HBCU and MSI Philanthropy
Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and other minority serving institutions (MSIs) hold a unique place in American higher education. Historically, and even today, HBCUs have been funded by White philanthropists, but these institutions have also been sites of community philanthropy for racial uplift. Our research has not only explores HBCUs and other MSIs as sites to understand philanthropic giving and identity-based motivations, we also look at these institutions as sites that have created and developed cultures of giving.
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Engaging the Latino community: Enhancing HSIs’ Latino donor base
Drezner, N. D. & Villarreal, R. C. (2015) Engaging the Latino community: Enhancing HSIs’ Latino donor base. In J. P. Mendez, F. A. Bonner II, J. Méndez-Negrete, & R. T. Palmer (Eds.) Hispanic serving institutions in American higher education: Their origin, present, and future challenges. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishers
The Black church and millennial philanthropy: Influences on college student prosocial behavior at a church-affiliated Black college
Drezner, N. D. (2013). The Black church and millennial philanthropy: Influences on college student prosocial behavior at a church-affiliated Black college. Christian Higher Education, 12(5), 363-382.
Busting the myth: Understanding endowment management at public historically Black colleges and universities
Drezner, N. D. & Gupta, A. (2012). Busting the myth: Understanding endowment management at public historically Black colleges and universities. Journal of Negro Education, 81(2), pp. 107-120.
Encouraging giving among graduate and professional degree alumni at HBCUs
Drezner, N. D. (2012). Encouraging giving among graduate and professional degree alumni at HBCUs. In R. Palmer, A. Hilton, & T. Fountaine (Eds.) Black graduate students at HBCUs: Trends, experiences & outcomes, (pp. 188-200). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Private Black colleges’ encouragement of student giving and volunteerism: An examination of prosocial behavior development
Drezner, N. D. (2010). Private Black colleges’ encouragement of student giving and volunteerism: An examination of prosocial behavior development. International Journal of Educational Advancement, 10(3), pp 126-147.
Fundraising for Black colleges during the 1960s and 1970s: The case of Hampton Institute
Gasman, M. & Drezner, N. D. (2010). Fundraising for Black colleges during the 1960s and 1970s: The case of Hampton Institute. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 39(2), 321-342.
Why give?: Exploring social exchange and organizational identification theories in the promotion of philanthropic behaviors of African American millennials at private-HBCUs
Drezner, N. D. (2009). Why give?: Exploring social exchange and organizational identification theories in the promotion of philanthropic behaviors of African American millennials at private-HBCUs. International Journal of Educational Advancement, 9(3), 147-165.
A Maverick in the field: The Oram Group and fundraising for change in the Black college community during the 1970s
Gasman, M., & Drezner, N. D. (2009). A Maverick in the field: The Oram Group and fundraising for change in the Black college community during the 1970s. History of Education Quarterly, 49(4), 465-506.
For alma mater and The Fund: The United Negro College Fund’s National Pre-Alumni Council and the creation of the next generation of donors
Drezner, N. D. (2008). For alma mater and The Fund: The United Negro College Fund’s National Pre-Alumni Council and the creation of the next generation of donors. In M. Gasman & C. Tudico (Eds.), Triumphs and troubles: Historical and contemporary essays on Black colleges, (pp. 15-26). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
White corporate philanthropy and its support of private Black colleges in the 1960s and 70s
Gasman, M., & Drezner, N. D. (2008). White corporate philanthropy and its support of private Black colleges in the 1960s and 70s. International Journal of Educational Advancement, 8(2), 79-92.