Leadership Institute for School Change

Leadership Institute for School Change:
Building Capacity by Supporting Adult Development

October 16 - 17, 2023
Leadership Institute for School Change:<br/>Building Capacity by Supporting Adult Development

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For more information, questions, group rates or to register: Email cps@tc.columbia.edu

Program Description:

We are living, teaching, learning, and leading in the context of ultimate adaptive challenges. Today—perhaps more than ever before—we need to support educators across all levels as we continue to navigate the urgent challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and create, together, futures grounded in racial and educational justice. How might you better support teachers, leaders, and yourself during these unprecedented, complex and ever-changing times? Investing in supporting adult learning and building capacity is one promising pathway forward.

This two-day online interactive workshop provides leaders and educators across levels—principals, assistant principals, teachers, professional developers, curriculum specialists, coaches, district leaders, policymakers, professors, community college leaders, administrators, and for- and non-profit leaders who support others—with an opportunity to more deeply understand how to support other adults’ growth, and one’s own, by learning about adult developmental theory, a developmental model of leadership for supporting adult growth, and promising, capacity-building practices that can be implemented in your school, district, or organization.

Participants will have multiple opportunities during and after each seminar day to apply their learnings, develop action plans, and enhance their noble practice of leading in support of adult development—including supervision for growth, coaching, and practices that support adult development.

During the Institute, participants will learn about:

  • Adult developmental theory and its practical applications for supporting growth and capacity building (Drago-Severson, 2004a, 2004b, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2016; Drago-Severson & Blum-DeStefano, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020; Drago-Severson, Blum-DeStefano, & Asghar, 2013; Drago-Severson, Roy, & von Frank, 2015; Kegan, 1982, 1994, 2000)
  • A developmentally-based model for leadership and professional learning comprised of four pillar practices—teaming, collegial inquiry, providing leadership roles, and mentoring—that you can employ to enhance collaboration and PLCs, grow teacher leadership, and give and receive effective feedback (Drago-Severson, 2004a, 2004b, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2016; Drago-Severson & Blum-DeStefano, 2018; Drago-Severson, Blum-DeStefano & Asghar, 2013; Drago-Severson, Joswick-O’Connor, &Blum-DeStefano, 2018; Drago-Severson, Roy, & von Frank, 2015).
  • Practical strategies for building successful teams in schools and online, differentiating professional learning, building a culture of collaboration, and supporting instructional improvement in both groups and individuals.
  • Takeaways for applying and implementing learnings in practice through action plans.


Everyone really! This Institute is designed for leaders and collaborators of all kinds—principals, AP’s, teachers, professional developers, curriculum specialists, coaches, superintendents and other district leaders, policymakers, and anyone interested in building capacity across non-profit and for-profit sectors. All are welcome!


Ellie Drago-Severson, Faculty Lead and Co-Facilitator

Professor of Education Leadership and Adult Learning & Leadership, Teachers College, Columbia University, Faculty Lead and Co-Facilitator of Institute

‌“Ellie Drago-Severson is one of our most insightful experts on the development of adult educational leaders. She is unique in her ability to move back and forth comfortably between powerful ideas and promising practices.”

–Howard Gardner
Professor of Cognition and Education
Harvard University
Author of Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons

Jessica Blum-DeStefano, Co-Facilitator

Faculty at Bank Street Graduate School of Education


Ellie Drago-Severson with Roses

Ellie Drago-Severson is Professor of Education Leadership and Adult Learning and Leadership at Teachers College, Columbia University. A developmental psychologist, Ellie teaches, conducts research, and consults to leaders and organizations on professional and personal growth and learning; leadership that supports principal, faculty, school, and leadership development; and coaching and mentoring in K–12 schools, university settings, and other adult education contexts. She is also an internationally certified developmental coach who works with leaders to build internal capacity and achieve goals. Her work is inspired by the idea that schools must be places where adults and children can grow, and she is dedicated to creating the conditions to achieve this and to helping leaders and educators of all kinds to do the same on behalf of supporting adults and youth.

Ellie is author of the best-selling books Helping Teachers Learn: Principal Leadership for Adult Growth and Development (Corwin, 2004) and Leading Adult Learning: Supporting Adult Development in Our Schools (Corwin/The National Staff Development Council, 2009)—as well as Becoming Adult Learners: Principles and Practices for Effective Development (Teachers College Press, 2004) and Helping Educators Grow: Practices and Strategies for Supporting Leadership Development (Harvard Education Press, 2012). She is also a co-author of Learning for Leadership: Developmental Strategies for Building Capacity in Our Schools (Corwin, 2013), Learning Designs: Reach the Highest Standard of Professional Learning (Corwin, 2014), Tell Me So I Can Hear You: A Developmental Approach to Feedback for Educators (Harvard Education Press, 2016), Leading Change Together: Developing Educator Capacity Within Schools and Systems (ASCD, 2018).


Jessica Blum-DeStefano Profile

Jessica Blum-DeStefano earned her PhD in Education Leadership Teachers College, Columbia University after nine rewarding years as a teacher and school leader in alternative education settings. She teaches at Bank Street College of Education and, for the past ten years, has co-taught adult development with Ellie in the Summer Principals Academy at Teachers College. She is a co-author of Learning for Leadership: Developmental Strategies for Building Capacity in Our Schools (Corwin, 2013), Tell Me So I Can Hear You: A Developmental Approach to Feedback for Educators (Harvard Education Press, 2016), ), Leading Change Together: Developing Educator Capacity Within Schools and Systems (ASCD, 2018).



Registration Fee & Discounts

Registration Fee Per Attendee: $1,495 ( Institute materials, and central text)

Group/Team Discount (2 or more): Contact cps@tc.columbia.edu


Everyone really! This Institute is designed for leaders and collaborators of all kinds—principals, AP’s, teachers, professional developers, curriculum specialists, coaches, superintendents and other district leaders, policymakers, and anyone interested in building capacity across non-profit and for-profit sectors. All are welcome!

Continuing Education

Participants who successfully complete the Institute will receive a Certificate of Participation and 10 Clock Hours.

Please note, we are not able to offer partial professional development hours for those who cannot attend the full workshop.

Upcoming Leadership Institute Dates

Leadership Institute for School Change: Building Capacity by Supporting Adult Development

Monday, October 16, 2023

  • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm EST via Zoom

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

  • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm EST via Zoom

Leadership Institute for School Change: A Developmental Approach to Effective Feedback

Dates: TBD

Leading Change Together: A Deep Dive into Developmental Leadership & Capacity Building

Dates: TBD

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