Early Childhood Education

Welcome to the Program in Early Childhood Education

Guided by Teachers College's longstanding commitment to inquiry and social justice, we prepare educators to teach and support young children across diverse contexts of preschools, elementary schools, homes, and community centers. Situated in the urban context of New York City, we are committed to equity and inclusion at the intersections of race, gender, class, disability, citizenship, and language. Our program prepares future teachers, policymakers, and educational leaders to actively lead in matters of justice related to curriculum-making, pedagogy, and institutional change. Offering early childhood certification from Birth-Grade 2, we center children's innate capacities to interact with materials, each other, the world, and adults in creative and imaginative ways. Foundational to this idea is understanding childhood from the youngest to the oldest as integral to teaching, learning, and development. Join our network of educational leaders, curriculum designers, teachers, and creatives nationally and internationally.

Choose Your Degree

We offer M.A. degrees in Early Childhood Education leading to birth- 2nd grade certification, as well as Ed.D. degrees in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Policy.

Featured Video

Listen to our students as they discuss their experiences in the Early Childhood Education programs at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Ayesha Rabadi-Raol

Kia Widlow


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