The American Educational Research Association (AERA) will hold its annual meeting in Toronto, from April 5th–9th, and the extended Teachers College community will play a significant role.
[Click here to read about five members of the TC community who are being honored at this year’s AERA meeting. Click here to see a full schedule and locations of all 332 presentations by TC faculty, students, staff and alumni.]
The meeting, themed “Leveraging Education Research in a Post-Truth Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence,” marks the culmination of the AERA presidency of TC’s Amy Stuart Wells.
Wells, Professor of Sociology & Education, will deliver her Presidential Address, “An Inconvenient Truth about the New Jim Crow of Education,” on Sunday evening, April 7th.

Amy Stuart Wells
Wells’ address takes as one of its central images the six “lost rivers” of Toronto – waterways that have become buried under the city’s modern infrastructure, but which were once central to the livelihood of indigenous people. Citing ancient beliefs that equate water with wisdom, Wells calls the lost rivers “a metaphor for precious knowledge that settler-colonialists from Europe attempted to bury and erase“ – including through education. And she argues that these waters remain “powerful currents of knowledge, understanding and resilience” for which there are many parallels in education reform – including the de-emphasis of misused assessments and high-stakes testing.
Wells’ address will be preceded on Sunday by both a student-researched and -written play on the meaning of standardized tests in the lives of youth and the world premiere of “Children Left Behind: Time to Reimagine Education,” a new documentary film by Stanley Earl Nelson (“Wounded Knee,” “The Murder of Emmett Till”) on the interconnectedness of testing, curriculum, discipline and segregation. The film features TC emeritus professor Edmund W. Gordon, TC alumna Michelle Fine and other nationally known scholars in a discussion of how American education has primarily reflected and reinforced a white dominated society, and where the possibilities lie for change.
The AERA Opening Plenary on Friday, April 5, titled “Truth and Reconciliation in Education: History, Narratives, and Pedagogy,” will highlight the work of the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, juxtaposed to various efforts in the United States to reconcile America’s history of slavery, segregation and racial oppression and the role of schools and universities in either denying or examining that history. Elders representing four indigenous nations will perform rituals acknowledging the land on which the conference takes place.
“How might we, as education researchers, document both subtle and blatant forms of cultural genocide in schools and universities in other contexts?” Wells asks in a message currently on the AERA site. “What is our role in envisioning the emancipatory potential of education in Canada and elsewhere?”

Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz
Also on Sunday, in the morning, the AERA meeting will feature a session titled the Presidential Circle, co-organized by TC’s Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Associate Professor of English Education, and Phillip A. Smith, Associate Director of the College’s Reimagining Education Summer Institute (which Wells directs).
“This event is usually referred to as the Presidential Session,” Sealey-Ruiz says, “but we wanted to create an authentic space of community dialogue and healing that pushes boundaries for all in attendance to reimagine what education community and dialogue can and should look and feel like.”
“As we give thought to reimagining education we also wanted to reimagine our discussion itself in a traditional research space,” says Smith, who is also a doctoral candidate in Education Leadership. “As part of that effort, we’ve invited a group of ‘elders’ to participate who have previously been guests at the Reimagining Education Institute.”
The “elders” at the session, which feature opening remarks by Teachers College President Thomas Bailey, include Sonia Nieto, Professor Emerita of Language, Literacy and Culture at the School of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Past AERA President Gloria Ladson-Billings, who is currently Assistant Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education; incoming AERA President Vanessa Siddle Walker; Angela Valenzuela, Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy at the University of Texas-Austin College of Education; and Django Paris, James A. and Cherry A. Banks Professor of Multicultural Education and director of the Banks Center for Educational Justice in the College of Education at the University of Washington. All have been or are scheduled to be speakers at TC’s Reimagining Education Summer Institute.
Schedule of TC Presentations at AERA
Black, John B.
Non-presenting Author
18.046 - Can We Debug It? Perceptions and Inquiry
A Computational Thinking Approach to Teaching Financial Literacy
2:25 to 3:55pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 600 Level, Room 601A
Bretas, Shani Shalev
Presenting Author
21.031 - Accountability for Schools and Teachers
The (New) New Institutionalism in Education: The Tension Between Technology-Enabled Personalization and Accountability Regimes
4:20 to 5:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 703
Carde, Kelly
Presenting Author
Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session Friday 4:20 pm
Contributions to Equity Through Systems, School Choice, Teachers, and Arts
The Role That Teachers Play in College Placement Among First-Generation Youth
4:20 to 6:20pm
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, Concert Hall
Cruz, Diana Elizabeth
Presenting Author
21.060 - Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session Two
21.060-1 - Contributions to Equity Through Systems, School Choice, Teachers, and Arts
The Role That Teachers Play in College Placement Among First-Generation Youth
4:20 to 6:20pm
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, Concert Hall
Daruwala, Iris
Presenting Author
Accountability for Schools and Teachers
The (New) New Institutionalism in Education: The Tension Between Technology-Enabled Personalization and Accountability Regimes
4:20 to 5:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 703
Du, Xiaoxue
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session Friday 2:25 pm (B)
Supporting Teaching in STEM, Making, and Computational Thinking
STEM Projects by Design
2:25 to 3:55pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Duran, Jacquelyn Nely
Presenting Author
10.059 - MTCC Roundtable Session Three
18.059-4 - Atravesando Fronteras! Dreamers, Border-Corssig Pedagogies, and Immigrant Spaces of Belonging
The Education Experience of Second-Generation Dominican High School Students in a Diverse Suburban Context
2:25 to 3:55pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Fecho, Robert A.
10.038 - Division K
Pre-Conference Seminar: Post-Tenure Pathways
8:00 to 11:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 715A
10.038 - Division K Pre-Conference Seminar: Post-Tenure Pathways
8:00 to 11:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 715A
Green Saraisky, Nancy
15.011 - The Opt-Out Movement: Promoting Democratic Schooling Through the Voice of Teachers, Parents, and Students
12:00 to 2:00pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104B
Hatch, Thomas C.
Presenting Author
21.061 - MTCC Roundtable Session Five
21.061-3 -Social Capital and Networking for Improving School Programming
Two-Mode Social Network Analysis of the Funders' Role in K–3 Reading Improvement Programs' Distributing Resources
4:20 to 5:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session Friday 4:20
Social Capital and Networking for Improving School Programming
Social Networks and Policy Coherence: Administrators' Common Core and Teacher Evaluation Advice Networks
4:20 to 5:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Kai, Shimin
Non-presenting Author
Physics Playground, a Game for Learning: Demonstration and Posters
Affect Detection in Physics Playground
2:25 to 3:55pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Room 801A
Keller, Bryan Sean
Non-presenting Author
10.018 - Advances in Structural Equation Modeling
Controlling for Latent Confounding by Confirmatory Factor Analysis
2:25 to 3:55pm
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Tutor 8
Kitzmiller, Erika
Presenting Author
Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session Friday 4:20 pm
Contributions to Equity Through Systems, School Choice, Teachers, and Arts
The Role That Teachers Play in College Placement Among First-Generation Youth
4:20 to 6:20pm
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, Concert Hall
Presenting Author
Division K Poster Session A
Educating Educators in the Age of Trump
12:00 to 1:30pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Room 801A
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session Friday 2:25
Transitions: Understanding Rural Student Experiences
2:25 to 3:55pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Presenting Author
Advances in Structural Equation Modeling
Controlling for Latent Confounding by Confirmatory Factor Analysis
2:25 to 3:55pm
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Tutor 8
Martinez-Roldan, Carmen M.
1 - Raising Our Voices: Community-Minded Latinx Educators Reflect on Clinical Practices in Neoliberal Times
4:20 to 6:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Meier, Ellen B.
Presenting Author
18.058 - MTCC Roundtable Session Four
18.058-13 - Supporting Teaching in STEM, Making, and Computational Thinking STEM Projc
2:25 to 3:55pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Oyler, Celia J.
Presenting Author
15.024 - Challenging Beliefs: Critical Race Analysis of Teacher Work on Paper: Toward Beieng a Critically Inclusive Pedagogue
12:00 to 2:00pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 705
Page, Karen Kirsch
Non-presenting Author
18.058 - MTCC Roundtable Session Four
18.058-13 - Supporting Teaching in STEM, Making, and Computational Thinking
STEM Projects by Design
2:25 to 3:55pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Pizmony, Levy Oren
15.011 - The Opt-Out Movement: Promoting Democratic Schooling Through the Voice of Teachers, Parents, and Students
12:00 to 2:00pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104B
Ready, Douglas
Presenting Author
1 - Accountability for Schools and Teachers
The (New) New Institutionalism in Education: The Tension Between Technology-Enabled Personalization and Accountability Regimes
4:20 to 5:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 703
Rumberger, Alyson
Presenting Author
21.061 - MTCC Roundtable Session Five
21.061-3 - Social Capital and Networking for Improving School Programming
Two-Mode Social Network Analysis of the Funders' Role in K–3 Reading Improvement Programs' Distributing Resources
4:20 to 5:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Sands, Sara R
Presenting Author
15.061 - MTCC Roundtable Session Two
15.061-3 - Alternatives Pathways to Traditional Teacher Education
Beyond Legislation: Efforts at Increasing Teacher Diversity in Diverse-by-Design Charter Schools
12:00 to 1:30pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Santos-Carrillo, Rocio
Non-presenting Author
18.058 - MTCC Roundtable Session Four
18.058-13 - Supporting Teaching in STEM, Making, and Computational Thinking
STEM Projects by Design
2:25 to 3:55pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Silverman, Stephen
Presenting Author
1 - Challenges and Opportunities for Physical Education Teaching and Teacher Education
Review of Research on Teaching in Physical Education: Two Decades of Progress
12:00 to 1:30pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203C
Sossi, Dino
MTCC Roundtable Session Friday 4:20 pm
Conversations About Educational Technologies (Teaching, Social Media, Games, Plagiarism)
4:20 to 5:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session Friday 4:20 pm
Conversations About Educational Technologies (Teaching, Social Media, Games, Plagiarism)
New Media, New Voices: The Benefits of Integrating Social Media Into Classrooms 4:20 to 5:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Souto-Manning, Mariana
1 - Division K Pre-Conference Seminar: Post-Tenure Pathways
8:00 to 11:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 715A
1 - Transforming University-Based Teacher Education: Preparing Asset-, Equity-, and Justice-Oriented Teachers Within the Contemporary Political Context
12:00 to 2:00pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 716B
1 - Transforming University-Based Teacher Education: Preparing Asset-, Equity-, and Justice-Oriented Teachers Within the Contemporary Political Context
12:00 to 2:00pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 716B
1 - Thinking Beyond Damage-Centered Teaching: Enacting a Humanizing Pedagogy in Teacher Education
4:20 to 5:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 711
Wells, Amy Stuart
AERA Governance
1 - AERA 2018–2019 Council Luncheon with Ontario Indigenous Community Leaders and Area Indigenous Leaders (Invitation Only)
11:30am to 1:15pm
InterContinental Toronto Centre, Lower Level, Ballroom B
AERA Governance
1 - AERA Council Meeting Part 2
1:30 to 3:00pm
InterContinental Toronto Centre, Upper Lobby, Caledon
AERA Sessions
1 - AERA 2019 Annual Meeting Opening Plenary Session: Truth and Reconciliation in Education: History, Narratives, and Pedagogy
6:45 to 8:30pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, John W.H. Bassett Theater - Room 102
Wohlstetter, Priscilla
Presenting Author
15.061 - MTCC Roundtable Session Two
15.061-3 - Alternatives Pathways to Traditional Teacher Education
Beyond Legislation: Efforts at Increasing Teacher Diversity in Diverse-by-Design Charter Schools
12:00 to 1:30pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Ahn, Daniel
Non-presenting Author
Sheraton Roundtable Session Saturday 4:10 pm (B)
Media, Bias, and New(s) Literacies
Gamifying Fake News: Playful Approaches to News Literacy Education for Middle School Students
4:10 to 5:40pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Anderson, Nicholas
Presenting Author
Advancing Career and Technical Education (CTE) Research: Who Is Served by CTE and How Does CTE Serve Them?
Estimating the Labor Market Returns of the General Educational Development
4:10 to 6:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201C
Azzarito, Laura
Non-Presenting Author
34.086 - Physical Education and Activity Setting as Spaces for Social Justice
“Black Bodies Matter:” Postcolonialism, Emotionality, & Curriculum
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203A
Barnett, Elisabeth
Presenting Author
Paving the Way to Better Higher Education Outcomes: Findings From the Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness
Evaluation of an Intervention That Uses High School Transcript Data
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104B
Baron, Christine
Sheraton Roundtable Session Saturday 8:00 am (B) Change
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
MTCC Roundtable Session Saturday 2:15 pm (B)
Creative Multidisciplinary Instruction
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Bowers, Alex J.
Non-presenting Author
35.081 - MTCC Poster Session Eight
35.081-3 - Science Teaching and Learning SIG Poster Session
A Typology of Student Dispositions in Science and Math
4:10 to 5:40pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Bezirhan, Ummugul
Non-presenting Author
Graduate Student Issues Committee Graduate Student Poster Session 1
Investigating Item Position and Psychological Factor Effects With Missing Data Sat, 12:20 to 1:50pm
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Main Level, Imperial Room
Buffalo, Gail
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session Saturday 2:15 pm (B)
Futures of Power and Resistance in Public Education
A Definition of Schooling as We Know It: The Beginning of the End
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Presenting Author
Unpacking Unflattening: Interdisciplinary and Multimodal Inquiry in Teaching and Research
Unflattening Student Teacher Preparation
4:10 to 5:40pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Linden
Cabral, Leana
PS26: Strategic Communications for the Public Good: Multimodal Paths Toward an Asset-Based Understanding of Public Schools
4:10 to 6:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Chang, Yoo Kyung
Presenting Author
35.079 - Sheraton Roundtable Session Five - Grand Centre
35.079-6 - Media, Bias, and New(s) Literacies
Gamifying Fake News: Playful Approaches to News Literacy Education for Middle School Students
4:10 to 5:40pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Cordova-Cobo, Diana K
1 - Strategic Communications for the Public Good: Multimodal Paths Toward an Asset-Based Understanding of Public Schools
4:10 to 6:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Darity, Kelsey
Presenting Author
PS20: Innovation in Teacher Education: Toward a Critical Reexamination
Social Justice Teacher Educators: What Kind of Knowing Is Needed?
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104B
Delima, Dianne
PS26: Strategic Communications for the Public Good: Multimodal Paths Toward an Asset-Based Understanding of Public Schools
4:10 to 6:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Drago-Severson, Eleanor E.
Presenting Author
1 - Social Justice Leadership in the Trump Era
Toward a Developmental, Grounded Theory of Social Justice Leadership: A Qualitative Exploration
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201B
Erickson, Ansley T.
Presenting Author
34.042 - Collaborative Public History: Engaging the Public Through Multimodal Mechanisms and Methodologuies
Oral History, Collaboration, and Multimodality in the Harlem Education History Project
2:15 to 3:45pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Huron
Flack, Clare Buckley
Presenting Author
28.088 - Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session four
Strategic Inquiry as a Reform Strategy for New York City's Renewal High Schools
10:25 to 11:55am
Fairmont Royal Hotel, Convetion Floor, Concert Hall
Fredrick, Ray Noble
Presenting Author
25.084 - MTCC Roundtable Session Seven
25.084-5 - Physical Activity in Alternative Spaces and With Alternative Instructors
REACH Harlem: Young Urban Boys' Experience in After-School Physical Activity Positive Youth Development Program
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Goldenberg, Barry
Presenting Author
Black Power, Black Schools, and Radical Multicultural Reform
Radical Multiculturalism at Harlem Prep, 1967–1974: Expanding Emancipatory Black Educational Frameworks in the Era of Black Power
10:25 to 11:55am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Huron
Hartman, Maria C.
Presenting Author
25.074 - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Research Paper Session
Examining Language Environments of Children With Hearing Loss: Quantity or Diversity?
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203C
Hatch, Thomas C.
Presenting Author
34.025 - The Impact of Ethics, Policy, and Equity on Decision Making and Outcomes
A Multidimensional Approach to Pursuin Equitable Outcomes in Three Districts
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201B
Hoffman, Dan
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session Saturday 2:15 pm (B)
Exploring the Potential Using a Tablet-Based Note-Taking Application to Replace Traditional Science Notebooks in an Elementary Classroom
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Horsford, Sonya Douglass
25.045 - Education Policy, Politics, and the Public Good: Toward New Visions of Democracy and Citizenship in a "Post-Truth" World
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203B
28.012 - The Promise and Peril of Social Media in a Post-Truth Era
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104C
36.015 - Division L Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony
6:35 to 8:35pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 206D
Im, Soo-hyun
Non-presenting Author
28.092 - Sheraton Roundtable Two - Osgoode Ballroom
28.092-5 - Executive Functions, Metacognition, and Problem Design in Mathematics Learning
Investigating the Generalizability of a Schema-Based Instructional Approach to Proportional Problem Solving: A Multistate Study
10:25 to 11:55am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Jiménez, Ileana
Presenting Author
Preventing Gendered Violence in the #metoo Era: What Teachers and Teacher Educators Can Do
Intersectional Feminist Teachers and the #MeToo K12 Fight for Sexual Harassment Policies in Schools
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 703
Keener, Abbey
PS26: Strategic Communications for the Public Good: Multimodal Paths Toward an Asset-Based Understanding of Public Schools
4:10 to 6:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Kim, Elisabeth
Presenting Author
MTCC Poster Session Saturday 8:00 am
Bilingual Education Research SIG Poster Session
Spanish Dual Language and School Choice in the NYCDOE
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Presenting Author
Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session Saturday 10:25 am
Evaluating Programs Supporting Disadvantaged Student Groups
Strategic Inquiry as a Reform Strategy for New York City's Renewal High Schools
10:25 to 11:55am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, Concert Hall
Kitzmiller, Erika
Designing Activity Systems to Support the Communities of Practice and Community Engaged Learning
8:00 to 10:00am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Provincial Ballroom South
Sheraton Roundtable Session Two
History and Civics: Student Responses and Attitudes
10:25 to 11:55am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Teachers of Color Push Back Against Power
4:10 to 5:40pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 710
Knight-Manuel, Michelle G.
1 - AERA Joint Social Justice Combined Reception
8:05 to 10:00pm
InterContinental Toronto Centre, Lower Level, Ballroom B
Lee, Ji hyeon
Presenting Author
34.086 - Physical Education and Activity Setting as Spaces for Social Justice
“Black Bodies Matter:” Postcolonialism, Emotionality, & Curriculum
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203A
Lesko, Nancy L.
Non-presenting Author
31.024 - "Dear Darling, Stiiir It Up!" Youth Reprogramming the World Beyond General Education and Family Separations
Beyond Heterosexuality in the Beyond Bullying Project: Meanings of Bisexuality in Girls' Narratives of Desire
12:20 to 1:50pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Cedar
Literat, Ioana
Non-presenting Author
Sheraton Roundtable Session Five
Media, Bias, and New(s) Literacies
Gamifying Fake News: Playful Approaches to News Literacy Education for Middle School Students
4:10 to 5:40pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Martínez-Álvarez, Patricia
1 - Bilingual Education Research SIG Mentoring Meeting
4:10 to 6:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Room 802B
1 - Bilingual Education Research SIG Business Meeting
6:35 to 8:35pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205B
Martinez-Roldan, Carmen M.
Presenting Author
1 - Agency, Power, and the Colonial Subject: Educational Experiences of Puerto Ricans Post–Hurricane María
The Roles of Puerto Rican Schools After Hurricane María: A Story of Subjugation and Agency
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 712
1 - Dr. María Torres-Guzmán Memorial Session
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 705
Merritt, Veronique W.
25.063 - Diversity Issues in Higher Education
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Room 809
34.094 - Fairmont Royal York Roundtabel Session Siz
34.094-10 - Holistic Teachers and Teaching: Stregnth and Contemplation in Pratice
2:15 to 3:45pm
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, Concert Hall
35.078 - MTCC Roundtable Session
14 35.078-12 - Research on Study Abroad Program
4:10 to 5:40pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Michel, Jessica Ostrow
Presenting Author
25.086 - Sheraton Roundtable Session One - Grand Centre
25.086-2 - Pedagogical Practices
Charting Students' Exposure to Promising Practice of Teaching About Sustainability Across the Higher Education Curriculum
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Morvay, Jenna Kamrass
Presenting Author
31.026 - Black Life and Its (Curriculum) Matters
Exorcising Demons: Rethinking Curricula and School Spaces Through Katherine McKittick's Demonic Grounds
12:20 to 1:50pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Nagarajan, Pavithra
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session
12 34.096-8 - Black Youth in Urban Contexts
Snitching and Switching Up: Finding, Keeping, and Testing Trust for Black Boys Sat,
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Presenting Author
Sheraton Roundtable Session Two
Caring and Being There: Complicating Qualitative Research With Youth of Color in School Settings
Building and Balancing Trust in Qualitative Research With Black Boys
10:25 to 11:55am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Ni, Xinyu
Presenting Author
1 - Research Evidence Guiding School Districts
What Influences School District Effectiveness Growth Trajectories? A Growth Mixture Modeling Analysis
12:20 to 1:50pm
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Tutor 8
Parks, Siettah
1 - Strategic Communications for the Public Good: Multimodal Paths Toward an Asset-Based Understanding of Public Schools
4:10 to 6:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Pirsch, Moira E.
Presenting Author
25.083 - MTCC Roundtable Session Eight
25.083-7 - "We Are the Next Generation": Preparing to Lead through Hip Hop
Not Everything Is Over the Rainbow: Spoken Word and Hip Hop as Tools of Transformation
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Rabadi-Raol, Ayesha
Presenting Author
25.083 - MTCC Roundtable Session Eight
25.083-3 - Teacher Professional, Racial, and Ethnic Identities and High-Needs Schools
The Culture of Power and the Power of Culture: Auto-Ethnography of a Transnational Immigrant Teacher of Color
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Rabinowitz, Laurie
1 - Charter School Policies and Their Impact on Stakeholders
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 202C
Ran, Florence Xiaotao
Non-presenting Author
34.098 - Sheraton Roundtable Session Four - Osgoode Ballroom
34.098-1 - Classroom Contexts and Student Impacts
The Impact of Course Delivery Format on Developmental Education: Course Persistence, Completion, and Subsequent Success
2:15 to 3:45pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Reid, Shamari K.
Presenting Author
34.056 - Moving From Out to In: Examining the Experience of LGBTQ+ Students, Teachers and Allies
BlackQueer Youth Agency as Pedagogy
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 704
Riina-Ferrie, Joseph
Presenting Author
1 - Affective Potentials in Informal, Media-Rich Learning Programs: New Directions in Theory and Design
Youth Video and Affect Over Time
2:15 to 3:45pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine, York
Rufsvold, Ronda
Presenting Author
1 - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Research Paper Session
Examining Language Environments of Children With Hearing Loss: Quantity or Diversity?
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203C
Safron, Carrie
Presenting Author
25.084 - MTCC Roundtable Session Seven
25.084-5 - Physical Activity in Alternative Spaces and With Alternative Instructors
"We Need to Do a Better Job...": The Transformative Potential of an After-School Program
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Presenting Author
SIG-Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education
1 - Physical Education and Activity Settings as Spaces for Social Justice
LGBTQ Issues in Physical Education: An Analysis of Published Scholarship
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203A
Scott-Clayton, Judith
1 - Division L Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony
6:35 to 8:35pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 206D
Sealey-Ruiz, Yolanda
28.091 - Sheraton Roundtable Session Two - Grand Centre
28.091-5 - Caring and Being There: Complicating Qualitative Research With Youth of Color in School Settings
10:25 to 11:55am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Smolen, Elaine
Presenting Author
1 - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Research Paper Session
Examining Language Environments of Children With Hearing Loss: Quantity or Diversity?
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203C
Song, Ah-Young
Presenting Author
25.082 - Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session Three
25.082-8 - Ethics and Positioning in Qualitative Research Encounters
Gesturing Toward Human(e) Research: Thinking Through Entanglements in Participant Observations
8:00 to 9:30am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, Concert Hall
Sossi, Dino
1 - PDC16: Introduction to Infographics and Data Visualization
8:00 to 12:00pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 600 Level, Room 601B
Souto-Manning, Mariana
Presenting Author
1 - Innovation in Teacher Education: Toward a Critical Reexamination
Toward Praxically Just Transformations: Interrupting Racism in Teacher Education
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104C
Presenting Author
1 - Division K Submission Advice: A Conversation With Section Chairs About the Program Planning Process
Sections 9 and 10
10:00 to 11:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 716B
Presenting Author
1 - Early Childhood Language and Literacy
Pre-K Stories: Growing Literacies Through Redefining Authorship
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 202D
AERA Governance
1 - AERA Scholars of Color in Education Committee: Closed Meeting
2:15 to 3:45pm
InterContinental Toronto Centre, Upper Lobby, Humber
Su, Man
Non-presenting Author
35.079 - Sheraton Roundtable Session Five
35.079-6 - Media, Bias, and New(s) Literacies
Gamifying Fake News: Playful Approaches to News Literacy Education for Middle School Students
4:10 to 5:40pm Sheraton
Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Tanchuk, Nicolas Jordan
25.086 - Sheraton Roundtable Session One - Grand Centre
25.086-8 - Mystery, Knowledge, and Education
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Vasudevan, Lalitha
Presenting Author
1 - Affective Potentials in Informal, Media-Rich Learning Programs: New Directions in Theory and Design
Youth Video and Affect Over Time
2:15 to 3:45pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine, York
Vaval, Luronne
Non-presenting Author
35.081 - MTCC Poster Session Eight
35.081-3 - Science Teaching and Learning SIG Poster Session A
Typology of Student Dispositions in Science and Math
4:10 to 5:40pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Wang, Ye
Presenting Author
1 - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Research Paper Session
Examining Language Environments of Children With Hearing Loss: Quantity or Diversity?
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203C
Wells, Amy Stuart
AERA Sessions 1 - AERA Welcoming Orientation for New Members and First-Time Attendees
7:00 to 8:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 103 A&B
1 - AERA Fellows Breakfast: Invitation Only
8:15 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 105
AERA Presidential Session
1 - Strategic Communications for the Public Good: Multimodal Paths Toward an Asset-Based Understanding of Public Schools
4:10 to 6:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Wohlstetter, Priscilla
Non-presenting Author
28.088 - Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session Four
28.088-5 - Evaluating Programs Supporting Disadvantaged Student Groups
Strategic Inquiry as a Reform Strategy for New York City's Renewal High Schools 10:25 to 11:55am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, Concert Hall
Zhang, Yi
Non-presenting Author
25.082 - Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session Three
25.082-6 - Educational Innovations in East Asia
Differential Item Functioning in English Exams Between Arts and Science High School Students in China
8:00 to 9:30am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, Concert Hall
Zhao, Yihan
Non-presenting Author
25.082 - Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session Three
25.082-6 - Educational Innovations in East Asia
Differential Item Functioning in English Exams Between Arts and Science High School Students in China
8:00 to 9:30am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, Concert Hall
Zhou, Xialiang
Presenting Author
25.082 - Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session Three
25.082-6 - Educational Innovations in East Asia
Differential Item Functioning in English Exams Between Arts and Science High School Students in China
8:00 to 9:30am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, Concert Hall
Zhu, Weiying
Non-presenting Author
35.079 - Sheraton Roundtable Session Five - Grand Centre
35.079-6 - Media, Bias, and New(s) Literacies
Gamifying Fake News: Playful Approaches to News Literacy Education for Middle School Students
4:10 to 5:40pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Abbasov, Abbas
Presenting Author
Rating Quality Issues in Classroom Observation
Understanding Interrater Reliability in a Diverse Group of Raters: Considerations for the Frame of Reference Training
11:50am to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205A
Arana, Belinda
Presenting Author
Sociocultural Traditions to Study Teaching and Teacher Education for the Inclusive Classroom
Analytical Tools to Design Inclusive Contexts: Conversations in Clinical Experiences About Compensating and Removing Barriers
11:50am to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 714B
Bailey, Thomas R.
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Baron, Christine
Sheraton Roundtable Session Sunday 8:00 am
Experiencing the Social Studies
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Visualizations, Eyewitnesses, and History Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Kenora
Visualizations, Eyewitnesses, and History Education
Visiting the "Authentic" Past: How Do People Engage With Historic Sites and/or Eyewitness Accounts?
9:55 to 11:25am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Kenora
Barros Cruz Lívia
Presenting Author
51.051 - Examining Teacher "Quality" and Inequality in Teaching and Teacher Education
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Changing Inequitable Teaching Practices in Early Childhood Education
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Bezirhan, Ummugul
Presenting Author
Evaluating Test Speededness in NAEP Digitally Based Assessments
Applying CUSUM-Based Person Fit Statistics to Detect Speededness
10:20 to 11:50am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Alberta
Bradt, Nancy Ku
Presenting Author
51.051 - Examining Teacher "Quality" and Inequality in Teaching and Teacher Education
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Changing Inequitable Teaching Practices in Early Childhood Education
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Bruno, Gregory T.
Presenting Author
47.098 - Sheraton Roundtable Session Eight - Osgoode Ballroom
47.098-2 - Freire SIG Roundtable Paulo Freire and the Situated Politics of Prison Pedagogies
11:50 to 1:20pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Buffalo, Gail
Presenting Author
Examining Teacher "Quality" and Inequality in Teaching and Teacher Education
New York City Early Childhood Teachers' Construction of Teaching Quality in a Time of High-Stakes Certification
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Campbell, Corbin M.
Presenting Author
47.062 - Rating Quality Issues in Classroom Observation
Understanding Interrater Reliability in a Diverse Group of Raters: Considerations for the Frame of Reference Training
11:50 to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, room 205A
Chung, Eun Kyoung
Presenting Author
Sheraton Roundtable Sun 8:00 am
Contestations of the Nation-State: Ownership and Answerability in Curriculum
Salvation, Redemption, and Cash Cows: (Re)Viewing the History of Chinese International Students in the United States
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Cordova-Cobo, Diana K.
AERA Presidential Session
1 - Gentrification, Neighborhoods, and School (Re)Segregation
11:50am to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Corson, Jordan
Presenting Author
Sheraton Roundtable Sun 8:00 am
Contestations of the Nation-State: Ownership and Answerability in Curriculum
Undocumented Educations: The Everyday Educational Practices of Recently Arrived Immigrant Youth
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Presenting Author
EMPOWERED: What Superheroes and Comics Can Teach Us About Social Justice
Pedagogies and Democratic Education Schools of the Walking Dead
11:50am to 1:20pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow Centre
Dauphinais, Jennifer Catherine
Presenting Author
43.080 - Sheraton Rountable Six - Osgoode Ballroom
43.080-2 - Critical Listening and Thinking With Diverse Narratives
Mindfulness Discourse Communities: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Community-Based Curriculum for At-Risk Youth
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Delima, Dianne
PS25: A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Devereaux, Cathryn
Presenting Author
Critical Race Theory
Keeping It Politically Relevant: Student-Centered, Reality-Based, and Capacity-Oriented Work of Black Women Teachers
3:40 to 5:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201B
Duff, Megan
Presenting Author
Building Knowledge About Research-Practice Partnerships
Acknowledging the Principal-Agent Dilemma in Research-Practice Partnerships
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201F
Emdin, Christopher
Presenting Author
Participatory Action Research: Empowering Student Voices Through the Lens of Critical Pedagogy
Remixing Investigative Inquiry: Hip-Hop Spoken Word Therapy and Youth Participatory Action Research
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Linden
PS25: A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
EMPOWERED: What Superheroes and Comics Can Teach Us About Social Justice Pedagogies and Democratic Education
11:50am to 1:20pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow Centre
Erickson Ansley T.
45.010 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Fecho Robert A.
Presenting Author
43.034 - Understanding Practices and Impacts of Teacher Induction Programs
"To Get to This Open Thing": Dialogue and Multimodalities in Teacher Induction
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 715B
Flack Clare Buckley
Presenting Author
47.017 - Promising Scholarship in Education Research. Dissertation In Education Research Dissertation Fellows and Their Research Pedagogy of Performance: Scripted Curricula and the Occupational Habitus of Charter Network Teachers
11:50 to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 701B
Friedrich, Daniel
Presenting Author
EMPOWERED: What Superheroes and Comics Can Teach Us About Social Justice
Pedagogies and Democratic Education Schools, Hypertime, and a Multiverse of Possibilities: Crisis on Infinite Reforms!
11:50am to 1:20pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow Centre
Gooden, Mark Anthony
45.010 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Hachey, Alyse C.
Presenting Author
51.068 - Shifting the School Culture: An Inquiry-Based Approach to Professional Development in an Urban Context
From Strategies to Routines: Implementing Professional Development to Shift School Culture to Inquiry-Based Pedagogy
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Elgin
Holbert, Nathan
Presenting Author
Game-Based Assessment: How Has the Field Matured Over the Past 10 Years?
Designing Constructionist Formative Assessment Games
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Room 801B
Horsford Sonya Douglass
45.010 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
51.044 - Separate and Equitable: Can Community Schools Offer Equitable but Racially Segregated Educational Opportunities?
3:40 to 5:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 202A
Kagan, Sharon Lynn
Presenting Author
45.013 - The Early Advantages: Building Systems That Work for Young Children
The Early Advantages: Building Systems That Work for Young Children
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 701A
Kitzmiller, Erika
Drawing Boundaries and Networks in the Era of Segregation
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Kent
Knight, Rachel
Presenting Author
Sheraton Roundtable Six
Curriculum Considerations Across Multimodal Spaces
Young Children and Civic Participation: Navigating the Politics of Curriculum in Mobilizing Social Action
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Knight-Manuel, Michelle G.
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Presenting Author
1 - Using an Equity-Based Lens to Interrogate Curricula and Education Opportunities
"I'm Not Ashamed of Being African": Examining Culturally Relevant/Sustaining Pedagogical Practices in an African Club
11:50am to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203B
Kwon, Jungmin
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session 21
Exploring the Intersections of Literacy, Language, and Culture
Translanguaging Practices Embedded in Transnational Networks: A Multisited Ethnographic Study of Young Korean Immigrant Children
3:40 to 5:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Lira, Andrea
Silence as Evidence: Resistance and Epistemicide in Educational Systems
11:50am to 1:20pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine, Chestnut East
Presenting Author
Silence as Evidence: Resistance and Epistemicide in Educational Systems
The Sites of Memory: Settler Colonialism in Initial Teacher Education Curriculum
11:50am to 1:20pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine, Chestnut East
Martínez-Álvarez Patricia
1 - Sociocultural Traditions to Study Teaching and Teacher Education for the Inclusive Classroom
11:50am to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 714B
Presenting Author
1 - Sociocultural Traditions to Study Teaching and Teacher Education for the Inclusive Classroom Analytical Tools to Design Inclusive Contexts: Conversations in Clinical Experiences About Compensating and Removing Barriers Sun, April 7 11:50am to 1:20pm Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 714B
Mensah, Felicia Moore
45.010 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Merritt, Veronique W.
51.047 - Adult Education Populations: What Do We Know?
Sun, April 7 3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Cedar
McGowan, Nicole
Presenting Author
Examining Teacher "Quality" and Inequality in Teaching and Teacher Education
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Changing Inequitable Teaching Practices in Early Childhood Education
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Miller Janet L.
Presenting Author
43.080 - Sheraton Roundtable Six - Osgoode Ballroom
43.080-6 - Differing Difference: Transnational Curriculum Spaces and Inquiries in Post-Truth Times
Curricular Multiplicities and Constant Cultural Translations
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Morvay, Jenna Kamrass
Presenting Author
47.025 - Entangled Sensualities: Bodies, Arts , Aesthetics, and Beyond in Qualitative Methodologies
Ethnography of a Nonmaterial Body: Following Teacher Activism
11:50 to 1:20pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Presenting Author
51.080 - Sheraton Roundtable Session Nine - Osgoode Ballroom
51.080-4 - (Post-)Qualitative Affects Affective (An)Archive as Method
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Neumann, Anna
1 - 2019 AERA Awards Ceremony and Celebration
1:45 to 3:15pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Constitution Hall
Ouedraogo, Dramane
Presenting Author
1 - Using an Equity-Based Lens to Interrogate Curricula and Education Opportunities
"I'm Not Ashamed of Being African": Examining Culturally Relevant/Sustaining Pedagogical Practices in an African Club
11:50am to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203B
Overo, Sandra
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Park, Jean
Presenting Author
1 - Promising Scholarship in Education Research. Dissertation in Education Research: Dissertation Fellows and Their Research
The Higher Education of Koreans in New York City, 1919–1939
11:50am to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 701B
Parkes, Kelly
1 - Evaluating Music Teaching and Assessing Music Learning
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine, Chestnut East
Perez, Aura Yarenis
Presenting Author
51.051 - Examining Teacher "Quality" and Inequality in Teaching and Teacher Education
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Changing Inequitable Teaching Practices in Early Childhood Education
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Price-Dennis, Detra
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Rabadi-Raol, Ayesha
Presenting Author
1 - Examining Teacher "Quality" and Inequality in Teaching and Teacher Education
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Changing Inequitable Teaching Practices in Early Childhood Education
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Rabinowitz, Laurie
51.078 - MTCC Roundtable Session 21
51.078-13 - The Role of Student Perspectives and the Student/Teacher Relationship in Classroom Management and How It Translates Into Practice in the Classroom
3:40 to 5:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Rollins, Elizabeth
Presenting Author
1 - Examining Teacher "Quality" and Inequality in Teaching and Teacher Education
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Changing Inequitable Teaching Practices in Early Childhood Education
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Schmidt, Sandra
Presenting Author
1 - Using an Equity-Based Lens to Interrogate Curricula and Education Opportunities
"I'm Not Ashamed of Being African": Examining Culturally Relevant/Sustaining Pedagogical Practices in an African Club
11:50am to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203B
Sealey-Ruiz, Yolanda
Chair 1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Presenting Author
1 - Examining Teacher "Quality" and Inequality in Teaching and Teacher Education
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Changing Inequitable Teaching Practices in Early Childhood Education
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Smith, Laura
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Smith, Phillip A.
45.010 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Suga, Taeko
Presenting Author
47.095 - MTCC Roundtable Session 19
47.095-7 - Exploring Structural Inequalities in High Schools: Implications for Student Preparation, Completion, and Achievement
The Impact of Mayoral School Takeover on Diploma Completion Rates: A Differences-in-Differences Analysis
11:50am to 1:20pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Tanchuk, Nicolas Jordan
Presenting Author
51.080 - Sheraton Roundtable Session Nine - Osgoode Ballroom
51.080-3 - Knowns and Unknowns in the Practice of Education
Direct Instruction and the Value of Instructional Design: Philosophical Dimensions of a Cognitive Science Debate
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Tibbits, Felisa L.
1 - Real News for Today's Youth: Activist-Focused Education for Human Rights
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 714A
Vasudevan, Lalitha
AERA Governance
1 - AERA Research Advisory Committee Closed Meeting
7:00 to 9:30am
InterContinental Toronto Centre, Upper Lobby, Haliburton
Villeroy, Marleen
Presenting Author
1 - Game-Based Assessment: How Has the Field Matured Over the Past 10 Years?
Designing Constructionist Formative Assessment Games
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Room 801B
Walker, Erica
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Wang, Ye
Presenting Author
1 - Phonological and Morphological Training Evidence Among Children and Adults: Bilingual Approach to and Empirical Evidence From Behavioral, Developmental, and Neurophysiological Studies
Phonological Combined Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Training on Aphasia: An MRI Case Study
9:55 to 11:25am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Sheraton Hall A
1 - Phonological and Morphological Training Evidence Among Children and Adults: Bilingual Approach to and Empirical Evidence From Behavioral, Developmental, and Neurophysiological Studies
9:55 to 11:25am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Sheraton Hall A
Weller, Allison
Presenting Author
1 - Visualizations, Eyewitnesses, and History Education
Visiting the "Authentic" Past: How Do People Engage With Historic Sites and/or Eyewitness Accounts?
9:55 to 11:25am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Kenora
Wells, Amy Stuart
AERA Sessions
1 - 2019 AERA Awards Ceremony and Celebration
1:45 to 3:15pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Constitution Hall
Presenting Author
1 - AERA 2019 Presidential Address
An Inconvenient Truth About the New Jim Crow of Education
5:35 to 7:05pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, John W.H. Bassett Theater - Room 102
Yoon, Haeny Susan
Presenting Author
43.080 - Sheraton Roundtable Six - Osgoode Ballroom
43.080-4 - Curriculum Considerations Across Multimodal Spaces
Young Children and Civic Participation: Navigating the Politics of Curriculum in Mobilizing Social Action
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Presenting Author
1 - Picturing Inquiry, Framing Childhood: Examining Drawing, Photos, and Photography in Critical Early Childhood Research
Saving a Picture Forever: Curating "Truthful" Images of Life at School
11:50am to 1:20pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Maple East
1 - Examining Teacher "Quality" and Inequality in Teaching and Teacher Education
3:40 to 5:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Young, Jeffrey M.
1 - A Presidential Circle: Sage Up: A Dialogical and Healing Space for Reimagining Education
9:55 to 11:25am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 101
Baek, Chanwoong
Presenting Author
Politics of State and Federal Education Reform
Credibility in the "Post-Truth" Era: Public Views of Stakeholders in Education
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205C
Beck, Anna
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session Monday 8:00 am (B)
No Longer Silenced: Voices of Early Career Teacher Educators
Reclaiming Our Voices and Telling Our Stories: The Experiences of Early Career Teacher Educator Researchers
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Bezirhan, Ummugul
Non-presenting Author
New Insights in Differential Item Functioning Analyses
Comparing Mantel-Haenszel and Wald Differential Item Functioning Detection Methods Under Matrix Sampling of Items
10:25 to 11:55am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Level, Salon B
Bowers, Alex J.
Presenting Author
63.084 - MTCC Roundtable Session 25
63.084-2 - Knowing and Doing: Attempts to Leverage Data and Evidence in Schools
How Teachers and Leaders Use the District Instructional Data Warehouse to Inform Decisions
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Bruno, Gregory T.
Presenting Author
66.089 - Sheraton Roundtable Session 13 - Grand Centre
66.089-4 - Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Higher Education Politics
The Role and Impact of Policy Sponsorships in Higher Education Funding and Access Programs
2:15 to 3:45pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Buffalo, Gail
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session Monday 8:00 am (B)
No Longer Silenced: Voices of Early Career Teacher Educators
Tales of Existing and Resisting as Female Teacher Educators in Neoliberal Times
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Campbell, Corbin M.
63.040 - Pedagogy for Engaged Learning
10:25 to 11:55am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Dufferin
Chae, Hui Soo
Presenting Author
67.067 - MTCC Roundtable Session 31
67.067-6 - Advancing the Academic and Professional Development of Diverse Scholars
Their Time: Understanding and Supporting the Self-Directed Learning Goals of Minority College Students
4:10 to 5:40pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Corson, Jordan
Presenting Author
Race and Radical Imaginations: Critical-Theoretical Possibilities for Education Praxis
Black Bodies as Margins of the State
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 710
Presenting Author
Changing the Grammar of Schooling? An Examination of Reform
The Rise and Fall of New Schools in New York City and Singapore
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201D
Dougherty, Kevin J.
Presenting Author
63.087 - Sheraton Roundtable Session 11 - Grand Centre
63.087-4 - Revisiting the Contradictory College: 25 Years Later
The Contradictory College: Reflections on Its Origins and Its Contributions
10:25 to 11:55am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Drago-Severson, Eleanor E.
Presenting Author
1 - Perspectives of and From School Leadership: Trust, Perceptions, and Role Definition
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201A
Drezner, Noah Daniel
Presenting Author
61.027 - The Role of Higher Education in a Neoliberal Reality
American Perceptions of the Public and Private Benefit of Higher Education
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Kenora
63.002 - AERA Ethics Committee: Closed Meeting
10:25 to 11:55am
InterContinental Toronto Centre, Upper Lobby, Kingsways
Duff, Megan
Non-presenting Author
Understanding Research Use: Theoretical Approaches and Developments
Contested Institutional Environments and the Structure and Function of Research-Practice Partnerships
2:15 to 3:45pm
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Confederation 6
Emdin, Christopher
Presenting Author
"Check the Technique": Tools and Methods of Hip-Hop Pedagogy
Capture, Collate, Critique: The Smartphone as a Hip-Hop-Rooted Professional Development Tool
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 206C
Presenting Author
"My Cypher Keeps Moving Like a Rolling Stone": Centering Youth Voice in Hip-Hop Education
The Critical Cycle of Mixtape Creation: Hip-Hop Spoken Word Therapy and Youth Participatory Action Research
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203C
Falchi, Lorraine Theresa
Presenting Author
61.071 - Sheraton Roundtable Session 10 - Grand Centre
61.071-9 - Centering the Voices of Children
"I Am From Both": Space, Place, and Identities of Young Immigrant Children
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Flack, Clare Buckley
Presenting Author
71.015 - Career and Technical Education SIG Business Meeting
The Equity Implications of Career and Technical Education in the Era of the Every Student Succeeds Act
6:35 to 8:35pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201F
Gerth van den Berg, Sarah M
Presenting Author
1 - Changing the Grammar of Schooling? An Examination of Reform The Rise and Fall of New Schools in New York City and Singapore
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201D
Ghiso, Maria Paula
Presenting Author
67.053 -Rethinking Our Understanding of Curriculum, Teaching, and Students Through Collaborative Interdisciplinary Inquiry
Meditations on Improvement: Teaching Where We Think With Children and Teachers
4:10 to 6:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, City Hall - Working Group
Goldenberg, Barry
PS13: Have You Heard: Podcasting as a Medium for Leveraging Education Research
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Gooden, Mark Anthony
61.008 - Early and Mid-Career Mentoring for Equity-Focused Faculty: navigating the Promotion and Tenure Process and Authenticity
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201D
Gordon, Edmund W.
61.003 - A Conversation Between Edmund W. Gordon and Friends: Assessment in the Service of Teaching and Learning
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Graves, Kenneth Edward
Non-presenting Author
63.084 - MTCC Roundtable Session 25
63.084-2 - Knowing and Doing: Attempts to Leverage Data and Evidence in Schools
How Teachers and Leaders Use the District Instructional Data Warehouse to Inform Decisions
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Hafeli, Mary
Presenting Author
MTCC Poster Session Monday 10:25
Division K Section 10: Teacher Educator Learning and Practice
If We're Going to Have Teacher Educators, Prepare Them to Be Teacher Educators
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Hamre, Britt K.
Presenting Author
61.030 - Going Rogue and Building Bridges: Teacher Learning for Justice nad Equity
Building Bridges: From Teacher Education Programs to First-Year Teaching for Equity and Critical Inclusivity
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 716B
Hansen, David T.
63.041 - Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Work by Teacher Educators as Researchers: A Response to Difficult Times
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 709
63.041 - Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Work by Teacher Educators as Researchers: A Response to Difficult Times
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 709
67.053 - Rethinking Our Understanding of Curriculum, Teaching, and Students Through Collaborative Interdisciplinary Inquiry
4:10 to 6:10pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, City Hall - Working Group
Harris, Chinyere Ngozi
Presenting Author
66.089 - Sheraton Roundtable Session 13 - Grand Centre
66.089-8 - Race and Culture in Teaching and Learning
Culturally Sustaining Early Literacy Teaching: Research on New Approaches, Practices and Strategies
2:15 to 3:45pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Hatch, Thomas
Structured Poster Session: The Role of School Leadership for Sustainable Professional Learning Networks
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Room 801A
Presenting Author
63.061 - Changing the Grammar of Schooling? An Examination of Reform The Rise and Fall of New Schools in New York City and Singapore
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201D
Henig, Jeffrey R.
Presenting Author
64.024 - Extending Improvement and Effectiveness: Combining Improvement Strategies for Within, Between, and Beyond Schools
Beyond-School Improvement. Brick-by-Brick: What Does Building Cross-Sector Collaborations Really Entail?
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 709
Hoffman, Dan
Presenting Author
Innovations in Virtual Reality and Virtual Worlds
Using an Online Simulated World to Promote Global Competence
2:15 to 3:45pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Linden
Horsford, Sonya Douglass
61.008 - Early and Mid-Career Mentoring for Equity-Focused Faculty: navigating the Promotion and Tenure Process and Authenticity
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201D
Im, Soo-hyun
Presenting Author
61.072 - MTCC Poster Session 13
61.072-1 - Poster Session in Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Arithmetic Sense Predicts Mathematical Achievement in College Students
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Presenting Author
64.090 - MTCC Poster Session 15
64.090-2 - Reading, Literacy, and Language Supports for All
The Promise of a Technology-Based Early Language Comprehension Intervention (TELCI) for Students With Comprehension Difficulties
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Kim, Elisabeth
Presenting Author
Career and Technical Education SIG Business Meeting
The Equity Implications of Career and Technical Education in the Era of the Every Student Succeeds Act
6:35 to 8:35pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201F
Kitzmiller, Erika
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session 32
Disrupting Narratives: Innovative Teacher Preparation Practices
Do Black Lives Matter? Using Young Adult Literature in Preservice Urban Education to Interrogate Antiblackness
4:10 to 5:40pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Promise Programs and the Free College Movement: Fad or Future?
12:20 to 1:50pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Kenora
Teacher Education and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching History
8:00 to 10:00am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Simcoe
Knight-Manuel, Michelle G.
1 - AERA Social Justice Action Committee: Closed Meeting
10:25 to 11:55am
InterContinental Toronto Centre, Upper Lobby, Humber
1 - Promises, Perils, and Potentialities of Open Science
4:10 to 6:10pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 103 A&B
Kumar, Kamiya
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session 28
Reading the Violences of the World of School: A Secondary Literacy Teacher's Changing Perceptions
Peace Education Initiatives: One Planet — the Earth, One Family — Mankind
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Lesko, Nancy L.
61.004 - The Sociology of the Curriculum and Educational Policy: The Contributions of Geoff Whitty to Understanding the Current State of Educational Research - Memorial Service
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104B
66.025 - Epistemic Anxieties of STEM Education: Pedagogical Duress and Production of Desire, Fear, and Difference
2:15 to 3:45pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Willow East
Martínez-Álvarez, Patricia
AERA Governance
1 - SIG Executive Committee Interactive Session on Cross-Collaboration for SIGs
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 202D
Matherson, Jeree
Presenting Author
The Role of Higher Education in a Neoliberal Reality
American Perceptions of the Public and Private Benefit of Higher Education
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Kenora
Meier, Ellen B.
Presenting Author
61.005 - Journal Talks 6 9 - Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 718B
Mensah, Felicia Moore
Presenting Author
63.088 - MTCC Poster Session 14
63.088-3 - Division K Section 10: Teacher Educator Learning and Practice
16 - If We're Going to Have Teacher Educators, Prepare Them to Be Teacher Educators
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Merritt, Veronique W.
61.069 - MTCC Roundtable Session 24
61.069-11 - Religion and Schooling
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Discussant 61.069 - MTCC Roundtable Session 24
61.069-11 - Religion and Schooling
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
63.085 - MTCC Roundtabel Session 26
63.085-8 - Mentoring Partnerships for Professional Development and Socialization
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
63.085 - MTCC Roundtabel Session 26
63.085-8 - Mentoring Partnerships for Professional Development and Socialization
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
67.070 - Sheraton Roundtable 14 - Grand Centre
67.070-2 - Role of Communities and Networks in Supporting Students in STEM
4:10 to 5:40pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Michael, Heather
Presenting Author
Multimodal Narratives of Literacies for Equity: Possibilities and Limits for Democratizing Evidence
Telling Spatial Stories/Envisioning Academic Futures: Adolescents Map Their Lives Across Spaces
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Maple West
Michel, Jessica Ostrow
63.040 - Pedagogy for Engaged Learning
10:25 to 11:55am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Dufferin
Miller, Janet L.
Presenting Author
63.070 - Bad Girl Theory and Practice: Qualitative Research in Post-Truth Times
Bad Biographer: Hagigraphical Refusals and Feminst
10:25 to 11:55am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Civic Ballroom South
Presenting Author
71.013 - The Biographical and Documentary Research SIG Business Meeting Presents: The (Im)Possibilities of Biography: Persisting Methodological Issues in Represeting Women's Lives
A Prickly and Provisional Biography
6:35 to 8:05pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine, Chestnut East
Mitchem, Melissa
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session 24
No Longer Silenced: Voices of Early Career Teacher Educators
Tales of Existing and Resisting as Female Teacher Educators in Neoliberal Times
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Montgomery, Jennifer Lynn
Presenting Author
64.087 - MTCC Roundtable Session 28
64.087-9 - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Research Roundtable
Perspectives on Cued Speech: Where Student Beliefs Meet Researcher Bias
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Nantwi, George
Presenting Author
67.067 - MTCC Roundtable Session
31 67.067-6 - Advancing the Academic and Professional Development of Diverse Scholars
Their Time: Understanding and Supporting the Self-Directed Learning Goals of Minority College Students
4:10 to 5:40pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Naraian, Srikala
Presenting Author
1 - Moving Disability Studies in Education
Theory to Practice: Making the Theoretical Practical for Praxis
Precarious, Debilitated, and Ordinary: Rethinking (In)Capacity for Inclusion
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205B
Naraian, Srikala
67.067 - MTCC Roundtable Session 31
67.067-10 - Radical Theoretical and Methodological Responses to Dominant Ideologies in (Inter)National Disability Contexts
4:10 to 5:40pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Naraian, Srikala
1 - AERA Annual Meeting Policies and Procedures Committee: Closed Meeting
10:25 to 11:55am
InterContinental Toronto Centre, Upper Lobby, Haliburton
Natriello, Gary J.
Presenting Author
67.067 - MTCC Roundtable Session 31
67.067-6 - Advancing the Academic and Professional Development of Diverse Scholars
Their Time: Understanding and Supporting the Self-Directed Learning Goals of Minority College Students
4:10 to 5:40pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Newhouse, Katherine
Presenting Author
64.089 - Sheraton Roundtable
12 64.089-10 - Writing Co-Production: Thinking, Feeling, and Knowing Together
Reimagining Futures With Court-Involved Youth Through Everyday Acts of Citizenship
12:20 to 1:50pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Pallas Aaron
Presenting Author
1 - Politics of State and Federal Education Reform Credibility in the "Post-Truth" Era: Public Views of Stakeholders in Education
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205C
Park, Ahram
Presenting Author
63.088 - MTCC Poster Session 14
63.088-4 - Democratic Citizenship in Education Poster Session
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
67.069 - Sheraton Roundtable 14
67.069-7 - Engaging With Communities: Partnerships and Impact
4:10 to 5:40pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Osgoode Ballroom
Parkes, Kelly
Presenting Author
63.088 - MTCC Poster Session 14
63.088-3 - Division K Section 10: Teacher Educator Learning and Practice
If We're Going to Have Teacher Educators, Prepare Them to Be Teacher Educators
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Perez, Aura Yarenis
Presenting Author
61.069 - MTCC Roundtable Session 24
61.069-3 - No Longer Silenced: Voices of Early Career Teacher Educators Tales of Existing and Resisting as Female Teacher Educators in Neoliberal Times
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Pinedo-Burns, Heather J.
Presenting Author
67.070 - Sheraton Roundtable 14 - Grand Centre
67.070-9 - Troubling, Resisting, and Rethinking Static Narratives of Gender
Pretty Is Not the Point: The Aesthetics of Resistance in Early Childhood
4:10 to 5:40pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Pizmony, Levy Oren
Presenting Author
61.027 - The Role of Higher Education in a Neoliberal Reality
American Perceptions of the Public and Private Benefit of Higher Education
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Second Floor, Kenora
Non-presenting Author
66.075 - Politics of State and Federal Education Reform Credibility in the "Post-Truth" Era: Public Views of Stakeholders in Education
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205C
Rabadi-Raol, Ayesha
Presenting Author
61.069 - MTCC Roundtable Session 24
61.069-3 - No Longer Silenced: Voices of Early Career Teacher Educators
Reclaiming Our Voices and Telling Our Stories: The Experiences of Early Career Teacher Educator Researchers
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Rabinowitz, Laurie
Division K - Section 08: Teacher Learning and Professional Development
1 - Literacies and Language Across the Curriculum
8:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 705
Riehl, Carolyn J.
Presenting Author
64.024 - Extending Improvement and Effectiveness: Combining Improvement Strategies for Within, Between, and Beyond Schools Beyond-School Improvement.
Brick-by-Brick: What Does Building Cross-Sector Collaborations Really Entail?
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 709
Robinson, Deejay
Presenting Author
61.069 - MTCC Roundtable Session 24
61.069-3 - No Longer Silenced: Voices of Early Career Teacher Educators
Reclaiming Our Voices and Telling Our Stories: The Experiences of Early Career Teacher Educator Researchers
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Rollins, Elizabeth
Presenting Author
61.069 - MTCC Roundtable Session 24
61.069-3 - No Longer Silenced: Voices of Early Career Teacher Educators
Tales of Existing and Resisting as Female Teacher Educators in Neoliberal Times
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Saunders, Errol C.
Presenting Author
66.037 - Race and Radical Imaginations: Critical-Theoretical Possibiliies for Education Praxis
Black Bodies as Margins of the State
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 710
Siegel, Marjorie
1 - Multimodal Narratives of Literacies for Equity: Possibilities and Limits for Democratizing Evidence
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Maple West
Smagler, Jessica
Presenting Author
1 - In This Thing Together? Exploring Educators' Collaboration and Collegiality
The Role of Collegial Interactions in the Experiences of First-Year Teachers: A Spatial Perspective
4:10 to 6:40pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 710
Souto-Manning, Mariana
1 - What's "Core" to Teacher Educator Pedagogy?
(Re)Considering the Meaning of Practice in Teacher Educator Development
8:00 to 10:00am,
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 709
Vasudevan, Lalitha
1 - Multimodal Narratives of Literacies for Equity: Possibilities and Limits for Democratizing Evidence
8:00 to 9:30am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Maple West
Presenting Author
64.089 - Sheraton Roundtable
12 64.089-10 - Writing Co-Production: Thinking, Feeling, and Knowing Together
Reimagining Futures With Court-Involved Youth Through Everyday Acts of Citizenship
12:20 to 1:50pm
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Grand Centre
Villarreal, Christina
Presenting Author
1 - Being the Other: Teachers on the Margins
On Struggle, Empathy, and Hope: How Two Teachers Enact, Live, and Learn Lessons on Race
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 703
Virk, Satyugjit Singh
Presenting Author
1 - Supporting Modeling Epistemologies in the Science Classroom
Supporting Students Modeling in a Digital Game: Adaptively Modulating Abstraction of Self-Explanation
10:25 to 11:55am
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Lower Concourse, Sheraton Hall E
Weeks, Sarah
Non-presenting Author
63.084 - MTCC Roundtable Session 25
63.084-2 - Knowing and Doing: Attempts to Leverage Data and Evidence in Schools
How Teachers and Leaders Use the District Instructional Data Warehouse to Inform Decisions
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Welna Nick
Presenting Author
1 - Race and Radical Imaginations: Critical-Theoretical Possibilities for Education Praxis
Black Bodies as Margins of the State
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 710
Wohlstetter, Priscilla
Non-presenting Author
1 - Career and Technical Education SIG Business Meeting
The Equity Implications of Career and Technical Education in the Era of the Every Student Succeeds Act
6:35 to 8:35pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201F
Zhou, Xialiang
Presenting Author
66.090 - Division D Graduate Student in Progress Research Gala
38 - Studies of Extensions of Hierarchical Rater Model-Signal
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Asamani, Gifty Asantewa
Presenting Author
77.055 - Voices of Teachers and Students in Urban Settings
Creating Spaces for Urban Black/Brown Girls in Science: Uncovering Science Genius
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203B
Bowers, Alex J.
Non-presenting Author
77.059 - MTCC Tuesday Poster Session 18
77.059-5 - Evaluating the Accuracy of Predictors in Early Warning Indicator Research: Reciever Operating Characteristic (Area Under Curve)
Evaluating the Accuracy of Predictors in Early Warning Indicator Research: Receiver Operating Characteristic (Area Under Curve)
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Chae, Hui Soo
Non-presenting Author
77.056 - Fairmont Royal York Roundtable Session Seven
77.056-3 - Innovative Statistical Modeling and Methods
Bayesian Nonparametric Clustering Mixture Model
10:25 to 11:55am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention level, Ballroom
Cormier, Maria S.
Presenting Author
75.017 - Scaling Success: Lessons From the City University of New York Accelerated Study in Associate Programs
Expansion Lessons on Scaling Comprehensive Community College Reform
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, room 202C
Desai, Karishma
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session Tuesday 8:00 am (B)
Producing Disciplined State Subjects: Intersectional Analyses of Race and Citizenship
Letting Girls Learn, Letting Girls Rise: The Production of Humanitarian Citizens and Their Others
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Duff, Megan
Chair Recrafting
Coherence in the Era of Common Core
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201C
Presenting Author
Recrafting Coherence in the Era of Common Core
Recrafting Coherence at the Intermediary Level
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201C
Emdin, Christopher
Presenting Author
Voices of Teachers and Students in Urban Settings
Creating Spaces for Urban Black/Brown Girls in Science: Uncovering Science Genius
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203B
Ginsburg, Herbert P.
Non-presenting Author
77.046 - Supporting Parents' Engagement in Young Children's STEM Learning
Parental Support of Early Numeracy Development During Math Storybook Reading
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205A
Non-presenting Author
77.046 - Supporting Parents' Engagement in Young Children's STEM Learning
MathemAntics: A Case Study of a Math App for Pre-Kindergarteners
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205A
Hatch, Thomas
Recrafting Coherence in the Era of Common Core
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201C
Kessler, Erika
Presenting Author
Environmental Education in a Sustainable World
Higher Education Sustainability Professionals as a Signaling Mechanism: A Social Network Analysis
8:00 to 9:30am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Alberta
Kwon, Jungmin
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session 37
Explorations of Biliteracy Bilingual Children in Transnational Families: Language and Literacy Practices Across Geographic Boundaries
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Knight-Manuel, Michelle G.
Presenting Author
81.032 - MTCC Roundtable Session 37
81.032-6 - Cartographies of Black Educational Experiences: Spaces, Memories, and Mentorship
Belonging or Not? West African Youth's Negotiations of Everyday Spaces
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Lane, Monique
Presenting Author
Examining the Intersectionality of Policy and the Educational Lives of Black Girls
Toward a Politicized Ethic of Care About Black Women and Girls in Education
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 712
Lopez, Andrea
Presenting Author
MTCC Roundtable Session 36 Success in Online Higher Education Environments
Delivering Advising as Teaching in a Technology-Mediated Environment: Evidence From the Field
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Mentor, Marcelle
Balancing Doing Well and Feeling Well: Educator Anxiety and Responses to Evaluations
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 707
Merritt, Veronique W.
81.032 -MTCC Roundtable Session 37
81.032-10 - Who is Good at Mathematics? Conceptions in Classrooms and Popular Culture
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Michel, Jessica Ostrow
Presenting Author
75.031 - Environment Education in a Sustainable World Higher Education
Sustainability Professionals as a Signaling Mechanism: A Social Network Analysis
8:00 to 9:30am
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine Level, Alberta
Miller, Janet L.
77.039 - Division K Graduate Student Invited Session. An Intimate Conversation With Scholars: making Meaning With Graduate Student Research
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 705
Nagarajan, Pavithra
Presenting Author
Masculinities, Testimonios, Neoliberalism, and Joy: Some Thoughts on Latino and Black Boys and Men Leveling Up: Playing the Game of Masculinity in a Single-Sex School for Boys of Color
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 710
Naraian, Srikala
Presenting Author
77.057 - MTCC Roundtable Session 35
77.057-10 - Professional Development Through an International Lens
Learning to Read "Inclusion" Divergently: Enacting a Transnational Approach to Inclusive Education
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Rabinowitz, Laurie
Division K - Section 05: Preservice Teacher Education Coursework: Curriculum and Teaching to Improve Teacher Knowledge, Understanding, and Pedagogical Practices
1 - Curricular Models for Teaching Equity and Justice in Teacher Preparation
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 705
Saunders, Errol C.
Presenting Author
77.057 - MTCC Roundtable Session 35
77.057-3 - Conscious Consumers? Parent Perceptions of Choice Across Race, Class and Gender
Marketing New Haven Schools to Suburban Parents
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Sealey-Ruiz, Mariana
1 - Division G Vice-Presidential Session: Educational Research in the Wake: Becoming "Undisciplined" Post-Truth, Post-Trump
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 712
1 - Division K Graduate Student Invited Session. An Intimate Conversation With Scholars: Making Meaning With Graduate Student Research
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 705
Schmidt, Sandra
Presenting Author
81.032 - MTCC Roundtable Session 37
81.032-6 - Cartographies of Black Educational Experiences: Spaces, Memories, and Mentorship
Belonging or Not? West African Youth's Negotiations of Everyday Spaces
2:15 to 3:45pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Shatara, Hanadi
Presenting Author
77.058 - MTCC Roundtable Session 36
77.058-6 - Teaching in a Global Context
The Influence of Teacher Positionalities on the Instructional Decisions of Two Critical Global Educators
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Tanchuk, Nicolas Jordan
Presenting Author
75.041 - MTCC Roundtable Session 33
75.041.12 - Deweyan Attention to Process From Rawls to Dewey: Autonomy as Growth in the Ends of Education
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Uscianowski, Colleen
Presenting Author
1 - Supporting Parents' Engagement in Young Children's STEM Learning
Parental Support of Early Numeracy Development During Math Storybook Reading
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205A
Presenting Author
1 - Supporting Parents' Engagement in Young Children's STEM Learning
MathemAntics: A Case Study of a Math App for Pre-Kindergarteners
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205A
Welch, Kirsten
Presenting Author
75.042 - MTCC Roundtable Session 34
75.042-12 - Equal Educational Opportunity: Challenges and Possibilities A Defense of a Principle of Moralistic Justice in the Classroom
8:00 to 9:30am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Wells, Amy Stuart
AERA Governance
1 - AERA Open Business Meeting Featuring a Closing Ceremony with Elders
9:00 to 10:00am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 103 A&B
Wohlstetter, Priscilla
Division A - Section 3: School and District Improvement
1 - Recrafting Coherence in the Era of Common Core
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201C
Presenting Author
1 - Recrafting Coherence in the Era of Common Core
Recrafting Coherence at the Intermediary Level
12:20 to 1:50pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201C
Wu, Renqiuwen
Presenting Author
1 - Supporting Parents' Engagement in Young Children's STEM Learning
MathemAntics: A Case Study of a Math App for Pre-Kindergarteners
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205A
Zhou, Xialiang
Presenting Author
77.059 - MTCC Tuesday Poster Session 18
77.059-5 - Evaluating the Accuracy of Predictors in Early Warning Indicator Research: Reciever Operating Characteristic (Area Under Curve)
77.059-5 - Evaluating the Accuracy of Predictors in Early Warning Indicator Research: Reciever Operating Characteristic (Area Under Curve)
10:25 to 11:55am
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 300 Level, Hall C
Tags: Higher Education Diversity Research
Programs: English Education Sociology and Education
Departments: Arts & Humanities Education Policy & Social Analysis
Published Wednesday, Apr 3, 2019