AI Literacy for Educators: A Curriculum for 21st Century Teaching

Program Description:
AI Literacy for Educators aims to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The course includes five modules, each introducing one of the five big AI ideas. This course provides educators with a fundamental knowledge of AI, as well as the practical proficiency, ethical awareness, and a collaborative mindset essential for navigating the evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence. The course's holistic approach ensures that students emerge with a well-rounded understanding of AI, ready to contribute meaningfully to their professional fields. The course will also include discussions and examples of how to integrate AI literacy across the curriculum.
- Modules 1 and 2 will focus on the foundations of AI and will introduce such concepts as datasets, algorithms, autonomy, perception, and predictions. Students will use ethical metrics to unpack implications of AI technology and develop social awareness in AI across industries, including robotics, entertainment, social media, and chatbots.
- Modules 3 and 4 will provide an overview of the AI decision-making process and will introduce such concepts as object perception, representation, decision trees and classification, search, and graphs. The course will encourage students to explore different types of computer perception that can extract meaning from sensory signals. Students will categorize real world problems in order to determine types of representation used in daily lives.
- Module 5 will introduce machine perception and supervised machine learning. Students will explore reasoning algorithms and neural networks and utilize Teachable Machines to create a machine learning model. Students will also discuss the implications of algorithmic bias and what can be done to mitigate the bias.