As climate change and environmental issues threaten equity across the world, examining how schools and food systems can incorporate sustainable practices remains critical to our future.
Get involved, find resources and learn more below about how we’re doing that work at Teachers College.
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TC on the Issues
The Center for Sustainable Futures
Find resources for educators, ways to get involved and research on sustainability education.
Youth at the Center
Know a young person who cares about sustainability? This TC program works with young climate activists to empower, support, and amplify their activities.
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Join the TC Take Action Coalition
Join the TC Take Action Coalition to learn about and speak out about sustainability initiatives. Alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends are welcome to join.
Contact Your Representatives
Support sustainability by telling your representatives what you think about the Fossil Free Finance Act through the easy-to-use tool, VoterVoice.
Doctoral student Erika Kessler, Peter T. Coleman and Wendy Greenspun discuss how to understand and manage climate distress in a world reaching levels of polarization not seen in our lifetimes.
TC master's student Noa Urbach examines the past, present, and future of climate activism in higher education institutions. Through interviews with Professor Michael Gerrard and Adjunct Professor Christina Torres, and her own involvement in on-campus climate action, Noa compares climate activism through the three lenses of education, law, and ecology.
What should schools do about climate change? Oren Pizmony-Levy, the director of the Center for Sustainable Futures at Teachers College, Columbia University, breaks down the big debates regarding schools and climate change.
How do we face the climate crisis and not freak out and give up? That’s the question "How's School?" had for Oren Pizmony-Levy, the Director of the Center for Sustainable Futures.