Broughton, John M. (jmb61)

John M. Broughton

Associate Professor of Psychology and Education
Cultural Studies

Office Location:

329C HMann

Office Hours:

Fall 2015: Tuesdays 9 - 10 pm, Wednesdays 9 - 10 pm, and Fridays 4:30 - 5:30 pm (by appointment only)

TC Affiliations:

Educational Background

B.A., M.A., Cambridge University; Ph.D., Harvard University

Scholarly Interests

Trauma/PTSD, Media and popular culture as informal education, Youth cultures and subcultures, Film theory. Gender and transgender, Military technologies.

Selected Publications

Cultural Studies, Education, and Youth (Lexington Press).
Resistance to youth and popular culture (Film, Politics, and Education
Smart weapons and military TV (Technoscience and Cyberculture)
Cultural studies and schools (Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology)
Cultural production (Keywords in Youth Studies)

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