applying pertinent environmental science concepts will be conducted.

MSTC 4044 Biology methods and curriculum laboratory

Theoretical basis of secondary school science education and its practical application to biology teaching and laboratory experiences.

MSTC 4045 Earth science methods and curriculum laboratory

Theoretical basis of secondary school science education and its practical application to earth science teaching and laboratory experiences.

MSTC 4047 Physical science curriculum and methods laboratory

The primary goal of this course is to provide tools to teach middle school science. Teacher candidates should gain a deepened understanding of inquiry-based science activities; the new science standards; ways to make science engaging for students and effective ways to conduct varied, student-centered explorations. Teacher candidates will be reflecting on the process of learning and teaching while creating materials to use with their own students. The assignments for this course are designed to help you create different units that you may use in your future teaching.

MSTC 4048 Researching science knowledge and curriculum design

Analysis of the organization of and relationships between learning sciences and scientific concepts, with a focus on classroom-based analytical techniques suitable for curriculum design research.

MSTC 4049 Middle school living environment methods laboratory

Discussion of middle school life science methods.

MSTC 4055 Concepts of biology

Professional content knowledge course examining the major concepts in biology and their applications in teaching secondary school biology.

MSTC 4056 Concepts in earth science

Study of models of our planet, Earth in space, and weather and climate.

MSTC 4059 Concepts in chemistry I

The Chem I course is a disciplinary PCK class designed to teach science education candidates how to facilitate a full-year high school chemistry course anchored in phenomena and aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards. The phenomena that students work together to explain in chemistry are what to search for in looking for life on other planets , the potential of hydrogen and nuclear energy as a greener fuel, and why oysters are dying at high rates . Students engage with all eight science and engineering practices, becoming more proficient in learning when and how to use the practices. Lessons engage students in practices where they investigate, make sense of phenomena and problems, construct and critique models, and develop explanations and arguments. Design challenges help students integrate knowledge across units; over time, students are expected to take more and more responsibility in problem solving within them.

MSTC 4060 Concepts in chemistry II

Prerequisite: MSTC 4059 or instructor permission. The historical development of selected chemical concepts are examined with respect to the arguments developed in their support, with the intent that current meanings will be elucidated in the process. High school and college chemistry laboratory activities and classroom demonstrations are discussed and prepared. Some experiments and classroom demonstrations are performed. Some higher level chemistry problems and computer animations applied in chemistry teaching are discussed.

MSTC 4075 Concepts in physics I

Exploration of physics themes of molecules and molecular kinetic theory, heat, mechanics, waves, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics. Exploration of electricity, magnetism, light, optics, quantum mechanics, and selected topics in atomic, nuclear, and elementary particle physics and astrophysics. Of particular interest to introductory physics, physical science, and general science teachers.

MSTC 4076 Concepts in physics II

Practical basis of secondary school science education and its application to physics teaching and laboratory activity.

MSTC 4151 Modern principles of evolution

Interdisciplinary study of scientific theories about the origin and evolution of life on earth. Includes demonstration and laboratory experiments.

MSTC 4363 Introduction to science education practice

Corequisite: MSTC 4000. Directed field experiences and seminars explore school environments and teaching strategies.

MSTC 4761

Permission required. Prerequisites: MSTC 4000 and MSTC 4363. Students do supervised teaching in metropolitan area schools.

MSTC 4852 Informal science education

Study of museums and the development of curriculum and teaching practices that support learning in informal settings.

MSTC 4902 Guided study in science education

Permission required from the instructor with whom the student wishes to work. Independent study in selected areas. Use of professional laboratory facilities.

MSTC 5001 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods

This course is designed to support students in qualitative research methods. Students will complete pilot studies as a requirement in the course. Open only to doctoral students.

MSTC 5009 Educational practices and research in dental sciences

This course is an advanced seminar that focuses on the theoretical, conceptual, and empirical literature on dental science curriculum, research, and pedagogy.

MSTC 5040 Science curriculum improvement in the elementary school

This course provides an introduction to the creation of science curriculum and instruction that attends to current state and national standards at the elementary level.

MSTC 5041 The nature and practice of science

This course is one of the required core courses in the science education doctoral and advanced masters programs. It is designed to help students develop an adequate understanding of the nature of science or of how science is practiced. In this course, through the analysis of a number of current issues and problems in science and the extensive use of case studies, students will address questions such as: What is science? What distinguishes science from other ways of knowing? What standards of evidence and scientific explanations, processes, and conventions are used in science? What philosophical, social, ethical, and historical perspectives are important in understanding the nature of science?

MSTC 5042 Science, technology, and society

The nature and interrelationships of science, technology, and society as represented in policy and curriculum for education.

MSTC 5047 Science teacher education

MSTC 5047 is a required core course in the Science Education doctoral and advanced master's programs. The course concerns both inservice and preservice teacher education. In the course, students will conduct research with preservice teachers, as well as practicing and expert teachers. We will examine the classic and contemporary knowledge base of teacher education, as well as current issues and questions in the education of science teaching professionals. Open to students who are not in the Science Education Program with the professor's permission.

MSTC 5048 Curriculum and pedagogy in science education

This course offers students in the Science Education doctoral and advanced master's programs the opportunity to ask fundamental questions about curriculum in multiple ways.

MSTC 5056 General oceanography

Explore physical, earth, and life science content topics through a study of Earth's most visible feature. Particular attention paid to modern socioscientific issues such as coastal development, pollution, and management of energy resources.

MSTC 5155 Critical voices in teacher education

This course is designed for doctoral students interested in teacher education and becoming teacher educators with an emphasis on self, race in teacher education, and teacher education research and policy.

MSTC 5265 Guided supervision of student teaching in science

Permission required. Open only to doctoral students. Guided field experience in supervising student teachers.

MSTC 6000 Quantitative methods in science education research

A critical analysis of current published research in science education with special attention to strategies of applying statistical and other quantitative methods. Designed largely for doctoral students and advanced master's students.

MSTC 6401 Internship in science education

Permission required. Supervised intern service in a variety of field settings including classroom teaching at various levels, supervision, curriculum development, and inservice education.

MSTC 6502 Science education research seminar

Research oriented seminars dealing with a variety of issues and leading to preparation for the doctoral certification examination. Required for doctoral students.

MSTC 6902 Research and independent study in science education

Permission required. Guided independent study leading to the preparation of a major project or paper. May be taken repeatedly by doctoral candidates engaged in research.

MSTC 7501 Dissertation Seminar in Science Education

Development of doctoral dissertation proposals and presentation of proposals for departmental review.

MSTC 8901 Dissertation advisement in science education

Individual advisement on doctoral dissertations. Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for each term. For requirements, see section in catalog on Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees.

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