BBS 5060 Neuromuscular Responses and Adaptation to Exercise
A review of the physiology of muscle contraction in addition to in-depth discussion of topics related to the field which include: the relationship between muscle activation and respiration during exercise, muscle fatigue, eccentric versus concentric contractions and adaptation to strength training. Prerequisite: BBS 5068
BBSR 4001 Qualitative Research Methods
The course provides students with techniques and strategies for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data from a qualitative perspective. Students will be able to consider various research issues when working with different populations in various contexts, such as schools, clinical settings, health contexts, families, communities, or other organizations.
BBSR 4002 Visual Methods and Education
This seminar-style course has been designed to help students develop a critical understanding and appreciation of the theory, methodology, and foundation of qualitative visual research methods in an applied context.
BBSR 4005 Applied Anatomy and Biomechanics
Topics include: gross anatomy and function of human skeletal and muscular systems, mechanics of human movement, and analysis of skills in dance and physical education. Designed primarily for students without a prior course in anatomy or biomechanics. Students will be expected to participate in a laboratory offered immediately preceding the scheduled class time.
BBSR 4050 Biomechanical Analysis of Human Movement
Permission required. Covers the principles and techniques required to analyze human movement, which can be used to develop practical research questions. Quantitative and qualitative techniques for analysis of movement are discussed in relation to the study of learning, motor control, motor development, and motor impairments.
BBSR 4060 Motor Learning
This course is designed to acquaint the student with principles associated with the acquisition and motor control of functional movement skills. Principles and theories will provide the student with selected concepts of skill development and a framework for their application in clinical practice, coaching and teaching.
BBSR 4070 Introduction to the Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the psychological and social processes in physical activity, exercise, and sport. The focus is on the key theoretical psychosocial principles that are well-known to govern exercise and sports behavior, including the physical, affective (emotional), and cognitive aspects. The course explores theoretical, methodological, and applied approaches to a variety of topics including stress, motivation, cognition, mood, emotion, perceptions of the self, mental illness, exercise adherence, self-regulation and self-control, goal setting, arousal and performance, group dynamics, coaching, and burnout. There will be an emphasis on two major areas of inquiry; consequently, there will be a particular emphasis on stress and motivation.
BBSR 4080 Constructivist Pedagogies in Physical Education
Constructivist pedagogies in Physical Education
BBSR 4090 Physical Fitness, Weight Control, and Relaxation
This couse is intended to explore general physiological and nutritional concepts as they apply to physical fitness and overall well-being throughout life. The course is designed for teachers, counselors and others who desire an introduction to basic concepts of physical fitness and nutrition.
BBSR 4095 Applied Physiology I
Recommended: previous coursework in human physiology. This course is the first of a two-semester sequence of the study of the physiological bases of exercise. Lectures concerning the effects of acute and chronic exercise on the major physiological systems (cellular, cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, pulmonary, renal, body fluids, hormonal) with a focus on application to practice.
BBSR 4151 Laboratory Methods in Biomechanics
Permission required. Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: BBSR 4050. Students develop technical skills in the application of biomechanics to the study of movement behavior including video-based data collection and computer-based kinematic analysis. Students design and conduct a pilot research study using biomechanical analysis of a functional movement. Special fee: $100.
BBSR 4161 Motor Learning Laboratory
An introduction to qualitative and quantitative analysis of movement and action during acquisition of functional skills. Corequisite: BBSR 4060.
BBSR 4700 Student Teaching in Physical education
Student teaching in both elementary and secondary schools for a full semester. Includes a required seminar.
BBSR 4861 Workshop in Motor Learning and Control
Students carry out a case study of skill acquisition in a functional movement task and integrate qualitative and quantitative findings in a final essay, characterizing the learning process.
BBSR 5028 Motor Development Across the Lifespan
Review and analysis of theoretical models and experimental research related to development and performance of motor skills throughout the lifespan.
BBSR 5040 Curriculum Designs in Physical Education
Review of existing curriculum designs, traditional and new. Systematic development of curriculum plans.
BBSR 5041 Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education
An analysis of the decisions and actions of teachers in relation to their role as director of learning. Includes experiences in executing and analyzing teaching skills.
BBSR 5050 Neurophysiology of Motor Control and Electromyography
Review and analysis of theoretical models and experimental research related to development and performance of motor skills throughout the lifespan. Advanced topics dealing with the experimental and clinical use of electromyography. Topics will be integrated with the kinematics of movements being observed. A laboratory project using EMG will be required. Lab fee: $50.
BBSR 5055 Bases of Motor Control Systems
This course will provide a comprehensive overview of theories of motor control, including a historical review of early theories to more contemporary models. The course will emphasize behavioral analysis of movement with implications for how to optimize motor skill attainment in various populations. We will cover the physiological and psychological foundations of motor control, as well as an overview of various activity systems including walking, posture, reaching and speech.
BBSR 5095 Exercise and Health
This course focuses on the role of physical activity and exercise in the primary and secondary prevention of common chronic diseases. A survey of the epidemiologic evidence for health and fitness benefits, and the application of scientific evidence-based guidelines for physical activity, exercise evaluation, prescription, and community interventions will be emphasized.
BBSR 5120 Critical Issues in Physical Culture & Education
This course broadly looks at socio-historical and educational issues of social justice in sports, exercise, fitness, and physical education. It offers a sociological, pedagogical, and critical inquiry into the study of human movement.
BBSR 5151 Introduction to the Analysis of Biomechanical Signals
Introduction to programming with a focus on variables, conditional statements, loops, data visualization, basic algorithm development, and Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Concepts and techniques used in the analysis of biomechanical/biological signals will be applied to kinematic/physiological data (e.g., electromyographic, kinetic, accelerometer, heart rate data, etc.) using MATLAB or other programs. Applications of programming extend to the analysis of all types of quantitative data. Thus, students with data from other sources are welcome to use their own data for course assignments. Interactive lectures and weekly labs are intended for students across disciplines to develop the skills required to use these skills in their own research.
BBSR 5194 Applied Physiology Laboratory II
This course will provide students with the theoretical background and practical laboratory and field-based skills to collect data related to human physiology and performance. This course will help students learn to identify appropriate tests to address specific needs of various participants. The emphasis of the course is on hands-on laboratory experience. Topics include cardiorespiratory fitness, metabolic testing, anaerobic testing, and field tests.
BBSR 5195 Advanced Applied Physiology Laboratory
Prerequisite: BBSR 5194. Introduction of advanced physiologic measurement techniques and concepts. Included are indirect calorimetry, spectrophotometry, vascular volume dynamics, autonomic reflexes, thermoregulation, noninvasive cardiac output, computer data plethysmography, tonometry, acquisition, and post-acquisition analyses. Lab fee: $100.
BBSR 5200 Fieldwork in Movement Science and Education
Permission required. For students taking practical experience in the field. Field placement arrangements under faculty advisement.
BBSR 5251 Fieldwork Seminar in Motor Learning and Motor Control
This seminar aims to provide students discussion-based forum for presenting, problem-solving, and implementing practice issues in Movement Science through individualized case studies from their field practice settings. Students will have the opportunity to apply the theoretical and research-based concepts learned in the core coursework of the Movement Sciences Program. These include, but are not limited to the areas of motor skill acquisition, learning & control, motor development, biomechanical and observational analysis of movement, promotion of physical activity and health, assessment methods, goal-setting, and the development of appropriate movement instruction plans (treatment, training or education plans)to reach those goals.
BBSR 5504 Research Training in Motor Learning
Permission required. A competency-based approach to the preparation of reseachers in the areas of neuromotor control and perceptual-motor processes. Several learning experiences are offered each semester, involving lectures, laboratory practica, seminars and individual research advisement. Students are expected to be conducting research outside of class in partial fulfillment of their degree requirements for at least 2.5 days (20 hours) per week. Students must meet individually with their advisors(s) within the first three weeks of the semester to discuss written goals to be achieved during the semester.
BBSR 5543 Seminar in Physical Education
Examination of current issues in curriculum and teaching in physical education relative to diverse student populations and associations with other disciplines.
BBSR 5582 Research Design in Movement Science and Education
Introduction to research design and methodology in the field of movement sciences. Basic concepts of research design and statistical analysis will be covered. Students learn to critically analyze research articles, conduct a literature review, and develop research skills. The course will cover the basics of quantitative and qualitative research design.
BBSR 6201 Supervision of Educational or Clinical Practice in the Movement Sciences
Permission required. Corequisite: Actual supervisory experience during that semester. For doctoral students in the movement sciences. Field-based experiences in the guidance of therapists or educators engaged in applying the movement sciences to clinical practice.
BBSR 6900 Research and Independent Study in Movement Science and Education
Advanced masters and doctoral students in Movement Sciences or Kinesiology will register for this class while working on their Master's level integrative project or dissertation research. Requires a minimum of 27 hours per week of out-of-classroom work. Instructor's approval required.
BBSR 7500 Dissertation Seminar in Movement Science and Education
Permission required. Candidate develops proposal for doctoral dissertation in consultation with advisor. Seminar convenes only on days when candidates present proposals for approval.
BBSR 8900 Dissertation Advisement in Movement Science and Education
Individual advisement on doctoral dissertations. Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for each term. For requirements, see section in catalog on Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees.