In "Mini Moments with Big Thinkers," leading figures in Teachers College's history discuss groundbreaking ideas, research and initiatives born at the College during the past half-century. The Mini Moments are drawn from the College’s Oral History Project, a collection of more than 90 videotaped interviews conducted by Melanie Shorin and Jessica Wiederhorn, the principals of The Narrative Trust, a private firm that conducts and captures the oral histories of institutions, communities and individuals. Produced in conjunction with TC’s Department of Development and External Affairs, the Mini-Moments are airing throughout 2013.
John King | Mini Moments With Big Thinkers
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John B. King, Jr.
Former high school teacher and middle school principal John B. King, Jr. is Commissioner of Education for the State of New York , overseeing more than 7,000 public and independent elementary and secondary schools that serve 3.1 million students, and President of the University of the State of New York.Previously King served as Managing Director of Uncommon Schools, where he helped found several of the highest performing urban charter schools in New York. At Teachers College, he earned his master's degree in Social Studies and Education within the Department of Arts and Humanities.
To learn more about John King, read:
Charter Founder Is Named Education Commissioner (New York Times)
To learn more about bullying related work at TC, read Why Sticks And Stones Really Hurt (TC Today magazine) and Using Schools to Stop School Bullying
Premiered on 4/8/2013