Faculty in Physical Culture & Education
Dr. Laura Azzarito
Dr. Azzarito’s research examines the links among young people’s construction of the body, identity and inequality issues from a pedagogical and sociocultural perspective. Dr. Azzarito is currently conducting visual research projects with young people in urban school physical activity contexts. Her related interests include the theorization and application of visual methods; the examination of the ways in which the intersection of gender/sex, race/ethnicity, (dis)ability and social class discourses in school physical activity informs young people’s construction of the body; visual pedagogies; and curriculum theory. The interdisciplinary nature of her research brings together art education, visual studies, curriculum theory, physical education and physical culture studies. Her research is informed by constructivist, feminist post-structuralist and post-colonial theories.
“Look to the bottom”: Re-writing the Body Curriculum through Storylines (July, 2018)
Invited Keynote Lecture for the Association International des Ecoles Superieures d’Education Physique (AISEP) World Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Azzarito, L. (2018). Re-focusing the image of the “Superwoman” with “no color”: “Writing back to the center” from a globalized view. In K. Toffoletti, H. Thorpe, & J. Francombe-Webb (Eds.), “New Sporting Femininities”. Routledge: London
- Simon, M., & Azzarito, L. (2017). “Singled out because of skin color...”: Exploring ethnic minority female teachers’ embodiment in physical education. Sport, Education and Society, DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2017.1326893
- Azzarito, L. Macdonald, D., L. Dagkas, S., Fisette, J. (2017). Revitalizing the PE social-justice agenda in the global era: Where do we go from here? Quest, 69, 2, 205-219
- Azzarito, L., & Simon, M (2017). Interrogating Whiteness in physical education teacher education: Preparing prospective PE teachers to become educators of culturally relevant pedagogy and social justice. In K. Lux Gaudreault & K. Richards (Eds.), Teacher Socialization. Routledge: London
- Azzarito, L. (2016). “Permission to speak": A Postcolonial view on racialized bodies and PE in the current context of neoliberal globalization. Social Justice Feature. Guest Editor, Special Issue in Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87, 2, 141-150
- Azzarito, L., Simon, M., & Marttinen, R. (2016). “Up against Whiteness”: Rethinking race and the body in a global era. Special issue, The Political is Critical: Explorations of Contemporary Politics of Knowledge in Health and Physical Education. Sport, Education and Society, 22, 5, 635-657
- Azzarito, L. & Macdonald, D. (2016). Unpacking gender/sexuality/race/disability/social class to understand the embodied experiences of young people in contemporary physical culture. In K. Green (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Youth Sport. London: Routledge
- Azzarito, L.. Simon, M., Marttinen, R. (2016). “Stop photo-shopping!” A visual participatory inquiry into students’ responses to a body curriculum. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 35, 54-69.
- Azzarito, L. (2016). Moving in My World: From school PE to community arts exhibitions. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 35, 38-53.
Azzarito, L. (Forthcoming). Social justice in globalized fitness and health: Bodies out of sight. Routledge: London
Dagkas, S., Azzarito, L. & Hylton, K. (Eds.) (Forthcoming). ‘Race,’ Youth sport, physical activity and health: Global perspectives. Routledge: London