ORL 4003 Crisis intervention
Study of general crisis phenomena within the framework of crisis intervention theory. Analysis of individual, family, and community dynamics.
ORL 4014 Legal issues in healthcare organizations
Laws, administrative regulations, and pertinent case law affecting healthcare organizations. Theories of power, politics, and labor relations applied. Local, state, and federal impact on healthcare included. Special fee: $25.
ORL 4054 Leadership and management in healthcare organizations
Critical analysis of theory and research in organizational behavior, leadership, and management as it relates to the role of healthcare executives. Critique of the executive's role as it relates to these theories.
ORLD 4051 How adults learn
This course provides a sophisticated introduction to the field of adult learning and its relationship to adult development and how these principles can be used to support learning across various types of organizations. Students will learn how to practically operationalize the science of human development in their instructional design, facilitation and experiential learning, and assessment and course evaluations. The course takes a design thinking approach to learning, enabling students to engage with prominent models of human development and learning in a hands-on and practical way, grounding their learning through action and lived experience.
ORLD 4053 Facilitating adult learning
In-depth consideration of issues, strategies, and methods for facilitating adult learning. Theory is considered in relationship to practice. Methods are identified that are suited to adult learning in different settings, and to the role played by groups in individual to team learning. No prerequisites required, but learning is enhanced when taken following ORLD 4050 and ORLD 4051.
ORLD 5055 Staff Development and Training
This is an introductory course that covers an overview of the Training & Development (T&D) component of HRD and provides participants with a working knowledge of basic skills required to be successful T&D professionals in organizations, whether private or public, business or not-for-profits. While focusing on the traditional components of training assessment, design, delivery, implementation, and evaluation, this course also explores alternative training/learning modalities and strategic value of T&D for organizations. This course also challenges the dominant assumptions under which trainers are asked to work in an increasingly turbulent and competitive environment.
ORLN 4005 Theories of nursing
Theoretical foundations of nursing. Critical analysis of theories that explain the nature of nursing practice.
ORLN 5000 Nursing science
Prerequisite: ORLN 4005. Examination of emerging issues in nursing research and healthcare. Relevance to theory development and health policy are emphasized.
ORLN 5013 Informatics in nursing
Focus on computerized management information systems, computer-based analysis of decision alternatives, assessing nursing care quality and cost-effectiveness, and other feedback mechanisms specific to the nursing organization. Special fee: $50.
ORLN 5040 Methods in nursing research
Prerequisites: ORLN 4005, ORLN 5000. Analysis of hypothetical generation, study designs, and data collection methods in nursing research with emphasis on application to practice.
ORLN 5530 Clinical Teaching and Evaluation
Inquiry in effective strategies for teaching and evaluating students in the laboratory setting. Analysis, or theory and related research.
ORLN 7900 Directed dissertation research
Permission required. Prerequisites: ORLN 6540 and ORLN 6541. All doctoral students eligible for this course must register for this course every semester during completion of the dissertation. This course may be repeated as often as necessary upon advice of the advisor.