

The mission of the Institute of Psychological Science and Practice (IPSP) is to help foster a healthy, just and peaceful world by promoting the links between psychological research, practice and education, and by advancing psychological science and promoting social justice in our work with individuals, organizations and communities across the globe.

Our objectives are to enhance Psych @ TC’s:

  • Vision and strategy
  • Leadership and decision-making
  • Coordination and communication (internal and external)
  • Funding acquisition through grants, contracts and gifts
  • Infrastructure and support

When Teachers College (TC) was first established in the 1880s to provide education for teachers of poor children in New York City, the founders had the foresight to recognize that teachers need reliable knowledge about the conditions under which children learn most effectively, and so they included from the start such fundamental subjects as educational psychology. This helped attract notables like John Dewey, E. L. Thorndike, Naomi Norsworthy, Mary Cover Jones, Leta Hollingworth, Goodwin Watson, Carl Rogers, Percival Symonds, Morton Deutsch, Edmund Gordon, Albert Ellis and Rollo May to Teachers College, which speaks to the extraordinary impact that Psychologists and Psychology have had on Teachers College. Dewey and Thorndike (both Presidents of the American Psychological Association or APA) and their colleagues and students helped to launch and shape this institution in such a manner where psychological thinking and research is today a central life force of Teachers College:

  • Psych @TC has a dozen Programs offering over 30 different degrees or certificates.
  • With 16 affiliated Research Centers
  • Psych @TC has 60 full-time Psychology Faculty/Lecturers/Instructors constituting more than a third of the TC Faculty, and a total of 147 affiliate Psychologists.
  • TC Psychologists conduct ground-breaking grant-funded research in a multitude of vital areas
  • Since 1981, TC has granted over 1,000 doctorates and 12,000 Masters in Psychology.
  • Today, 25% of degree students at the college are enrolled in psychology programs – and many other TC students enroll in Psych courses.
  • Our Psychology Students go on to enjoy careers in prestigious universities and in a wide variety of industries and areas of the public sector around the globe.

Psychology Faculty and students gathered voluntarily for several years, and with the President and Provost’s support, established the Psychology Faculty Coordinating Committee (PFCC) and Student Coordinating Committee (PSCC). These groups began to build an infrastructure for internal communications, planning and coordination that was formally launched in Fall 2016, known as the Institute for Psychological Science and Practice (IPSP). With Development and External Affairs Offices, IPSP members began developing Strategic Plans for better external communications and giving that involve

  • The formal launch of Psychology @ TC website
  • Psychology faculty and community email listserve.
  • Updated Calendar of Events
  • Bi-weekly E-digests of upcoming activities to our
  • Coordination with the Office of External Affairs to enhance the visibility of all high-profile activities of Psychology at TC. 

Psych@TC during 2018-2019 involved the following activities:

  • New Co-Directors, Drs. Marie L. Miville and Ye “Angel” Wang
  • Student staff members: Ms. Shaina Brady and Ms. Cheryl Foo
  • New office: 538A-B Grace Dodge Hall
  • Fall Psychology Orientation gathering to welcome new TC psychology students
  • Fall Psychology Open House
  • Annual Psychology Faculty dinner
  • Annual TC Psychology Conference in the spring: April 12, 4-6 pm, 4th floor Horace Mann
  • Increased presence at TC graduation ceremonies for both masters and doctoral students
  • TC Medalists who are renowned psychologists, including social psychologist Dr. Michelle Fine, a TC alumnus, and Dr. Rosie Phillips Davis, a counseling psychologist who is the 2019 APA President (for more information, https://www.tc.columbia.edu/articles/2019/march/tcs-convocation-2019-speakers-announced/).


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